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Hey all, my apologies for getting this out two days after I said I would, I have been busy this entire week being my grandmother's transportation.  She's gotten the immunization shots, and is now able to be taken out to various doctors for a host of other things which have been left to fester, and we have also been able to spend more time with her.  Which is great, but not for time-on-fanfic.  Waiting in various doctors offices for her to be done isn't actually a good writing environment... 

Despite that, I think I can still get Magic of the Force done by Sunday, two days later than I hoped. But it will be a push.  On the other hand, I have started work on both the next Homage episode and the first episode-type chapter of Death's Avenger - for some reason working on outlines was waaay easier than working on editing the Dragon Naturally Speaking written out portions of Magic of the Force. Go figure.  I aim to have both those episodes out for the Super Bowl.

I will also be posting the Patron Only story poll for February either tonight or tomorrow.  I have also decided to not even try to work on a Large Story chapter in February.  large segments of writing time are very hard to find in February, and smaller stories are easier to work on in smaller segments.  Normally I would put this kind of monthly format question to a poll, but not this time.

Any, now that's all out of the way, on to the actual reason why you're all here, LOL. 

In last place, both over on fanfic and here, scoring 56 on fanfic and a total of 807 is GDWHOM.

Astonishingly, ATP came in third place, despite bringing in 183 votes from fanfic.  It won a total of 1,429.

And amazingly, in second place, barely beating out ATP, is... FILFy Teacher.  It lost, for the first time in a while gentlemen and ladies, bringing in a total of 1,509 with a 178 votes coming in from fanfic.

And despite only bringing in 89 votes from fanfic, this leaves Stallion of the Line as the winner with 2,077 votes!  

Before anyone wonders, nope, I did not vote in this.  Still, I will have the chapter for Stallion out to my editors by the end of the month at the latest.  I want to post it by then too, but if I can't get it to each of my editors, I will postpone posting the chapter until they each - Tomon, Hiryo and morde24, have had a chance to look at it. 



If you ever decided to prioritize fanfic writing over taking care of your family, I don't think I could continue to support you here.


Thanks guys! And don't take my complaints as more than good-natured grumbling. Just the amount of cognitive progress she's made in a few days from being nearly unresponsive and unable to follow a conversation is just great to see. Lifting her in and out of my car and her wheelchair, I could still do without LOL