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Hey all. A day later than expected, but since I ran into a mental roadblock (the need to show Harry and co. planning out the assault into Asgard is harder than it should be) I used almost all of yesterday to write Climbing Together, and am now halfway done it, so there’s that. I will also be updating the Stallion chapter with the new version showing the Sanji battle and lots of other little corrections tonight. Before that however, I wanted to get this poll out there.

With Making Waves off the table until Justlovereadin’ comes back, what should I do with the Patron only poll? The Harry side is covered thanks to work ongoing on ATP, but not the Ranma side, and with the poll not coming back in February (I will be writing the next chapter of Bhaalson Remodel), I thought this was an appropriate time to ask.

I had a number of ideas on this, and here they are:

1. Bring back the idea of voting between four fics, with each fic removed from the poll for a month once it wins, and keep the ratio 2:2?  In that case, I would post new votes on the second fic to be added for both HP and Ranma in February. And as per usual, once a story wins, It would be removed from the rotation for a month or perhaps two.

2. Keep the poll between Three Fics – being Bhaalson Remodel, Semblance of Hope and (RANDOM). In many ways this is the best choice strategically speaking. It would let me finish SoH quickly and move Bhaalson along (hopefully) relatively quickly.  Then too, the Random choices would keep my scatterbrained muses happy, and would let me follow up on some of my story ideas, Climbing Together and King of Champions.

3. Keep the Poll between Three Fics: A Harry Potter fic, Semblance of Hope, and Sword, Bow and Horse. This one would have me bringing Ranma, Sofy, Valentina and the rest back as one of the three choices. It would also let me finish SoH, and would also offset the fact that I will be pushing ATP, thus giving Ranma a leg up in one of the two remaining polls. The HP fic would be randomized, to give HP at least a chance to win, as Bhaalson is obviously not popular enough to win on it’s own.

4. Cut out the idea of a patron only poll, and just post two episode style updates on different stories along with an expanded story idea. This one would probably make 62% of my muses the happiest of the four choices, but would take the ability to have input  out of your hands. Essentially I would post an episode style update to an existing story once a month, the story chosen by whichever story my muse dictates. And on top of that, I would take one concept from my extremely long list of story ideas and write up a teaser chapter.

5. Same as the above but with polls!

a. The patron only poll would remain, but would be for episode-length only fics. I would probably use four stories our to seven for this: Bhaalson Remodel (we will see what people think of how I write Viconia), King of Champions, Death’s Avenger, Semblance of Hope, Sword, Bow and Horse, the Anime Addventure Homage and Heroes of the High Seas. Not GDWHOM. I will put that story back into the small story rotation once FILFy is finished. There aren’t enough good DxD fics to keep my muse running.

b. On top of that there would be another poll, in which I would give four story ideas you all would vote on, and I would do small episode-style concept chapters.

So there you have it folks. The five ideas I am thinking about going forward while Making Waves is placed on hiatus. Vote, tell me what you think, and be on the lookout for the revamped Stallion of the Line chapter later tonight.



Seems like I'm not the only one who prefers when you follow your muse and what you wish to do the most currently :) I honestly would be okay, even if you were forced to write less, if it would mean having enough time for the rest of your stories ;)


I'd suggest: At least one of each Ranma and Harry Potter each month, with you choosing which options for each. I don't care if there is a patreon only poll or not, or if they are short or long, for instance, you could do a choice between long chapter stories for the HP one month and the Ranma stories choice that month might be between short chapter ones. You might sometimes not offer us a choice for one of them in order to try out a new story idea, for instance, if you are doing a new story idea for Ranma during a month, you'd only give us a poll for Harry Potter. Besides the one each, if you are feeling up to it, you could also offer additional poll slots during the month that could be chosen from either HP or Ranma or a mix of the two, although I'd prefer that if there are 3 fics in a month, that at least one of them be one of the Star Wars ones, preferably whichever one hasn't gotten a chapter most recently, Horse or Magic, or that your third slot be your 'creative' slot where you do what your muse tells you to do without running a poll. I most want to read your two Star Wars stories, Horse (Ranma) and Magic (Harry Potter), but that is just me.