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Hey guys and girls, Vimesenthusiast here, with a bit of a surprise. You see, more than a week back, a reader of mine who has run into RL financial difficulties contacted me, asking me for my take on a challenge. Since he wasn’t asking for a full teaser chapter, and he recommended a few fics when I needed something to exercise to, I decided, why not.

I hadn’t heard about either the challenge or the Kuroinu universe and because the patron recommended me a few fics (I recommend them too, primarily Star Spangled Man with a Plan, a Captain America/Kuroinu crossover) I read those and a few others which were also interesting.

… I freely admit that if I had looked at the original first, I probably would have bitch-slapped the man verbally. For those who don’t know (I hope most of you don’t) the original Kuroinu is a hentai anime.

Now, there are a few hentai animes out there which can be fun to make crossovers with. La Blue Girl, for instance, has been crossed over with Ranma a few times, and they’ve actually been pretty funny and amusing. (Neko-ken maddened Ranma acting liki Pipi Le pew as he chases female cat demons LOL). You do need to take them with a grain of salt, and La Blue Girl never took itself seriously, which makes it easy to make a comedy out of it.

However, Kuroinu is… let us call it as it is it is the worst kind of wank fast that Japan does so often. the kind where the creators believe that if you Rape a woman often enough, regardless of anything else she will come to enjoy it so long as you have a big enough dick or enough people even if you kill her entire family in front of her then do the same to everyone she knows. That’s basically it. Former mercs turn on their admittedly incompetent former employers, then proceed to create a country based on mass gang-raping and murder. And since that kind of shit happened and continues to happen in real life I don’t have as much understanding for the author’s 'artistic license' as I do more comedically inclined h-animes.

I’m not going to go into details about the so-called plot, suffice it to say that is practically nonexistent, but… it had some possible points of interest. And amazingly, the fanfictions I found first were actually pretty good, astonishingly so given the starting point, and as I said, I read through several of them before going in search of the original.

By that point I had already written up an outline as a break from FILFy Teacher, and so I decided to continue it.

Realize that this is more a gift to you all rather than something I am ever going to dream of continuing, unless it gets a bleep-ton of support, in which case, well, you’re all perverts, which isn’t exactly new information, LOL.

I was quite pleased by the way that most of the fanfiction based in this world, and nearly all of the crossovers, start off with the idea of screwing over vault, and the Kuroinu. I.e., the aforementioned gang-r*pist mass murdering scum of the earth. Seriously, these assholes would have fit right in with Tilly’s mercs in Magdeburg during the Thirty Years War (didn’t know the Pope actually congratulated the fuckers, who knew? Glad I ain’t Catholic), or the Japs in WW2 in Nanking.

so, I would recommend a few of these stories, so long as you don’t mind a little bit of hentai with your fanfiction:

Eostia Harem Quest: Lots of lemony bits, Gamer fic, but well-written and being updated.

Eagle Savior – Assassain’s Creed x Kuroinu crossover. Fun to have a sauve, charismatic main character who can also kick ass at need.

Kuroinu -Rise of the Guardian. Pretty interesting take on the old ancient empire left behind toys concept.

There are a few others, but these are the most unique and ergo best.

And here are two separate outlines for my ‘Fuck the Kuroinu’ project. Neither is HP. For Harry, this crossover wouldn’t give me anything I won’t get in continuing my WoW/HP crossover except a greater hentai bent.

Idea 1: Do not meddle in the Affairs of Goddesses…

“What are we doin’ this for, Pop?” Ranma grumbled, even as he followed his old man through the dark of the night, climbing up the sheer cliff face directly below the temple they had been spending the time at the last few days.

“Quiet boy, they’ll hear you.”

“So we’re stealing something again?” Ranma asked, rolling his eyes. “What is it this time?”

“Shh… we’re here for the same reason we came here in the first place.”

At 12 years old, Ranma had begun to realize that not everything his father did was, well, honorable, whatever the older Saotome might have said, and this didn’t seem to be an honorable thing. “Er, you know what, that doesn’t tell me anything, you didn’t explain why we were here in the first place.”

“I said Quiet boy,” his father said again, pulling away from the cliff face to glare down at Ranma. “We’re doing this for you.”

Ranma blinked, frowning for me, “For me? What do ya mean?” ntoskrnl.exe

“I came here to find a way to solve a certain issue that you’ve been running into,” Genma grunted, continuing to pull himself upward as he spoke, leaving his son behind.

“You mean how I’m outgrowing my clothing,” Ranma quipped, then added, “Again.”

His father didn’t reply, instead continuing on his way up the cliff thought, and after a second of hissing “Pops!” after him, Ranma followed. I swear if he makes a single move to anything that isn’t a martial arts scroll, I, I’m, well, I’ll do something, he thought, scowling.

What to do in that case truly eluded Ranma, after all, his father was well his father, and if Ranma didn’t follow him around, he’d be forced to stay at one of the places they stayed in or go his own way. The idea of staying in one place is kind of boring. Most the time when his father was ready to move on, Ranma was too, having learned everything the locals were willing to teach them. but going on his own? Ranma would never admit it since he knew a martial artist shouldn’t feel fear, but even so, the idea of being on his own scared him.

Above, Genma a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. The boy’s becoming a little too independent lately, humph, his puberty… issues… aren’t the only thing I have to nip in the bud. Just the most important, damn it. I caught him checking out two of the local girls the other day, and it’s been weeks since he had a night without producing a stiffy .Still, this place has what I’m searching for, even if the monks refused to let me use it on Ranma without supervision.

The temple was called the Temple of the True Mind and was a sect of Hinduism that was even more about austerity and cleansing the body of worldly desires than most Buddhists. They were devoted to some goddess or other who had found true power through forsaking bodily pleasures. There was even a whole spiel about how the Goddess in question became more beautiful and powerful because of doing so, and only in forsaking pleasures of the body could one truly come to understand the soul.

More importantly to Genma, though was the fact the temple possessed a certain scroll that Genma had heard about, which denoted several pressure points. They could be used for… well, a lot of things really. Rumors were one thing, but Genma had asked questions the two Saotomes had arrived and learned that the scrolls did exist. But they could never be used on anyone who wasn’t part of the order, a willing part. That’s probably why their sect is so small he reflected, as he finally reached the top, finding himself standing on the tiny, tiny ledge before the outer wall of the temple.

He looked down, waiting to see if his son needed encouragement, but had to nod in grudging approval as the youngster was making his way up the cliff face very quickly, being only a single body length behind Genma. Genma smiled to himself in the dark, knowing it would go unseen. In many ways, Ranma was already shaping up precisely the way Genma wanted him to be. He soaked up martial arts training like a sponge and was physically tougher and stronger than even Genma at his age. So much for going soft on him, bah! His mother would have ruined the boy! No matter how hard I push, he just comes back for more! Pity about the Cat Fist, but even there, the boy showed a certain resilience. The manual said his mind should’ve been broken if the training didn’t take, but instead, he created his own version of it. A berserk version to be sure, but still.

When Ranma arrived, his father greeted him in his normal fashion. “You’re getting slow boy, slow as a girl!”

“Shove it up your ass Pops, pops,” Ranma retorted, smirking up at the older Saotome, knowing that he wasn’t serious this time. “I’ll wager ya couldn’t have gotten up that slope as fast as I just did when you were my age. And what’s up with girls being weak anyway? You do know some girls are pretty darn tough?” Ranma’s face the way for a moment, and he tugged at his nose sheepishly. “And um, I kinda like look at a few of the girls in town, ta be honest.”

“Enough of that boy,” Genma growled, grabbing Ranma by the shoulder more determined than ever now to find that scroll and use those pressure points this very night if he could. “We’ll speak about girls more once we’re away from here. You need to concentrate on the martial arts, that’s all that’s important.” He added, seeing the mulish expression on his son’s face.

At that, Ranma relaxed a little, and nodded, gesturing his Pops to start moving. Yet even as he did, Ranma watched his Pops like a hawk. Scrolls only he repeated to himself. Scrolls only. Martial arts training is like, like water from a town well, it should be free for anyone who can take it. But no gold or jewels or anything like that.

The two of them made it into the temple without a hitch, and Ranma once again stopped, looking at the main statue. Damn she ugly he thought, shaking his head. I mean, the other statue, the one they have on the second floor’s pretty enough, but this one… and they’re supposed to be the same goddess? Weird.

Genma had the same thought, and added the thought of and if I looked like her, I probably wouldn’t want to convince others to give up worldly pleasures too.

But while Genma was somewhat disturbed by the look of the statue, Ranma was fighting off an uneasy feeling of being watched. He slowed down, looking io shadows, but couldn’t find anyone there. Maybe I’m just more worried about this whole thing than I thought?

Soon, they were in the temple’s basement, moving into a large room where dozens of scrolls about the size of Ranma’s leg were placed in separate cubby holes. “Okay Pops, which of these is the one we want?”

Genma just shook his head, and moved to one side, manipulating a few stones set to one side of the entrance. There was a click, and Genma smirked. Heh, let’s hear it for moonshine. Nothing like it for loosening tongues. He pushed at a bookcase, and it swung inward, revealing a hidden room.

Inside, was another statue, this time the same one the monks had on the second floor. But unlike that statue or the one in the main hall, both of which were simple stone, this one depicted both the ugly form of the goddess and the good-looking form of the goddess merged into one. More importantly to Genma, it was made of gold, silver and a few gems for eyes. Jackpot!

And at the base of the statue was a wooden stand in which the scrolls Genma was here for were. Seeing them, Genma hastened towards them, but he also eyed the status avariciously. I wonder how many bottles of sake I could get for just one of those eyes. It’s a waste to have such pretty things down here where only the monks can see them anyway.

As he followed his father into the room, Ranma paused, his hackles rising as he whirled around, staring everywhere. Gods it really feels like we’re being watched, but there’s no one here. This is getting freaky.

But in his concerns on that score, Ranma had taken his eyes off Genma, a fact he realized as he finished surveying one of the shadowed corners of the room. He turned back rapidly and was unsurprised to see his old man working loose one of the eyes on the idol. “Pops don’t you dare, you said we were only here for the scrolls!”

“Quiet boy. We need the funds anyway, or do you want to go back to dining and dashing hmm?” Genma snorted.

But as the stone came free, there was a rumble underneath them, and the feeling of being watched quadrupled. So much so even Genma felt it and paused whirling towards the door jus as a voice spoke from the idol. “Thieves!” The voice shouted. “Thieves, you would take from this sacred place, be gone!”

“Wait, where is that…” Genma began, only to be interrupted as some kind of energy blasted out from the idol, slamming into Genma and Ranma both.

For Genma, he found his body suddenly frozen, then his world going dark. The next instant Genma opened his mind to find himself in the air several miles above what looked like a snow-capped mountain. “Well… fuck…” he muttered before he began to fall. “Aerial style, don’t fail me now!”

But Ranma’s journey was even stranger. For him, there was no sense of his body freezing up, just everything about him suddenly shifting away. The world turned black and white on him, up became down, yellow became strawberry as his senses became overloaded with whatever was being done to him.

As it did, a female voice whispered into his mind.  The child of a thief is often drawn to such a life. Instead, go, where perhaps your skills might do some good.”

As the weird feeling of ‘your brain is out of order, please install a new one’ faded, Ranma found himself in an entirely new place. Gone were the wood-lined walls of the temple’s basement and the freaky statue. Instead, he looks to be in some kind of hall, large, made of stone, with expensive-looking tapestries on the wall, tapestries which showed scenes of forests and things like European dragons or gryphons and other things of that nature.

He heard a voice, a female voice, but not the same voice as that of the supposed Goddess who had sent him here, coming from one side. After all, it was obviously a real voice and not in his head.

Ranma turned toward the voice, seeing a woman standing there. She was definitely a woman, more of a woman than Ranma had ever seen or dreamed before. Skin the color of milk chocolate, long legs, their thighs on display due to a pair of long boots being paired with a bikini bottom of all things. A firm stomach, which was mostly on display thanks to what she was wearing, some kind of purple dress/bathing suit thing, whose main job seemed to both cover the most important bits and to not a bit more than that. Some kind of odd tattoo was there, standing out against her skin, black on light brown. Above that, two breasts the size of Ranma’s head was covered by two more bits of purple bathing suit/whatever kind of clothing.

The face of the woman too was gorgeous, a small, firm looking mouth, high cheekbones and lively looking golden eyes, which had narrowed in anger as they stared at Ranma. Oh, and she also had long ears, like the kind Ranma had once seen on the cover of a computer game the son of a dojo he was staying at was playing.

For a split second Ranma took in the sight before him, then the reality of what he was seeing registered and he snapped his head to the side, his face flushed as he brought one hand up to cover his eyes, blubbering, “S, sorry! I don’t that is I…” he bowed deeply. “I’m so sorry miss!”

For her part, Olga, Queen of the Dark Elves and Garan castle, found herself somewhat nonplussed, her fury slowly draining away as she saw how panicky the young boy was. When the boy had first appeared, she had assumed he was some kind of scout sent ahead of her castle’s attackers, the infamous Black Dogs

Then, the young boy, and it was only when Olga took in his face that she realized he was so young, had blushed brightly turned away so hard she though his neck had snapped. And now he was bowing towards her in apology. And is that Imperial he’s speaking? Odd. Olga knew the language but hadn’t had much experience with the spoken form.

And he is apologizing for just appearing she thought. Hmm, something unusual is going on here. She took a moment to study him more closely, tapping the head of her staff thoughtfully. Young definitely, even younger than I thought, although considering how well-formed he is I suppose my lapse can be excused. Fit, extremely so, I’ve never seen a youth have such defined muscles, though why in the world he’s wearing clothing so small and yet so formfitting I don’t know. Blue eyes, I think, he turned away so quickly I couldn’t tell.

“Boy,” she asked, some of the tension of the moment leaving her.

Ranma looked up, then looked away, blushing even brighter, shaking his head again. “S, sorry!”

“Boy,” Olga said again, this time in Imperial, a faint smile appearing on her lips. His reactions are so innocent, they almost remind me of Cloe when I first took her in. That amused her.

“Y, you speak my language?” Ranma asked, still looking away.

“A bit,” Olga admitted. “Where did you come from?”

“I, I don’t know, I…”

“And why aren’t you looking at me?” Olga interrupted him, frowning now. She watched as he looked at her again, only to blush a color more like that of fresh blood than flesh, as he turned away again, this time turning his entire body away. Oh, he’s still embarrassed. This is quite fun, even if he is a human he seems an innocent, and he’s actually kind of cute too.

“It, it’s embarrassing,” he muttered, staring at the far wall. “I’ve never…” He stumbled to a halt, still looking away.

“You’ve never seen a dark elf?” The term ‘dark elf; was spoken in her normal language, Imperial not having its own word for that for the her race.

But Ranma didn’t respond to it, still looking away, although Olga could see he was now looking at her out of the corner of his eye. “Never seen someone so pretty before,” he mumbled his eyes now locked on her as if mesmerized despite his face still being turned away.

Olga laughed, a true honest laugh for just a moment, and then, both she and Ranma were startled as something hard slammed into the door.

She looked at it, then back to the boy, but by the time she did, the boy was gone, and Olga blinked in surprise. Olga was about to look around for him, when the door groaned with another powerful blow and the fact that her castle was being invaded came back to her. She set aside the boy, the mystery of where she had come from or the amusement she had taken in his innocent reactions to her, and stood from her throne, firmly, holding her staff forward, magic power crackling around it for a moment. But Olga frowned, shaking her head as a wave of weariness hit her. What is that, it’s almost like something has been draining my magic. But what?

The door crashed open, and Olga’s eyes narrowed. Two ogres stood on the other side, dropping a large tree trunk to the ground as they entered, moving to either side while the mercenary unit the Black Dogs followed them in, lead by Vult. A massive man, he stood as tall as an orc, wielding a blade as large as an ogre’s leg.

“So I was betrayed by a few Aberrants. Well, I suppose that one should never be to startled when a wild animal turns on you.”

“Brave words from a bitch who’s cornered with nowhere to go,” Vult moved forward, grinning darkly at Olga, looking her up and down, licking his lips.

“You think me cornered?” The goddess laughed, the staff in her hand crackling with magical power. A spell lashed out from her, cutting both ogres into ribbons, but it should have slaughtered the whole front rank of the invaders. And after, Olga felt the strain of the spell far more than she should have. If this battle goes on for too long, the enemy might well overcome me. I have to finish it quickly!

“Hold witch, or else the girl gets it,” Vult shouted as he ducked behind a shield he had grabbed from one of his men.

Olga paused in her assault, and four orcs, another race of Aberrants dragged her assistant and bodyguard Cloe into the room. “Cloe!”

Her aide was tossed down, her arms shackled behind her, her face already showing a large bruise. “My lady, I’m sorry, they overwhelmed me! The orcs, they attacked…”

“That’s right,” one of the orcs said, larger and tougher looking than his fellows, smirking at the former Queen. “You’re weak! You promised us women, the conquest of the South, and all you have been doing is simply letting us through your territory, never letting us take from your own!”

Olga lashed out with another spell, but this one was blocked, and an instant later, it was all Olga could do to not reel in exhaustion. Wh, what the hell… they’re draining my magic somehow. I, Cloe, I can’t…”

As her fireball dissipated, Vult came out from behind his shield, smirking. “So here’s the deal Queenie. You surrender, and you and your companion here get locked up, if you don’t, something nasty’s going to happen to her.”

“Don’t listen to them, Olga-sama!” Cloe shouted, but then she screamed as one of the orcs tore off her chest armor, and began to roughly fondle one of her breasts.

Another two lifted Cloe up by her thighs, spreading them apart. “Why wait! I’ve been wanting to taste this one for…”

That was as far as she God before Ranma, who had been clinging to the ceiling up to this point, decided to intervene. Young as he was, and naïve in the way of girls as he was, Ranma knew what he was seeing here. Ranma and his father had been to many seedy part of town in Japanese cities and beyond. Heck, one time Genma had stepped in to stop something like this from happening, so Ranma knew precisely what was going on here. First take out the leader guy, the one who’s talking big, then the orcs. Damn but it really is beginning to look like I got transported into a game world or something. Now let’s see if I can get into position right above him…

Vult smirked, wiggling his hips, his arousal visible as a tent in his pants, the idea of raping the dark elves prominent in his mind, among his plans for the future. Soon, soon my Cunt-try will become a reality and….

All thought suddenly left Vult as a battering ram of force crashed into his dick, lifting him a foot off his feet. They might not be ruptured, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to be using his waist or anything connected to it for a while. “GAAAaaaaaaaaaah!!” Vult screamed in pure agony, dropping his sword and grabbing at himself, as the rest of the black dogs stared or shrieked in shock.

“Wh, what the hell!?”


“Oh my god, he’s ruined boys, ruined!”

“Where the hell, what the fuck is a kid doing here!?”

But Ranma, who had dropped from the ceiling right behind the big leader guy, didn’t give them any opportunity to recover.

The two orcs holding the younger looking dark skinned elf found themselves choking, little fists having hammered into their throats, and then Ranma tossed himself through the air, towards the back of the mob where he saw several men with staffs and no swords or any other kind of weapon to speak of. He hadn’t played many games, but Ranma had talked to a lot of people did. And one thing had always been pointed out to him. When in a fight, kill the healer or the mage first.

This Ranma did now, downing two of the mages before the Black Dogs recovered. But recover they did, forcing Ranma to dodge as sword and spear blows came toward him. Whatever surprise he might have had first, these men were veterans, survivors, and they had just seen their leader go down. Several of them began to drag Vult away, and the others turned on Ranma in an almost controlled movement, with one of them shouting orders, forgetting the two women for a moment.

Ranma lashed out all around him, ducking and dodging, bouncing and weaving, using his small frame to his best advantage. It wasn’t working quite as well as he had hoped, way too many of the strikes were coming way too close for comfort considering they were real weapons and all. But his aerial style at least seems to be screwing with their heads, and Ranma kept in the air, thankful that there weren’t any archers with this group. If they could pin me in place and just fire arrows at me, I’d be screwed! As fast and as strong as he was, Ranma wasn’t immune to arrows or steel.

Surveying the carnage, Olga watched in shock as Cloe used a sword that had been embedded in the ground next to her, flung there by a kick from Ranma, to undo the bonds on her hands and feet. Cloe then stood up, her sword in hand as she charged forwards, stabbing one of the orcs in the back.

She was nearly laid out by a blow from another work as he turned and shouted, “The dark elf bitch is free!”

But Olga couldn’t watch her aides assault, instead, she was searching, having taken the time to cast a spell of mage-sight over her eyes, slumping back into her throne at the magical cost. It has to be there it had to… there! “Boy!” she shouted in Imperial, and then pointed her staff at one particular mage, a mage who had been by Vult’s side earlier. “Him! He has a jewel on him. Destroy it!!!”

While quite learned in the ways of magic, Ken, the chief mage of the Black Dogs, did not have have any knowledge about languages. He had fallen, preparing a spell to blast the strange human boy who was attacking them so wildly that dust, but he hadn’t retreated with Vult just yet.

This proved to be a mistake.

Ranma was now dealing with several small shallow cuts, and was beginning to be a little panicky, thinking he might have just possibly, sort of bitten off more than he could chew. But at Olga’s command, he looked towards the mage in question, then, bouncing off one spear thrust and feeling another graze his shoulder, Ranma hurled himself through the air to crash into the mage.

The move lacked the grace most of his midair moves had, but still bore the spectacle-wearing man to the earth. The spell he’d been preparing flashed up over their heads, crashing up into the ceiling, causing stone and brick to fall. Ranma grunted at the impact of one, but still grabbed the mage’s head in both hands, slamming hi down into the ground, with enough force to knock him completely out.

He then had a split second to rifle through his clothing, something his Pops had told him about, and grabbing up the thing inside. It was a jewel, one as large as an adult man’s hands pressed together black as night with a purple edge to the center.

The man who had been shouting orders with Vult out of action shouted “NO!!” But too late.

Between one second and the next, Ranma smashed the crystal down onto the ground with all his might, and Hicks, one of the three main brains of the Black Dogs, watched in dismay. Right up a knife which Cloe had grabbed from another Black Dog, stabbed into his lower back. Then he was too busy screaming in pain to care about the future.

Power flowed through Olga again, and she pushed to her feet as she began to send a low-powered lightning spell into the mass of Black Dogs. She chose lightning for very good reason. As clumped together as they were, the lightning would travel from one bit of metal to another, shocking or disorienting or simply instead of just killing.

From his place within the mages, Ranma was generally secure from it, and watched as Olga dealt with the others. Soon they were in full retreat, shouting for reinforcements, and nearly trampling Ranma in their haste to get away from the vengeful Queen.

Gathering what remained of his strength, Ranma tried to leap upwards to try and grab onto the ceiling, but his muscles failed him. He would have fallen if not for Olga spotting his distress. Halting her attacks for a moment, she used a Levitate spell on Ranma, lifting him up and over the mass of Black Dogs even as a few of them tried to attack him.

the next moment, he was flying backward into the throne room, and as he landed, Olga shouted, “Cloe, the doors!”

Cloe made to obey, then paused, pointing one of her purloined swords towards where Ranma was only just now slowly pushing to his feet. “What about this one lady, should I kill him?”

Ranma growled, hurting and exhausted, but still game. “I just saved your ass, and I might not know your language, but pointing a sword at me has got to be some kind of threat, right?”

She glared up at him, but did nothing, waiting for her Queen’s word.

A word that didn’t come. Instead, she finished what she was doing and moved over towards them, coming up from behind Ranma. Before he knew what was happening two soft arms were lifting him off the floor and the back of his head was pressed into the softest thing he had ever felt. “Not at all Cloe. Not at all. Human he might be, but this young boy just saved us both from a horrible fate.”

Ranma blushed in such a manner as to put all his previous blushes to shame, and his arms waved wildly, but he all his strength had left him, and it was all he could do not to pass out, a certain part of his body acting up as Olga hugged him all the tighter. Ranma turned his head to look up at her, but this proved to be a mistake, as it simply meant his face was now pressed into the side of her breasts, and his eyes widened in shock as Cloe leaned down with a sensual smile as she kissing him lightly on the lips.

that was all it took. Ranma fainted dead away in Olga’s arms.

Cloe glared, but even she, who prided herself on hating all things human, couldn’t really bring forward much anger at how her Lady was treating the boy. it was true his intervention had saved them after all. ”My lady, where did he come from, and what is he? He can’t just be the human youth he looks like, not given how he fought.”

“I don’t know where he came from,” Olga chortled, shaking her head as she moved over towards the tunnel whose entrance she had opened a moment ago, carrying Ranma still nestled against her breasts. “A godsend I think, wherever he came from. But come. We still can’t fight the Black Dogs. Even with their leaders taken out for now, there’s too many of them, and then there are the orcs to consider too. Those orcs with them were just warriors, no chance they were doing this on their own. No, at least one of the larger clans are behind this betrayal.”

As she entered the tunnel, Olga shook her head. “Besides, while at least half of my magic as returned, it’s not going to be sufficient enough now that they are actually within the fortress.”

Cloe nodded, following her into the tunnel then lighting a torch before pressing on a stone as Olga directed her. “Where do we go then, Olga-sama?”

“I don’t know yet. Away from here.”

“And, and the boy?” Cloe asked, hesitating to close the entrance behind them as she glared at where Olga still carried the bloody, beaten youth. He’s getting his dirty blood all over Olga-sama! Savior or not I won’t allow that!

“What kind of woman would I be if I left our savior behind?” Olga chortled. She looked down at Ranma with interest, and not just because of the speed and strength he’d shown. I have no idea where you came from, my young friend, but I think you are going to shake this world to it’s core. And I mean to keep you by my side as you do it.

{Erm, so yeah, my muse decided to roll with this idea a bit more than I expected. Bah, sleep is for the weak anyway!!!}

Things this fiction will contain:

1. Lost in Translation. IN a lot of my fics I tend to both acknowledge this point, and then get past it quickly. Here, I think it would be funny if Olga would be willing to translate for Ranma but unwilling to use magic to help him learn the local language. And unlike in most of my fics, this Ranma won’t have a gift for languages which honestly isn’t canon anyway. So there will be a lot shenanigans and Olga making trouble because she can and wants to manipulate Ranma more than a bit.

2. Eventual hentai. Duh. Like seriously, I would’ve had to rewrite the rules of the entire universe of Kuroinu to not make it into a hentai beyond anything else I’ve written. I won’t say there will be a lemon in every chapter but it’s going to be a lot.

a. Eventual corruption of Ranma. Ranma is a young boy, who basically just hit puberty. Which means, that while he has a lot of the dumb stuff Genma put in his head - women being weak and so forth - he hasn’t truly gotten the entire amount.

b. Shotacon Olga . The dark queen, who at the very least understands the power of sexuality, even if she doesn’t have much personal experience with it will essentially be a shotacon for our young Ranma. Not just because she finds him cute and sweet, but also because of the potential she sees in him.

c. Ecchi humor. Whole lots of this, as seen in the above blurb.

d. Cloe as clam-choker. She would try to blame Ranma for Olga wanting to be close to him, and thus take her anger out on him in typical tsundere fashion. The two of them would not get along, as Ranma would both attract and annoy the tomboys – as per normal with him.

3. Harem, duh. This would probably be a slow burn, because I don’t see Olga as someone who is all that willing to share and there’s also Ranma’s age to consider, but, I think that eventually, depending on how the story goes and how much she convinces Ranma to fight for her, and how much he convinces her to work with the Shield alliance, it could happen. Harem members:

a. Olga. The lady who starts it all, and the first to be willing (more than willing) to push things on a physical level with Ranma. By the time the other ladies come along he will know very well what to do with the female body and his own.

b. Kagura – Japanese style shrine maiden. Ranma will like her almost at once simply because she can speak his language and he doesn’t have to rely on Olga to translate for him any longer. Which in turn might cause some friction.

c. Celestine. I think she could see how much fun Ranma is, how irreverent and uncaring of her position and want to be friends with him, which could grow into more, especially with Olga egging her on – after all, all humans are children to elves in terms of age, so why does the human’s age matter so long as he is smart enough and consenting. In most of the fics I’ve read these two are actually friends, which is strange but whatever, and Celestine quite naïve so the Dark Queen’s urging will have some impact.

d. Claudia. She might be married in the original, but he is shooting blanks so in this fic I might change that. And given her build and age I could totally see her going the Ara Ara route if Klaus is no longer around.

4. Somewhat weaker Ranma. Ranma is going to start this fic out at twelve, a much younger age than most fics I write about with him as the lead, and he’s going to age much slower, without the use of long timeskips since the main action has already begun.. He’s still going to be stronger, faster, and all around better than most fighters, but he isn’t going to be able to one man army the opponents, and there are going to be enemies he can’t defeat, like Vult, Claudia, or Lulu, who essentially is basically Ranma’s style done large and more about dodging than taking to the air. But he could probably beat Alice, and at least infuriate her enough to make mistakes.

a. Slow advances. Ranma would probably not grow in terms of strength or speed all that much for a while but would start to gain skill – especially with weapons – pretty quickly.

b. Mage Ranma. I could see a Ranma this young not being as stuck in the ‘only martial arts matters kind of mentality he has later on. So he could want to learn magic, maybe even start using it along with his own combat style. And if there’s magic that he could figure out how to use in a way that enhances his physical abilities, sign him up

5. Alice bashing. This is going to be for both outlines, because frankly, God damn this woman is dumb.  I am a feminist I fully believe that most of the time women do anything a man can do. But, Alice makes me question that. When you are fighting for the life of your city, and you are suddenly faced with a hostage situation, with goblins and other creatures saying that they are going to rape a group of nuns if you don’t surrender, and you think that they will not do so if you surrender, there is something seriously wrong with your head.

a. That’s apparently a scene from the hand anime folks, it’s in several of the fanfics I’ve read, or at least alluded to, and I’m not going to question it or go see if this was in fact the case the original. I don’t care about it enough, and frankly, TVs are expensive and I wouldn’t want to destroy mine in a fit of anger.

b. Prim breaks free. Again in most fics I’ve read, Prim is pretty much smothered by Alice, who thinks herself much more capable than Prim. (right…). But I think if Alice starts letting her temper get the better of her, which will happen, it’s Ranma, Prim could maybe make a bid for freedom with his help. I don’t think they would become romantically involved, the whole age thing and Ranma’s attitude wouldn’t really be what Prim wants – knight on a white horse thing – but they could still be friends.

6. Kuroinu neutered. I seriously cannot emphasize this enough. Mercenaries like this are why the use of mercenaries died out slowly after the Thirty Years war. I’m not saying soldiers wouldn’t have done the same things, but having mercenaries outnumbering your regular troops and more loyal to themselves and gold than you is a very, very stupid thing. Especially when they aren’t disciplined.

a. This can come in many ways, but primarily, it comes with actual neutering. Seriously. Let the punishment fit the crime.

b. Lady Luck favors all equally, not just the bastards. In canon everything had to go Vult’s way for him to succeed. Here, that’s not going to happen, and not just because of Ranma. Some of the princesses will actually be competent, and there won’t be as many successful betrayals.

7. Comedy. Not just ecchi but a whole lot of just plain old slapstick comedy. Honestly this fic would be the story that leans towards the comedy side of things the most.

8. A smidgen of world building. At this age, Ranma is a bit of an explorer, and that can let me play with the background of the world, the various cities, the Empire as it stands, the seven shields and so forth. Then too, let’s face it, the original’s a hentai, there wasn’t much in the way of world building, and what there was, was just piss poor.

a. Elves acting like elves. None of the fanfics I read bar one had a male elf, and there were very, very few elves of the female variety too – three of them, two Dark Elves, and Celestine. So, I would want to introduce more elven characters, making them an actual race and actually acting like elves rather than strange women with long ears.

b. More monsters. Dragons, hydras, manticores, other things of that nature.

c. Time in the wild. In a lot of fics travel time is sped up too much between Olga’s Garan castle and the rest of the Seven Shields. IN this fic, it won’t be which will let me concentrate on the main three characters.

9. The Ranma state of attraction. In canon its pretty obvious that somehow Ranma attracts the crazy whatever he does and not just rivals of his own, but crazy women and crazy rivals to them in turn. in this, that will be magnified a hundredfold. Not only would the Shields, Olga, and Celestine will be attracted to Ranma over time, but rivals to these women will come out of the woodwork, all of them thinking to get one up on their rivals by wooing Ranma. And of course, there will be rivals for Ranma too.

a. Dark Elf Rival for Olga. Someone who greatly resents her and might have been the mastermind behind the orcs turning on her? Possible since I mentioned wanting to make them into an actual race. The first one to be introduced and the most troublesome since she too will be of high rank, and well, Olga fucked up with her alliance with the Aberrants.

b. High Elf Rival for Celestine – flat-chested older woman resentful the goddess chose Celestine to inhabit, and just plain jealous.  The Kodachi equivalent

c.  Knights and so forth for the others – more combat-related craziness here. – A merc who Maia trained resentful of Claudia, a Knight who looks down on Cloe for her race. Claudia would face another similar rival who believes she was passed over due to Claudia marrying into the noble Levantine family.

d. Rivals: a follower of Vult who resents his near maiming. A mage who thinks Ranma is an upstart and somewhat ridiculous for how he learns magic. An older Dark Elf who’s after Olga. A Noble Knight who wants to win Celestine’s affections and resent her spending time with any male beyond himself. Grave Levantine, who wants Claudia for himself now that his son’s out of the way.

10. Battles, battles and more battles. Just because the Kuroinu didn’t succeed in taking Olga, doesn’t mean that they won’t be able to take the black fortress. It was kind of a separate issue, although without their main mage and Olga keeping her power, it’s going to take them a while. But with it, and the alliance with the orcs, and all of the rest of the stuff that Vult and his allies set up over the years, it’s a certainty that it is going to happen. I don’t think I would go into too much detail in this version though, since it is supposed to be a comedy and ecchi fic over a combat fic.

Idea number Two: Ranma resurrected!

Basically, I would take the same premise as I used in Wild Wolf, only I would send him to this world. For those who need a refresher, in that fic I began with a fully grown Ranma after the Wedding Disaster. Shunned by the Tendos (made a point of mentioning Kasumi in particular) he leaves, but Happosai comes after him, and uses a Scroll of Absolute Binding – a knickknack he picked up from somewhere – to try and force Ranma to be obedient to his orders. This backfires, destroying Ranma’s body and sending his soul to resurrect elsewhere, driven by the Gods of Westeros – the Old Gods – who want to change the destiny of the world. Here, everything but where Ranma is sent would be the same (no I wouldn’t just copy and paste it but the particulars wouldn’t change) and who’s doing the changing: a few gods who have looked into the future and realized that the reincarnated goddess in Celestine isn’t going to be enough to turn the world from it’s fate of suffering and rapine.

So Ranma would be resurrected into…  The son of Claudia, and Klaus Levantine. In canon he’s shooting blanks, but just this once the gods will truly smile on them.  By the time canon comes around, Ranma will be the same age as Prim, the youngest of the Seven Shields.

Things this fic would contain:

1. new adventures galore. A lot of this fic, beyond even the time Ranma spends as a child, would be spent in entirely new, noncanon adventures. Some of them would be to merely introduce him to various characters and places, but others would be more purposeful.

a. Primrose friendly. Ranma and Prim would become fast friends, and while she wouldn’t be Ranma’s first love interest, he certainly would be hers, and they would most decidedly get together. Prim would also break out of her shell early, and become an archer of world renown with Ranma’s help.

b. Rival Alice. Alice, on the other hand would not like Ranma he would be too brash, too forthright, and far too good a combatant for her to like him at all. She also would resent the fact Claudia spends time training him personally.

c. Ranma being inquisitive. I imagine Ranma, given a second life and a whole world to explore, would spend a lot of time doing just that. The problem with poking at dark corners and odd things though is that they poke back.

d. A Crush on the rocks. Ranma would have all the memories of his past life and would be seriously attracted to Celestine due to her gentle nature and kindness, above and beyond her looks. Eventually as Ranma grows up it would become reciprocated but… there would be a lot of complications, A LOT. Some coming from Ranma’s own actions.

2. Growing up Levantine. Claudia’s husband Klaus is a weak bookworm in canon but come from a family that has always produced fantastic swordsmen and knights, which is why Grave Levantine, Claudia’s teacher pushed them together – so they could at least produce an heir that could be worthy of the family. Just by being Ranma, Ranma will take a lot of the resentment off Klaus’ shoulders.

a. Training galore. Duh. Grave is going to push Ranma quite a bit, although he’s going to push them hard. By the time Ranma is 13, he’ll be a strong as he was when he was 16 or 17, A match and then some for most of the shield maidens and mercs, with or without weapons. I won’t go into the actual training all that much but it will be there.

b. Early Beasley exit. – Due to Claudia training Alice, Ranma will be familiar with her nation, and given his penchant to sneaking around, he will find some of Beasley’s earliest crimes.

c. Mama Bear Claudia. I can easily see her being a very overprotective mother at times. Grave will fight against this as the head of the family, but whenever Ranma is visibly in danger Claudia will go full She-hulk and rip and tear whatever threat it is into pieces. This too can cause problems, LOL.

d. Noble Knight Ranma. Like in Wild Wolf, this Ranma will be brought up in a noble house, where he will be expected to not only fight but lead. Like Kariston Draconis has pointed out, Ranma can be a natural leader, if given the opportunity. Here he will have that opportunity.

i. OCs galore. I would create a team of knights, male and female, who Ranma would lead, the Knights of the Stallion.

ii. Tactician Ranma. Despite his mother’s protests, Grave as his grandfather would bring Ranma to battle, first as a page, then a squire, and finally as a knight himself. Eventually Ranma will lead missions on his own, and will bring his own style of command to various enemies – goblins, orcs, slavers…

iii. There is a reason why of mercenaries died off after the 30 years war. They suck. You have to pay them a lot, and if there is no fighting, you usually have to pay them more to go away. So Ranma pooh-poohing on mercenaries would be a major theme in this work, and they would pooh-pooh right back, occasionally coming into actual physical confrontations, which Ranma being Ranma, would go very poorly for them.

1. Maia disdain. As Queen of the mercs and leader of the worst run city, Maia and Ranma are going to butt heads a lot. Ranma won’t be dismissive of her, especially after she becomes a Shield Maiden, but won’t trust her skills or loyalties and Maia will hate Ranma for his anti-merc stance.

2. Vult as rival. While Ranma will just see him as an ass who needs watching, Vult will see Ranma, and his actions, as a direct threat to his plans for the future. Especially how his very presence has turned Grave from a reluctant ally to an enemy.

e. Anti-religion Ranma. Ranma would loathe the whole corrupt catholic church thing that religion in this world seems to be. He might well force Celestine to step up and control the church and make it a force for good.

3. Slavery gets it’s just desserts. Kind of self-explanatory, but in many of the fics I read in this universe, it’s hinted that slavery and specifically, the fact that humans kept on taking dark elves as slaves, was one of the reasons why the dark elf queen made war on humanity. Again folks, haven’t the original, don’t know if that’s really a reason, don’t care. Not going to watch the rape fest, and with Ranma being Ranma, he’s not going to have any truck with slavery, so when he finds some, the stompage will be overwhelming. Like taking the heads of every slave-owner regardless of rank and tossing them at the feet of the kings/princesses who control those territories.

a. What are we fighting for? Linked to his finding slavery, Ranma will wonder honestly, what the war is all about. From both sides. He will find enough reasons on both sides to start fighting, but will then have to ask himself which side is in the right, only then realizing that after the first shots are fired, you always have more than enough reasons to continue.

b. Early meeting. After freeing some slaves and dealing with a doublecross Ranma will lead the slaves back to Dark Elf territory personally, and will thus meet Olga and Cloe. I don’t see them as hitting it off, but bringing back several dozen of her kidnapped people will at least let them talk civilly.

4. Visions actually have meaning! Again given the fanfics, it’s obvious that Celestine, as a reincarnated goddess is visited by visions, but she sucks at interpreting them. I’m not certain if that fan-based or real, again, but I can go with that. In this, she will actually have some visions, and will correctly interpret them, as much as she is able.

a. Ranma in my dreams. Many of these visions will deal with Ranma. Some will show his past, some will show things soon to come. How Celestine responds will impact both their interaction and the world as a whole.

b. Olga!? – some of her visions will be about Olga, and these won’t be mere visions but unintentional communications. In this way, the two of them can eventually open a path to peace.

c. A greater Evil. In this fic, it won’t be just Vult’s eventual takeover that is the problem. He is but a symptom of a greater issue in the society of the seven cities, but there is more out there…

5. More world building. With more time to play with, and a base of operations in the so-called good country, I will be able to develop the characters more, and more importantly, develop the world more.

a. Multinational. I would like to make each different city-state, fortress and lady could be based off or seen as representing a different nation. I think that could be a fun idea.

i. Alice – France.

ii. Claudia – Germany.

iii. Prim – Italy.

iv. Celestine – Celtic UK

v. Maia – dysfunctional, corrupt America

vi. Kagura – Japan (duh)

vii. Lulu – tough one. Maybe a weird mix of Finland/Spain?

b. Reasons for the wardrobe. Or rather wardrobe malfunctions. Seriously, the original goes way beyond the whole bikini armor level. I can come up with some reasons for that that might not sound totally like pervert’s dream… maybe. If I try really hard.

c. Elves acting like elves part two. Somewhat the same as the first, but with a few specifics:

i. Elven trendsetters. Elves as a race don’t have much body modesty in this world. And because of that and Olga and Celestine’s importance to their followers, they have set the trend for what is fashionable over the past hundred plus years, not realizing (Celestine) or caring (Olga) that humans, because of how lustful they can be, need to be more modest both man and woman.

ii. They’re how old? As elves, Celestine and Olga will both be much older than humans around them, but also not as mature as that age would dictate. Indeed. They will be the equivalent of their twenties or so.

d. Greater Evil – as mentioned in the visions part, there will be more behind the Aberrants, the apparent lustful craze that the Black Dogs Exhibit. They won’t be, like, victims of mind control or anything like that, but the Aberrants will have a different origin. Like, birthed by a chained buried Evil God type origin. There’s a reason why Olga chose Garan as her fortress, and why she has been losing her magical power too…

6. Hentai. Again, this is sort of a natural law in this universe, like gravity only stickier. As much as Ranma might fight it (and in this fic he might actually run away from it at times he does have his previous lifetime’s programming to get over), even his mother wears body armor that looks more like kinky marital aid rather than actual body armor, and several of the other characters, including Celestine, the so-called innocent goddess of this world, wears stuff that would make even his mother in the original go on my.

a. Ecchi humor. Lots of this, lots of oops moments while Ranma is growing up, lots of close calls, both cute and sexy.

b. Lemons. Again duh. They won’t happen for a while, and I would keep them to actual characters, but they would be coming in large quantities.

7. One wife, but many concubines. Much like the hentai, this is sort of a prerequisite when going into the Kuroinu universe. So it will occur here once more, but differently. But with a base of operations and a noble title, things will be both easier and more formal for this Ranma

a. One wife – Either Prim or Celestine. The wife will have to be the one to carry Ranma’s children and see to the future of the Levantine name, so it might be Prim, while Celestine will be Ranma’s first crush/love interest.

b. Cloe. I don’t see Ranma being attracted to Olga long term in this fic, but Cloe, if she could push past her trauma and take Ranma as she finds him, could be a major love interest eventually when the first two sides have to join forces. Ranma does like a strong girl after all.

c. Kagura? Possible, but I’m not certain how I would play her in this fic.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these attempts on my part to make something out of hentai, LOL! Not bad for two night’s work hopped up on caffeine and on a sofa that is about two sizes too small.



A side note to all of this: the Hentai was adapted from an H-game which managed to spawn a sequel. In the Sequel, a Succubus rules the "cuntry" so there basically precedent for the Black Dogs having an unknown backer or greater guiding force. So having some kind of Demon or Dark God would be interesting to see. While both concepts interest me, I believe taking a reincarnated Ranma would be better due to the extra world building and set up you could do.

Treant Balewood

I'd be interested in either I think I'd prefer the first idea tho, a younger less experienced could definitely be fun and I haven't seen it done often or particularly well.