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As mentioned last night, here is the poll for the present to my muses and to my patrons both.  To reiterate: beyond Chapter 2 of heroes (prologue, chapter one, and thus chapter two) these would be one-shots and would stay that way until one of my current long-term stories is finished.  

The choices are:

1. Heroes of the High Seas - My Hero Academia/One Piece crossover: A stock is taken as our heroes (and two support personnel) realize they are all alone on a very big ocean.  Meanwhile, the big brains try to figure out what happened, only to realize how hopeless their situation is.  Momo and Izuku work overtime to keep spirits up until land is spotted.  A few days spent exploring, talking and planning pass before they put to sea once more, hoping to discover they aren't the only humans on this planet.  They learn this in the form of two thieves and a pirate ship, aided by long-range artillery from an island with a giant clock.  Deciding to step in as heroes should, the Hero Crew deal with the Trump Pirates, meet the locals, reunite a kid with his family for a short time, and deliver some amazing one-liners before they start to learn about the world at large.  With the general tech level and the scope of the problem getting home, a vote is taken, and a decision to be heroes in this world is reached before work begins on building a more permanent ship.

Remember to check back at the patron-only works so far thread for a refresher!

2. : Accidentally Plus Ultra -Ranma/My Hero Academia: While in China, Ranma and Genma discover a battle between All Might, a famous hero who even the two wandering martial artists have heard of against two villains, who appear to be beating him, a burning plane in the distance.  Ranma being a martial artist rushes into battle, and does what he can to make an ass of himself, giving All Might an opening.  Later, Ranma eats a hair that he shouldn't have in a soup he shouldn't have stolen and learns over the next few days that his latest training has had a major impact.  All Might meanwhile, learns he is weakening badly, and All For One heals and plans in the darkness, while Ranma and Genma make their way back to Japan, where Genma pushes Ranma into his plan with the Tendos, who are somewhat different than canon, while Ranma wonders about what he should do with his newfound power and his future both.

3. : King of Champions - Harry Potter/RWBY crossover: An introspective and very bleeding depressed Harry stands in front of the Veil, wondering about his life, Sirius and walking through said Veil when something else comes through instead.  A conversation occurs, and Harry agrees to a new life elsewhere. In this world he discovers the one thing he always wanted, a family, becoming Hadrian Arc. The number of sisters is somewhat offputting and takes many years to get used to but through trial and error Harry and his sisters become close, Harry learns about Aura and runs into a problem therein.  Years pass, and troubles of a Grimm nature arise, reminding Harry of his mission here, only to have the problem nearly run over him if not for the sudden arrival of help in the form of a sister and a champion.  An Aura is unlocked and magic rediscovered to much cackling and Grimm deaths, before Harry makes his first friend who isn't a sister, and then decides he wants to be a Hunter...

4. Horse for the Force – SW/Ranma crossover: While Wayland is further reinforced and progress continues to be made breaking the various computers within the mountain, Shaak and Ranma decide to take several of the Blades crew and their two padawans out on a family excursion to the planet’s equator. At Keala’s instigation, she and the other three youngsters try to establish a pecking order, with somewhat astonishing results, and Ranma and Shaak have a bit of husband and wife time in an oddly idyllic area with Janice giving them the time by working all the others into the ground (and threatening them with HK). Elsewhere, Thrawn and Master Fay make contact with the High Council, and Thrawn officially becomes the Jedi’s Fleet Admiral, taking control of some of the allied forces, correctly discerning where a CIS fleet is about to attack and countering it. At the same time, back on Wayland, Master Vos and Obi-Wan talk, before Master Saa comes by. A betrayal most foul occurs as Jedi die to one of their own, and Vos attempts to complete his mission…

Huh.  Not certain If I like the summaries I made for the first chapters here. That was oddly difficult.

Anyway, this poll will end on the 4th of December.  Ready, FIGHT!


Christian Jeffress

Out of curiosity, do you have a transforming weapon in mind for Harry? And I like Ruby, Blake, and/or Pyrrha as a paring, just my two cents.


My suggestion for chapter one of KoC: Harry reads a story called Accidentally Plus Ultra