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Hey guys and gals, sorry this is out so late, I lost Friday- Sunday due to RL issues. And… let’s face it, everyone and their mother should have been able to tell who won this round. Wah…

I find it hilarious BTW that people seemingly don’t want me to go into My Hero Academia were happy to see a one-shot HP crossover I won’t be coming to until at least two other HP fics are done…

Accidentally Plus Ultra came in last, with 684.

Heroes of the High Seas came in third at 695.

A close second place was taken by Horse for the Force, with 1867. My Ranma fans stepped forward obviously, and nearly pulled it out.

Which of course means that RWBY/HP crossover concept, King of Champions, won 1st place, with 1,948.

Now, I suppose I could have put my votes down in this poll and tipped it the Ranma way and considering how I decided ATP would be updated this month, maybe I should have. But I didn’t because I didn’t warn you all that was a possibility, and I always try to do that if it is indeed the case. Moreover, Horse will be back next month, and I already warned I would be voting for it then anyway.

This does mean though that I will be dealing with a four vs one HP vs Ranma month. That is… annoying. I may have to do something about that. Maybe making the Ranma winner larger or something else. We will see what my time is like going forward… (God I wish I had a mustache to twirl while making plans, mWaaahaha…cough, cough.).

In other news, Death Avenger’s next episode was sent out to Tomon. We will see what it looks like when he gets it back to me. I have also started on A Third Path to the Future and am around 12,000 words in thanks to today and what I wrote for this chapter months back LOL.

I will be bringing an end to the polls that have to do with the future sometime this coming weekend, which is when I will end the Ranma only poll and hopefully start work on King of Champions. That is going to be interesting LOL. Er, I don’t suppose someone with RWBY knowledge and maybe some knowledge of my ‘OCs’ could volunteer by then to look it over when I’m done?

Until then, Stay warm, or cold or whatever and a happy belated Chanukah for those who celebrate it!


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