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So, Novus pointed out that I was stacking the deck against Magic in the Future of Magic poll.  So I decided to redo this question and enlarge it since I was making a few assumptions with the first

Which HP story should I put on hold so I can concentrate on the others?

FILFy Teacher - good god was the last chapter controversial.  I knew it would be, but I wouldn't mind a break from this work for a bit.

Magic of the Force - Once more, of the three stories whose chapter-length I have a tough time controlling this one is the one that is nowhere near completion.

Death's Avenger - I am concerned about the amount of worldbuilding and time this could take in the future. So putting it on hold now could be a good idea until one of my other stories is done, HP or Ranma.

A Third Path to the Future - I felt that this story was still the one I have out there with the most draw, but perhaps I'm wrong.

You will also note that Bhaalson Remodel is not on here.  The reason behind that is simple: Viconia.  I want to write out the next chapter of this work, see what people think of her, see how well I can bring her alive before putting Remodel up for possible on-hold status.  That means Bhaalson Remodel will keep on being part of three three-story patron-only poll until that point at the very least.  at that point, perhaps I will replace it with one of the other HP fics.   That could honestly be the way forward, but if so, it will again be voted on.



I like the way this ways the options with HP stories.


As much as i love Filfy and what you did in it ( yes especially what happened lately ) i'll vote for it in order to support Death's Avenger given how starved i am from HPxWoW fics though i'm not a fan of where the votes are going already T-T


Sorry. It will come back eventually though. Like I said I want to see how I can write Viconia. .If my Slightly Sadistic/Very Masochistic/ Very standoffish/yet sexual and flirtasious character doesn't seem up to snuff...