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Hello all! It is a day later than I hoped, but it is time to bring the Large story poll to an end. I am also going to post the small story poll, although I will wait to next weekend for the Patron only poll. That will hopefully let me get around 2/3s of the large story poll done before thinking about how to further divide my time this month. It also means that Death’s Avenger Episode 2 chapter 2 is done and off to Tomon. Mind you, this is the first time in a while where I’ve been able to send him something with enough time for him to go over all of it rather than bits, so I will not say when I will post it.

And Hiryo, I have seen you got the last chapter of Stallion back to me. I will be going through it tonight. Again, I wish to apologize for how I split up and used my time last month. My priorities were messed up, and my muses did not cooperate.

Anyway, going forward this month, the winner of the Large Story was… A Third Path to the Future. This is really a no brainer, honestly. Horse for the Force brought in 2291. Third Path won with 3352.

Although it brings up a point I may be asking you all later this month.

Still that’s it for now, hope you all are having a nick week, and be on the lookout sometime in the next few weeks for Death’s Avenger.



Been a while for ATP, looking forward to a new chapter.


Damn, looking forward to it! Thank you!