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Same deal as the other questions thread folks. If you have HP specific questions– they don’t have to be specific to a story – post them here. If you have questions like ‘what do you think about this anime/show’ post them wherever, although realize I don’t watch much beyond completed anime seasons and some historical shows.

Before my own questions though, I will share again my answer to the question I was recently asked about which fics I’d start up when ATP/FILFycome to an end:

That is easy: GDWHOM once FILFy finishes. I would hope that by that time Semblance of Hope is also at the stopping point I want it to reach, and then would bring back Sword, Bow and Horse for the patron poll. Remember I am going to put it on hold after the next chapter, where we will finish up with the events in Brune. That would make the patron poll between two Ranma fics and two HP fics.  And yes, that means at that point, Death’s Avenger would become a full-fic sized instead of episode style.

Although knowing my luck that just means that Making Waves will be finished before the Semblanceepisodes.

Beyond that… I don’t know. I’d like to get into Heroes of the High Seas, but that idea doesn’t seem to have enough backing among you all. The last thing I want to do is bring back a paused story that would just be among those who don’t get updated often.  I’d also really like to get back into my Homage fic. Call it silly, but that could be a lot of fun.

As for taking on new fics? I think at least three of my current fics need to be finished before I start up something new. As for what… well, if ATPends, I think it would be fascinating to start up my Ranma/DC crossover and see what people think. On the other hand if I finish both those HP stories, I would feel compelled to also look at one of my other HP crossover ideas, possibly my HP/RWBY crossover.

Now, once more onto the actual questions.

Death’s Avenger:

Here, I have to say that, thanks to Tomon and Beleriond, I have become aware of several mistakes in the past episodes/chapters of this story that should be corrected, beyond the ones I already have seen. I am going to be going over it tomorrow night – giving each chapter another look through via Grammarly and correcting more mistakes pointed out to me at that point. So if someone points out a mistake or has a specific question/point they want to raise on this story, I will get back to you posthaste instead of more slowly as I would for the other stories.

Now on to the actual questions:

1. As a possible fuck-buddy type love interest, would a blue or red dragon work better for Harry?

2. I recently was reminded by Tomonof a World Tree that is part of the Broken Isles. The problem is that the first World Tree was Nordrassil, as in the tree was blessed by the Aspects. So… where did Shaladrassil come from? How did it become a World tree, and why? Did Frandral pull an oopsy again? Did it grow to be one on it’s own while also severing as the prison for the Satyrs captures in the War of the Ancients? These questions could be important for the next few of Harry’s lifetimes.

3. What is everyone’s opinion on goblins? I’ve looked at their lore, and found it kind of interesting. Especially the whole war against the trolls for independence thing.

4. And here is a big one. I want to introduce Earth concepts into Azeroth. However, this Harry doesn’t know much about guns, steam or anything. History, yes, you can expect to see a few roman-type legions and such when the Human’s first Empire shows up. But how to build better guns, cars, etc, that I am having trouble coming up with a way to explain. So, should these ideas be kept vague? Rely on human (and dwarven, possibly even goblin) ingenuity to do the rest? I think it would be fun to have the Humans go the steampunk route early, and have them be fully invested in a steampunk industrial revolution by the time the Horde Invades.

Um… I have also been doing some reading about post Lich King lore… yeah… No. Just… no. I know war, logistics, and strategy. The people who came up with this lore… no.

Magic of the Force:

1. What should I do about the Mandalorians in this fic? This is an issue I’ve been going back and forth on for a while. ON the one hand, they got shafted by the Order after the New Sith War, but on the other hand, they are a warrior culture. Interesting and fun if they can be directed, but if not, they can be a major issue.

2. Since I’ve used Corellia as a target in Horse, would it make more sense for the Separatists to attack Dac or Serenno? Or is Corellia just that important a target that sending an overwhelming fleet against it for a second fic makes too much sense to ignore?

3. I have been accused of adding too much power to my antagonists in this fic and a few others, so, I am going to ask: should the Sith be able to replicate runes if they take one of the space-expanded freighters intact?

4. On a scale of one to ten, how badly should Padme react to the Chumei situation?

And a final, broader opinion question: which of my HP/crossover concepts most appeals to you all?  I don't want to arbitrarily state the next one would be the HP/RWBY one without asking.

Remember, answering these are not the only purpose of this thread! If you have questions, or even suggestions, please feel free to share them too, and thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts!

The below links are to the majority of my HP story outlines. Thanks go to M B for finding these and reminding me that hyperlinks can be a thing here on Patreon LOL!!





D: 1. A purified black dragon? 4. Ranbo Potter! Harry could become an honorary dwarf having collaborated in the creation of steam engines, it would be good for large vehicles but cars would go to magic like in Fairy Tail, bicycles could become the means of transport for ordinary people, I think he does not he would like to let people know about firearms until the Burning Legion invasion, when that happens Harry may already have some magic guns and a sniper rifle from which mass production will be based. I would say yes for HP / RWBY. Do a Harry Potter crossover with Rising Of The Hero Shield? Harry could be reborn as Fohl and he would focus on studying medicine and alchemy to heal his sister.


There are only two purified/uncorrupted black dragons, and both are male. So that would be a no. Maybe near the end of the fic? Way too far in the future to think. 4. Ranbo Potter... heh. I do like the idea of him becoming an honorary dwarf (again). As to when he might introduce the idea of guns, that would depend on if he gets involved in the Troll Wars occurring on Azeroth. Which I could see him do if he sees them as bad as the Trolls who have enslaved the goblins at this time. Yeah, the HP/RWBY could be very fun. Considering I now know what not to do LOL. As for a RotHS crossover, no. Too many stories already, so I doubt it, and honestly, didn't really like the majority of the Shields characters.


I'm probably super late to add anything to this conversation, but I just got to the point to be able to donate and I came across this. For Death's Avenger (I haven't gotten to read what you have so far, but I'm super looking forward to it): 1. I think a Blue dragon would probably be a better fit in general but both work... and there's no reason that he couldn't have both tbh. But my own recommendations would be Tarecgosa for the Blue's and the only Red that would be worth it would be Alexstrasza. I know many might be iffy on using her, she actually isn't used all that much, at least not in HP/Warcraft crossovers. But she has a good setup for them getting together when she is kidnapped by Necros and imprisoned in Grim Batol. 2. There was more than one world tree. Nordrassil was grown after The Great Sundering by the Aspects but there were world trees before that. There's one on pretty much each continent in various states. It's not a singular existence like it is in many other fantasy stories. They are links to the Emerald Dream.. or they were before they were cut down or infested. There's a wiki page for them if you wanna know more about them. 3. I find the origin lore of the goblins to be interesting. Though I'd never actually play one in the game lol. Not sure what you plans for them were but I guess Harry could associate them with the goblins he knew since they are both rather greedy. 4. Umm.. they already have trains in the game. There's 2 that I can think of off the top of my head so the humans using them wouldn't really be a new thing since one of the trains is in Stormwind already. But for other technologies, Harry really just needs to be an idea guy and let the actual craftsman, Dwarves, Gnomes, ect. figure out the specifics. But I also am against teaching modern weaponry concepts to the inhabitants of Azeroth. I think it would be difficult to balance them out and would force to much of a change and would make it feel less like a Warcraft story. And yeah, the Lich King lore is super messy. Magic of the Force: 1. I would really like to see the Mandalorian's get a better showing in your fic. I think Harry and Satine would butt heads pretty bad with Satine trying to force the Mandalorians to change their culture on a fundamental level and Harry's belief of "peace through superior firepower". They could be brought to the table by Padme so they they could work it out with somthing like Harry giving the clans an 'outlet' by being 'hired' by Harry in return for the GDL protecting Mando space. Also, I want Harry to have the Darksaber lol. 2. I think them attacking both Corillia and Sorenno at the same time would be a realistic thing but I feel like it should be a mutual loss thing with Harry's side coming out a bit ahead and allowing him to not only prove the efficacy of the GDL from fending off a massive raid on two fronts but to put more fear from the knowledge that the CIS would attack major locations would attract more potential signees to the GDL and they might get another shipyard out of it. Maybe tie in something for the medical protection act that Padme is pushing through. 3. I think Runes shouldn't get into Sith hands. I think it would be better suited as a constant annoyance for the Sith side that they can neither figure out the technique and they aren't able to capture a ship with it intact. Or if they are able to get it, their experiments cause some sort of catastrophe that severely sets back Sidious's plans or even weakens the Veil even more. I feel like that would be the only fair way to let the Sith have them. 4. Haha.. I'm a male so I really can't see a reason that Padme would be mad at Harry the Chumei situation. Certainly not be happy about it by any means, but her getting mad at Harry for something that he had absolutely no control over would just reek of one of the less popular anime tropes of the MC getting beat up for no good reason. You already had Harry and Padme get estranged once, doing it again wouldn't be good. Though I'd be fine with Padme letting Chumei feel a bit of heat from her ire. I actually love all your HP crossover stories with Bhaalson Remodel being my least favorite and that has more to do with my interest in Baldur's Gate not being remotely near my interest levels of the other fandoms than anything against your writing. That and I'm more interested in Drizzt's story than other Forgotten Realms based stories. That said, if you were gonna do another HP crossover, I'd love to see you do a HP/Fairy Tail story. As long as it has at least Harry/Mirajane lol. That said, while I'm not a fan of Ranma so I don't read your fics for that fandom, you are a fantastic writer and I look forward to any HP stuff you put out. Who knows, maybe it would get me interested in a new series.


Welcome newcomer! I hope you enjoy the cake, it is not a lie. Although yeah, you're a bit behind the times for this series of questions. DA: 1. I don’t think Harry’s going to get with Alexstrasa although she and Harry will know one another from well before her being captured by the orcs. Which might not happen at all. As for the blue dragons, that’s going to be an issue in a few dozen lifetimes. Maybe. I have decided his relaionships with the dragon ladies will be very much a physical thing for most. We will see where it goes. 2. Yeah, see… no there wasn’t any other World Trees. Nordrassil was enchanted by the Aspects to also hide the Well of Eternity (might be wrong on the name there). There is no mention of them ever embuing other trees. The other tree, Vordrassil, was an attempt by the druids to create their own, and it failed, badly. As did the other attempts, with only Vordrasil growing to world tree status, and ahem, giving Yogg Saron access to the Emerald Dream. Shaladrassil has NO background in the lore, it’s just there, randomly, and waay before the experiments by Fanrdal. The unnamed world tree in the Emerald Nightmare is much the same. 3. Eh, people seem to think goblins can be more interesting then gnomes, LOL. So I will see what can be done there. 4. Yeah, we had all figured that. Harry uses illusions and memories to show what’s possible, then sit back and let the others run with it. As for modern weapons, not really. More Napoleonic era stuff. I want the humans to be actually pretty darn strong, and stomping on the orcs so they are forced to do drastic things. Magic: 1.Harry’s belief is more in peace through self-defense/personal identity. Padme bringing Satine to the table is an idea, although Harry would still need to really prove himself to the Mandos, who in turn would need to prove they aren’t the murdering bastard conquerors they are painted as by the Republic and the Order. As for the Darksaber, ehh. I would rather give it to Aayla, since Harry already has a white-bladed lightsaber. 2.Attacking both would be too dangerous – it would pull in too many forces and let the Republic start to hit back, even if it could be done. I made the decision here to have Corellia be the one to be attacked. 3. Runes don’t fall into Sith hands, but knowledge of something able to expand space does. They have no idea how to do it, and their experiments will result in a lot of dead Prophets of the Sith. The Sith have too many other advantages to let them know about runes. They might start to play more with Sith Alchemy though, which Sidious hasn’t touched, although he has used his former master’s experiments in that area. 4. Padme’s gonna be pissed, but since Harry didn’t do anything, he and Aayla aren’t going to be the object of her ire… unless they indicate they were possibly thinking about it. Fair enough on BG not being for you. Eh. I have kind of moved from the Fairy Tail world. I want to finish Making Waves, but that’s it. If you are interested in other fandoms, check out my Heroes of the High Seas story. It’s a My Hero Academia One Piece crossover. You should see it in the July2021 collected works pinned to the top of my patreon page. You should also find a pure Voltron fic. And check out the story ideas tag. I have a lot of HP/other ideas.