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May HP Medium Story Poll

  • FILFy Teacher \u2013 romance, adventure, war, world building, two ancient minds bring magical war to Egypt 165
  • Magic of the Force: world-building, warfare, combat, a family gathering brings fourth many surprises with the war waiting 64
  • A Third Path to the future \u2013 world building, comedy, combat, family time, romance, Harry enjoying downtime as others fight in the dark 73
  • Fate Touched in Middle Earth: action, comedy, adventure SMAUG 123
  • 2021-05-05
  • —2021-05-17
  • 425 votes
{'title': 'May HP Medium Story Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'FILFy Teacher \\u2013 romance, adventure, war, world building, two ancient minds bring magical war to Egypt', 'votes': 165}, {'text': 'Magic of the Force: world-building, warfare, combat, a family gathering brings fourth many surprises with the war waiting', 'votes': 64}, {'text': 'A Third Path to the future \\u2013 world building, comedy, combat, family time, romance, Harry enjoying downtime as others fight in the dark', 'votes': 73}, {'text': 'Fate Touched in Middle Earth: action, comedy, adventure SMAUG', 'votes': 123}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 17, 16, 17, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 5, 16, 21, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 425}


Alright guys, here is the HP-only medium story poll for May. And I apologize in advance for how hard this choice will be for all of you, LOL.

FILFy Teacher – Highschool DxD crossover/HP: After bringing in more aid from Danan, Harry’s investigation continues, not realizing that the enemy is already observing him and has stepped up their game in response. As Harry comes closer to the truth, the enemy strikes, forever changing the face of not only Egypt but the world in general. The Wizarding World reacts in prototypical heavy-handed fashion, locking Egypt out from the rest of the world in order to keep the secret of magic, helping to cut Harry and the others in Egypt already off from their allies as war erupts from one end of the Nile to the other. As Rias is called in by her returned brother and the other Maou for her opinion on this, the world trembles and Harry and his allies fight back with the aid of locals and old acquaintances whose timing was practically Potter-like.  The war escalates quickly on the land and in the air as Tiamat goes to war, Harry fights a god in their mutual domain, and Kiba becomes the fulcrum of keeping Alexandria from collapsing into blood and horror. Stabilizing the front means little elsewhere as the Harvest occurs, and plans long laid move to fruition despite Harry’s best efforts. An assault force is broken off to follow up a lead led by the Lightning Queen, but if they will arrive in time to stop the Harvest is anyone’s guess.

Magic of the force SW/HP crossover: While the war is still stuck on third gear, Harry and Aayla head to meet with Master Gallia at her space station before heading on to Ruusan. At both stops they are welcomed and discover that they are not the only ones who have been very, very busy. The Ruusan Sector’s representatives tell Harry and the others of certain moves they have made declaring formal war on the Confederacy and proves to, surprisingly, be in the position to contribute ships rather than simply resources and personnel. What Master Fay and Lily have been up to astonish Harry and Aayla even further, although not nearly as much as being within the field of Fay’s Force Font does the younglings and Jedi with them. Some of Fay and Lily’s work, however, have long-reaching implications, having created an entirely new way for the Force to shows its power: potions. A revelation is postponed through the heroic actions of a starship’s crew, and Anakin finishes his retraining in the temple to Mace’s satisfaction if not happiness. Spending time with family and introducing Ahsoka goes by quickly, while elsewhere, Sidious tries to put further plans in motion, and the war starts to ramp up once more.

A Third Path to the Future – Marvel/HP crossover: A final stop on the way home results in many tears and much joy as the Starjammers realize that the Shi’ar empire has been shattered, and their great enemy, D’ken, slain. Alex is faced with a choice, while Harry gives his father both an opportunity and an ultimatum. Meanwhile, back on Earth Dani is placed in the uncomfortable position of team leader, Emma believing that numbers add to the message she wants sent and not wishing to have to send the same message a third time. While Dani is busy, other matters demand Emma and Scott’s attention, while in space, final work is completed on the last of the stolen Kree ships, and Charles’ work with Dr. Banner is nearly finished. Harry and the others return to a shocking event, the payment of Jean’s aid in this endeavor coming due all at once. Regardless, the name of the game at that point becomes rest and recuperation, with hilarious results a few revelations and several important discussions followed by a wedding. Yet this downtime is not to last, as elsewhere, Thor and his band finally reach the roots of the world tree, beginning the countdown to a final conflict with Those Who Watch Above in Shadow.

Fate Touched in Middle Earth – Tolkien/HP crossover: With Thorin leading the way, for once the party has a pleasant journey up the mountain, although looking for a door that is invisible from the outside isn’t so pleasant. Nor is the waiting, or what awaits inside, as Harry and Bilbo, once the last light etc shines, have to venture inside. Following a map given to them by memory and vague impressions, the two of them head deeper into the mountain, discovering not only that dragons have no sense of interior design, but that yes, Smaug is very much alive, if thankfully sleeping. Scouting around takes quite some time, but Thorin and Balin are able to come up with a plan to slay the dragon. Through knowledge, making Smaug extremely angry, and the adroit use of the fact that even a dragon needs leverage at times, they take the fight to the dragon, who proves that his conquest of an entire kingdom of dwarves and the destruction of a kingdom of men was not a fluke. Gryffindor courage comes into play as the dragon demands its due in blood, before the final confrontation, one in which only one side will survive.

As I mentioned in the response to the Ranma poll, I may take part in this one in reaction to how long it takes me to finish Stallion. There are so many combat techniques in this chapter, and oh my is Dragon Naturally Speaking not helpful with that kind of thing. I might have to actually write out most of the combat scenes, which is going to slow me down hugely. And remember I also need to get the next chapter of Bhaalson Remodel out this month. This poll will run until the 17th.



Normally, it would be a no brained and I'd vote for Magic, but that story has been dragging so much in the last few chapters that I just can't work up any enthusiasm for it. So...fate touched it is.


I am not actually following FILFY Teacher but I had to take a look at the latest chapter to give you the authentic judgement of an Egyptian. Everything you described about Egypt and Egyptians is spot on except for a few things. The tipping thing while exaggerated is unfortunately true. The extreme crowds are also true considering how little arable land there is in Egypt to sustain its 100 million population. Egypt is so ancient that developing companies have trouble building anything since literally anywhere they dig for building foundation they find ancient ruins. The Burqa thing is untrue though, in my 17 years living in Alexandria I've only met about a dozen women who were wearing burqas. You will find a lot more wearing hijabs but even then nobody will judge a woman for not covering her hair, unless they are complete jerks and usually will be scared off easily if you scold them. At least not in urban centers. Its the clothes that they will judge. How much skin you are showing. In fact Burqas aren't common at all in Egypt. Lastly, I will have to completely disagree with you regarding the food. I've lived in the US for nearly 10 years and I have to say that Egyptian food is certainly the best kind you can find. How dare you disparage the good food of Egypt? :) Just take a look at the many vloggers who visit Egypt and see their reaction to food. Still I like how you portray Egypt as you show the ugly side and the beautiful side. Btw, there is a surprisingly large amount of people with European features in Alexandria due to many foreigners living there as well as the cities in the Delta region where many French soldiers from Napoleon's army settled there after the war.