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Howdy all. So… it occurred to me that in a few ways, I haven’t taken full advantage of what is available here on Patron. Here we can also share pictures and I can even imbed music videos as I did in one of the Death’s Avenger chapters. I also had a patron ask me about an image of some of the Arc characters. So here they are:

And here are the characters I use for inspiration for the Arcs:

First this is my inspiration for Maggie. Remove the outfit and the morose expression and boom. She’s the bookworm of the family and extremely introverted, but also insanely bright, and cuddly.

(For those wondering, this is from an h-anime from Alicesoft. Ignoring the fact it is really a JAP! wankfest, it actually can be hilarious at times. This gal’s the game’s version of Adolf Hitler… 0_0;). 

Second, my inspiration for Hazel Arc. a combat maniac, this image hales from War on Geminar in the Tenchi universe. Add twenty years and give her black hair, and give her a housewife's outfit, and you have her to the life. For some reason I think the housewife outfit makes it scarier for some reason.

As for Climbing Together, I decided that I will introduce Chun Li at a young age but not have her be a love interest unless a LOT of people say adding a fourth girl makes sense. Instead she will be Ryu’s love interest. And I mean Ryu of Street Fighter, not any other Ryu LOL.  So here she is.

This picture comes from the old anime Street Fighter II V.  She’s going to be eighteen to Ranma and Shampoo’s 16 and they will be meeting in Hong Kong. The same age as Ken and Ryu. I may introduce Sakura – Ryu’s protégé/stalker – but that won’t be for a while.

And Here’s a picture of the version of Mai I’m going to be using. And yes, someone actually asked.

Not as top heavy as she is sometimes portrayed, but still very busty, and very pretty heh. As for her style, typical ninja, plus a whole lot of different weapons styles along with a lot of unarmed combat.

Beyond that, I will eventually posting an image of the Everlasting Resolve in it’s own post. I was working on that back in November with Joseph Kloo but it hasn’t gone beyond version 2 yet. Hopefully it will in February.  If anyone has any characters from my fics they want a picture of the character that I use as the basis for them, I would be willing to post them here too.



Mai most likely not being top-heavy as of yet not having giving birth yet.


Mai may stop using the fire ass attack because of the gas jokes. Young Ryu and Ken from Victory are weaker than the initial Shan-pu as they can't destroy walls like her; Canon Ranma destroyed a couple of mountains and EviRyu an island. the plot of Alpha and victory are completely different but one way to cross them would be: Ryu and Ken after leaving their sensei at 23 instead of separating immediately they take a trip to Hong Kong starting Victory; reversing the ages of Sakura and Chun-li the former could become Ryu's girlfriend and the latter would be a fan of him. Ranma and Shan-pu will almost certainly hang out in Japan for at least a year before leaving the country; Hong Kong is still partially under British control and mandarin is not widely used. Alpha's Chun-li retired young from the police to devote herself to teaching martial arts and take care of her adopted daughter so Ranma may encounter a post Victory Chun-li who is unsure whether to become a policewoman or a xxx martial artist. If Cammy and Chun-li were the same age I would see them well together with and without Ranma.