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Heyo folks. You all might have noticed this thread isn’t titled as a normal question thread although it does have the questions tag.

This is for several reasons. One, it is just about SW. And second, this is going to be about far broader points than most of my questions tend to be. And finally, it is about tactics, strategy and hardware, which I know are required tastes.

So here we go:

1. I intend for the GDL in MOTF to be based around the general tactical doctrine of capital ships defend, starfighters kill. Harry and co. are in orbit over a planet known for its starfighter designs. This is not a coincidence. What are your thoughts on this?

2. It is shown numerous times in canon that the Jedi can jump out of hyperspace far, far more accurately than any astromech droid or computer. Hell, in one comic a Jedi piloted ship jumped through a planet’s gravity well from one side to another. And Thrawn and Ackbar in canon both used the idea of controlling where your people would come out of hyperspace as a tactical move. I cannot, however, find any evidence that the Jedi or Sith used this skill on a strategic level – by which I mean as a normal part of their combat doctrine. I think that it is time to correct this. Thoughts?

3. Tied into the above, how quickly can a ship jump back into hyperspace after coming out? And I mean a blind jump rather than a set one. Is there a known limit on the technology to, I suppose, spool up to speed would be a way to describe it?

4. Another major point of the strategic battle plan of the GDL will be to target cargo vessels and the rest of the logistics makeup of the Confederacy. This is a very… grey area in terms of morality. I think it is a viable wartime tactic, but it will get a lot of civilians killed, and I am wondering if the majority of the Jedi would have a problem with this, or would they, as Harry and Aayla have, be able to see that it is the lesser of two evils.  Conversely, is the idea of wiping out a system’s defenders, then demanding the locals evacuate the orbitals and so forth before destroying them too nice?

5. I looked up kinetic weapons in warfare in the SW universe and found that they were no longer used once planetary shields were developed. But I don’t see the correlation. Am I missing something?

6. If you were picking out targets for the Tyrant’s Bane and its sister ships, and their secret was out, which Confederacy planet would you target? I am thinking Skako, the planet the head of the Techno Union comes from. It’s a good mix of a logistical hub – the planet is a huge producer of war material, and politically important. Neimoidia has… sentimental value but isn’t as important to the Confederacy's war efforts.

Edit 5/14/2022: 

Given the reaction to my first question above, I have made my own comment below.  To add to that here is a basic Order of Battle for the GDL.  Note that this isn't a finished product. They are still building up.

From biggest to smallest:

SuperDreadnaughts - the Tyrant's series - the Bane and its sister ships.  Truly unstoppable ships when fully completed, they can dominate whole star systems on their own. At present they are the only ones in this class.  That can change as the war goes on, secrets come out and the enemy tries to build ships that can match them in some fashion if not in every area.  

Star dreadnaughts - few in number, mainly from Corellia or Core World Sectors.  An older design but one that is proving its toughness.  Any further ships in this size will not be built due to the amount of time and expense.  Used predominantly at this point as flagships and, well, targets for the enemy by the GDL.

Battleships - the replacement for the star dreadnaughts. Smaller, but with a single job, that of killing other capital ships.  There are plans for them and many are being built already in Dac, but they have yet to enter the war. 

Battlecruisers - mainly the Mon Cal cruisers. Good all-around ships whose toughness is their best aspect. 

Heavy cruisers - again mainly the Mon Cal cruisers (that's what happens when you think of ships as art) along with lots of other local varients, Corellian models, and Rendili-made cruisers. 

Light cruisers - Corellian designs predominantly the Gozanti class.  And once more, lots of local variants and even in-system type craft.

The cruisers are THE mainstay of the GDL fleets at this point.  A large number of their variants are just better than anything the enemy has in one aspect or another.  Enough Mon Cal battlecruisers can fight a Lucrehulk, say a five to one advantage.  They can't kill their enemy quickly, but they can survive a very long time and keep on hitting. 

Destroyer - a ship type that is as muddled as any across the Republic, the GDL has a few specific variants whose worth has been proven.  The newest missile ship design is of this class - get into range, get out, kill any/lots of Vultures who get close.  

Frigates - this is the ship class that the Archer-class was originally.  Built to fight at long range and escape, but the war has proven they are too fragile to really court any kind of long-term engagement.  They can gut enemy capital ships but were every much a hammer in an eggshell type of ship. They will become the subs of the GDL.

Gunboats - the Dornian Braha'tok-class gunship class is the best of its size by a significant margin.  Here is a design that has really shown in the war so far.  Built to fight starfighters and hit above its weight class if forced to, the gunboats are the GDL response to the Vulture swarms of the Confederacy.

Starfighters: the Arrowhead, the Falcon, and of course local varieties and the vulture variant.  The Vultures will start to be spread out soon, mainly to defend systems against cutting out expeditions or to defend against their fellows.  Bombers will be added shortly, along with the ARC 170 starfighter.  With the lighter, cheaper starfighters and the gunboats to blunt the enemy's starfighter swarms, the ARC 170 can be let loose to close and transmit data back to the destroyers so they can fire their proton torpedoes well beyond their own sensor range. 

The GDL has no dedicated troop transport or indeed a large-scale ground-based army. They have what amounts to marine units, but local planets form their own ground-based defense forces.

The GDL fleets are something of a hodgepodge, growing and shrinking as they detach units to missions.  Generally, each defensive fleet consists of 600 plus ships of various types under a Fleet Admiral. The GDL has a lot of smaller ships, not very many in the battleship or above range.  But it has been proven time and again that a larger number of smaller ships can beat their weight class in larger varieties.  


Bryan Brown

1)With the numbers of fighter the CIS fields I am not sure how a fighter offense would get past them except as a counter punch. Let the first wave of droid fighter break on the screening capital ships than launch a counter strike. I would think that fighters and gunboats would be used by the GDL for planetary defense as they would be easier for poorer plants to maintain and crew while the offensive fleets be mainly capital ships with some carriers mixed in as support and missile destroyers being a larger part of their offense than fighters. At least until they had multiple Tyrant class ships. If every fleet includes a Tyrant class that is a game changer. 2) I always got this was a highly effective but extremely difficult tactic to pull off, hence why it was only used by Thrawn, A handful of other admirals who were almost as good as Thrawn, and Jedi Admirals using Battle Meditation. Otherwise you would need a Jedi/Sith Navigator for every ship and they have other things to do. 3)Not sure. As handwavy as Star Wars is about Tech the data might not exist or be consistent. 4)Will it take a lot of lifes? How many people does it take to crew cargo vessels, especially with droid support? I know it take surprising few in real life these days with automation and GPS navigation. Destroying space stations and orbital shipyards would kill a lot more but how often is that going to happen. As for the Jedi caring: on one hand all life is scarred, on the other there is no death. So as long they are not directly involved and it doesn't reach the point of planetary bombardment, I doubt most Jedi would do more than look regretful/uncomfortable whenever it is brought up. 5) Kinetics take up a lot of room and when fired at long range can be dodged or shot down by ships. Add to that having to be flinging asteroids sized Kinetics to break through Planetary shields and I can see them being considered obsolete. 6)Is the GDL goal to win the war for the Republic? Destroying groups inside the CIS with strongest ties to the Sith might be more useful to the GDL than winning the war. Especially if the Republic does not treat the GDL well between now and when they go on offence.


1) At this point, the CIS is not really using their fighters well. Yes, they keep some back, but their starfighters can’t interdict proton torpedoes, and while the Lucrehulks keep a reserve, they are slow to launch them. And the CIS has no gunboats – or didn’t at the start of the war. They are introducing them in the latest few chapters. Up to this point, yes, the GDL has been using fighters and gunboats for planetary defense. But I wasn’t really talking about full on offenses – the idea is to fight like the subs in ww2. Hit the trade routes. A Tyrant class IS a fleet. HEH. 2) It was hard, yes, but Thrawn was not the first person to use it. Ackbar actually used such techniques, and perfected them with capital ships after he fought Thrawn. 4.hmmm, Okay, I looked up the crew of a modern cargo vessel, and it is actually smaller than I expected. Strange, and thus a good point. The grey morality of attacking cargo vessels along the trade routes becomes a little clearer. LOL on the Jedi. Yeah, they do tend to… well act like normal people at moments like that don’t they. As for space stations being destroyed… when the Bane goes on the offensive, hell yes it will be happening a lot. 6.Huh… now, that is a point. In Canon after the war, the Banking Clan, the Trade Federation and the rest of the powerful groups were folded into the government, giving it more direct power and money. Stopping that from happening would be a good idea. As would welding a few of the smaller planets or interplanetary units to the GDL. At present, the Republic is playing nice with the GDL. It kind of has to, as there has been no reason not to beyond the whole ‘it’s illegal to secede’ thing. But eventually, once it becomes clearer that the GDL can stand on its own, can fight off the CIS and has NO INTEREST in rejoining after the war, there’s gonna be issues. The Hypercom network, the various Hyperspace lanes, how muddled the borders are, and two very different government types will make for a lot of fodder for Sidious and his PR people.