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Okay folks, I realize that I switched which poll was ending when on you this month, but I did tell you all I wasn’t certain how my priorities would come out this month. So now is time for the patron-only poll to end.

In other news, work proceeds apace on ATP. It is about a third of the way done, and I should have it finished by this coming weekend. Stallion of the Line is finished and off to it’s initial editor. I prioritized it after finishing a very drama-sad scene for ATP.  After that and last month I needed me some comedy.

I also want to remind you all that I recently decided to follow up on a idea from one of my patrons: taking the fic that hasn’t been updated in the longest time and carrying over it’s votes from the month previous. I decided to half those votes just to make it a little less certain that the fic this occurs to will win the poll, but I do sincerely hope that it will help make certain all the patron only fics get updated regularly, thus keeping them going.

Another reminder!!! The Winner of the vote will be removed the following month, to be replaced by one of the other stories in the large rotation. If a story comes back, and once more wins it will be removed for two months.

Again, this is all done so that all the patron only and small story fics can be updated more regularly, without me having to use Authorial Fiat. Although the number of fics in the patron poll rotation is larger than the one in the small story rotation.

With all that said, here are the results of the May Patron Only Poll:

In last place, surprisingly, is Climbing Together. It brought in a very poor 789, and was the only one not to break into the thousands.

Sword, Bow and Horse took third place, with 1,078 votes. Since it is the fic that hasn’t been updated in the longest time, that means half these votes will carry over to June (539)

In second place with one of it’s strongest showings yet, is Bhaalson Remodel. It brought in 1,609.

(In other news, I am still fiddling with fonts and styles of the first chapter of this work before posting it on A03. I want to show a lot of different types and other things, and then have people tell me which works best. Kind of like my whole picture experiment.)

And in first place thanks to the rollover votes from last month, is Semblance of Hope. The 331 votes from last month gave it a total of 1,679. Extremely close, which is how I prefer these votes to go.

There you have it folks! Thank you all for voting, and for taking part in the latest Tactical discussion and questions threads. Loving the tactical discussion in particular, and that there seems to be a consensus on not bringing in the original Tier Haribel personality or any Bleach elements. That makes things easier going forward with that character.


Fanfic Lover

We need more BH!! Lol all the BH supporters coming out of hiding to protest when we come second in polls.