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Hey all.  It's time to put a halt to this poll.  King's Champion is done and off to it's editor, and that means it's time to move on.  In other news, Fate is still in Nad Destroyer's hands, and my work on getting Bhaalson Remodel up on A03 is ongoing.  I tried to use a lot of different fonts and wanted to put the Gamer stuff in boxes - objects - but none of that stuff went through.  Putting them back in as simple lists is tedious, and I really do want to play a bit with different fonts - I KNOW I've seen that kind of thing done in other AO3 fics, I know it is possible.   I will probably take half of tomorrow and Saturday to work on that and getting back into the tactics discussion.  Today though, I want to get a start on the winner of this poll.

Which was.... Climbing Together.  It brought in 2,475 votes, in comparison to 2,269.  And yes, that means I voted for Sword, Bow and Horse, but it didn't matter LOL.  Ah well.  A reminder: I will be voting for Bhaalson Remodel next month, when I run only a single Patron only poll, and will be using the carryover rule as well.  

I have also decided that ATP will return next month.  I will spend a few days this week to rewrite segments of chapter 50 with the changes/suggestions people like Scott pointed out, and then move on to the next chapter. The next chapter, 51, will be the recovery/transition chapter.  Next month I will also put up a vote asking if I should continue this or bring back FILFy instead for a bit.  I have had a dozen PMs on that point.  


Tom smith

Wait which one is climbing together

Tellemicus Sundance

Climbing won? Awesome! Looking forward to it. But what I'm especially excited about is when you finally start finishing up some of the older and/or longer running ones. Maybe then you'll FINALLY get High Seas Heroes started, eh? 😁


Ranma street fighter fatal fury cross over Ranma/Shampo/possibly Mai. Comedy, martial arts action romance