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Hey everyone!. I again have to apologize for the size of the Making Waves chapter. I mean, I enjoyed what I was doing (ehhehe, I got to use power tools to destroy things) but I just had sooo little time to spend on writing! Argh. Still, I hope that you enjoyed it regardless. Anyway, I have a few questions that I would once more like your opinions on. Most, as always, are about specific stories. But I do have one about how I am doing things.

First, the specific story stuff, separated by story:

Stallion of the line:

1. This is more of a semi-poll than an actual question. I am wondering who, among the surviving Supernovas, is the least interesting to you all? For…reasons…

2. I haven’t read the manga since the crew landed in the Land of the Samurai. Has it been explained why the flying FUCK that Aokiji is working with Blackbeard of all people?!  I’m wondering if there’s been any more character growth there I can maybe use.

3. I have been debating on the two-year gap. Not that it will actually be a gap, per-se, but I think that Brook (yes he’s going to join the crew) Franky, Chopper and Nami in particular needed the time at the specific places they went to in order to evolve, literally in Franky and Chopper’s case. I even have a plan in place for Laki. But is it too much like shoe-horning it in if I have the crew separated at this point?

4. Perona. I am wondering if Busoshoku should be able to block her ghost abilities and if she is an interesting enough character have join the crew for a time?  I rather like the idea of her and Zoro having a fling for some reason.


1. This is a timing thing. If I have Thanos’ invasion of Earth and the Asgardian Shadows arcs happening at the same time, is that too much stuff going on at once? Both in terms of reading it and keeping things straight, and in terms of screwing over Harry and his allies?

2. I haven’t done much with Spider-man since he is both more useful on street-level stuff and I just have too many characters already. However, I just opened a new side-plot, where he would be very useful. So should I bring him in, segueing into him joining full-time? It’s the full-time aspect I am debating, and in what capacity. And if so, should I maybe set him up with one of the Custodes ladies?

3. Is Apocalypse an interesting enough character that I need to show what he is up to now that he has left Earth? I don’t honestly intend for him to be an issue Harry has to deal with in this work. I might show him as a bit of a foreshadowing at the end, but that’s all. At this point, he just isn’t in the same power range as Harry.

4. Names and uniforms. I haven’t figured out a name for Harry’s nation yet!! Any suggestions? And I can’t remember if I have come up with a uniform for the EDF yet either.

Making Waves:

1. Should I show the training of the other characters who are not traveling with Ranma or concentrate on him and the group with him once they get to the Blasted Lands?

2. In the original, there is a race of robots called Machias. Are they interesting enough to include in the Blasted Lands arc?  And could I get away with maybe... just maybe creating some Kancolle type equivalents...?

3. Were there any names given for the giants in the Sun Village?

Bhaalson Remodel:

1. What does everyone think of the Blood Magic concept, and should I have Imoen dual-class sooner than the original game would allow for? I can come up with a means to do so, I am just wondering if that would make her too broken. Or should I instead concentrate on getting her basic stats up to the point where she can use her Metamorph abilities once more?

2. Animagus. I am thinking well ahead here (at least into the BG2 plot) but what kind of animal should Harry turn into? Here I rather think I would like it to be something furry and something someone could ride, but exactly what is in question.

Death’s Avenger:

1. I am looking for an antagonist to use for an episode or two. It doesn’t have to be a person, it can be an animal, but I would prefer it to be large and dangerous and on the Broken Isles. If an individual, I would like to introduce someone magical, but someone whose death won’t be honestly missed.

2. What is everyone’s opinion on the Nightbourne? I see them as rather… well, retcon expansion bullcrap, but I am willing to be persuaded otherwise. Although if I do bring them in, I doubt Harry will get along with many of their leaders…

3. Malygos, leader of the Blue Flight. Here I am just… I honestly am all over the place on my opinion of him. I think he could be a great antagonist, but I also am uncertain if I am basing my opinion of him too much on fandom rather than reality.

4. What is everyone’s thoughts on the Nerubians? Are they interesting enough to introduce them at some point as Harry travels the world, and how terrified should they be of him thanks to his basilisk side?  They have completely broken away from the Old Ones and aren’t naturally violent so after some fits and starts they would eventually become allies, but I would probably have to do a lot of world-building if I brought them in.

I have a few more SBH and Horse questions, but they need to wait a few chapters so they don't provide spoilers.

Two General SW crossover Questions:

1. Are the Sssi-ruu (lizard aliens from the Truce of Bakura) interesting enough to introduce?  With their hold on events slipping either version of Sidious might reach out to them to try and create a distraction for their enemies… (I realize I might have asked this question before, but we are coming up on the point where the Sidious in Horse might need this distraction rather badly)

2. This one comes from a few comments by Morde24.  Is space combat that doesn’t involve the main characters (or at times even side characters) interesting enough to describe in detail, or would summaries work better? Up to this point, I’ve used summaries to show the overall strategic position of the war in both works, coupling this with showing specific battlefronts of importance using different characters.

And Now Onto a Broader question:

1. I am thinking of putting Magic of the Force on hold after the next chapter in order to concentrate more on ATP or FILFy teacher. Going by both work to do and the number of chapters left, they are both faaarr closer to completion. Magic is just barely at the halfway point. Thoughts/comments?



So, seems my alerts were temporarily broken, didn't know you'd posted this until just now. Anyway: Making Waves: 1. I'd say mainly concentrate on Ranma's group, but check in on some of the others from time to time, like for maybe a paragraph or so. 2. Kancolle? Bah, Azur Lane is far superior, just saying. But I have no objections to living machine girls. 3. No names given in Sun Village. Star Wars General: 1. Nah, forget the Ssi-Ruk, they're actually fairly forgettable. 2. Space combat not involving Team Ranma but still important to the plot or world building only needs a summary. Broader: Given that the only one of the three I follow is FILFY, I have no objections to you concentrating on it over another of your HP stories. A question from me: Are you still considering doing a Ranma/HP crossover or something? Because I had an idea you might be interested in about getting some practice writing with multiple protagonists.


I think I wrote a Ranma/HP concept, check the stories Ideas. As for practicing multiple protags, that's kind of what I am doing with Ranma and Tigre in Sword, Bow and Horse. I may do the same thing in Horse for the Force with Thrawn and Ranma. We'll see.


ATP 1. Short answer, yes, it would probably be quite convoluted. The longer answer is that if you go that route, then you would need a lynchpin. So I think my true answer is: that depends on what you want to do with Loki (and Sigyn). How much lead time do you want Loki to have in his rehabilitation before the next Asgard arc begins? Which parts of the Shadows arc do you want him involved in? How much of that do you want directed by Loki at his most inventive and vengeful? If they happen concurrently or immediately sequentially, then Loki will be more limited. 2. I'm kinda meh about Spidey in this story. His whole thing was staying in NYC. However, if you go with the route of him being a genius, like some versions of him, then I see him more involved with EDF than Custodes. You have taken away a lot of Peter's potential love interests, so you could set him up with a custodes girl- maybe Kitty? But there's still Gwen from his own story. 3. Apocalypse's time had passed. Unless he's going to go full on invasion of Earth, then maybe he should just set up his own planet somewhere. Found a rival to Harry or even Doom's empires. He could be a villain left to remain post epilogue, so that it's not totally happy ever after boring. 4. You did mention a uniform in the part where Powers is in his office in one of the ships, maybe at the beginning of the Badoon fight? Something about grey with green and easily turned into a space suit. As for names, the only one I can think of is Albion. Like Avalon Academy, another nod at his British heritage. Bhaalson Remodel 1. Well, multi class is much more versatile after 2nd edition D&D, so maybe you could take inspiration there. (Paladin/Sorcerer builds are totally a thing since they both have Charisma as a primary ability score). Tonks just isn't a thief like Imoen was. She's more of a brawler and combat mage in personality and trained in investigation. That could be an interesting plot point- once she learns Faerûn magic, she could be rather groundbreaking in that field. Also, the whole blood magic thing is pretty much the rulebook definition of actual Sorcerers in D&D, so maybe there could be something that happens that allows both of them to dual or multi class as Sorcerers, letting them use both kinds of magic. Maybe they could invent a new Sorcerer sub-class. 2. I remember an old fic (Harry Potter and the Warrior's Path by librarywitch) where his animagus form is a huge, extinct "cave lion." That could be cool. That or a dire wolf. Those are both good non-magical options. Someone could ride those, if they weren't too heavy. Death’s Avenger 1. See my answer to #2, but I think a Highborne night elf mage could be a good option. Maybe performing morally questionable magic experiments. 2. I played Warcraft 1-3, not WoW, and a lot of the stuff lately in WoW looks just stupid. It's all about options in the game, and not anything meaningful and sensible for the story. Especially the stuff they add for the Horde in WoW, because they have the less morally justifiable position, but gameplay still needs to be balanced. So BS like Nightborne is added. The Legion took night elves and made the satyrs, and the Old Gods took night elves and made the naga. Why do you need something else other than to sell more subscriptions? There already exists in lore "Highborne" remnants that give their allegiance to neither of the two post-Sundering elf nations. That could be something to use if you're looking for plot ideas. 3. I think that's a big question mark that you could take anywhere you want. The lore accurate idea of him being in a coma for thousands of years and then coming out slightly insane… is kinda stupid. One or the other would be good, but both? Also, the blue dragons blaming mortal arcane magic users for the Sundering... I mean really, come on. It's literally the blue dragons one job to be guardians of magic, and they completely missed the Kaldorei communicating with the Burning Legion. And the Kaldorei did that in ignorance at first, which means the blue dragons should have stepped in, but they didn't. (Can you tell that I think the story of Azshara is too tropey, ie Cleopatra meets Morathi?) Besides, I'm pretty sure it's in the lore that Deathwing lied to Malygos so that he would ignore Azshara and her mages. Why would he then blame mortals after Deathwing reveals his true nature? 4. They could be fun. But yeah, that sounds like a lot of work since I don't remember reading much about their society and culture before Arthas enslaved them.