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Hey all, this is the first of two posts today meant to compile my patron only stuff once more.  I decided to separate out the Homage episodes though, because I hadn't yet done so to them.  I had hoped to come back and push this fic to at least Henrietta's coronation, but until I can get Semblance to a stopping point and finish off at least one of my other fics that isn't going to happen.  Still, I think what we have here is still a good homage to the original, which, obviously, wasn't finished either LOL.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!



Would love to see that series continued. Though given the current writing schedule and all, not surprised and understand why it's been in a sort of limbo instead.


Yeah, honestly, I like the Henrietta character and the world building I could do here, plus Ranma in this fic is also a good mix I think. Makoto's neat as well. But I have so many other fics! I seriously need to finish one or two HP fics in particular.


Man, I am really happy you posted this. I didn't know you had a story with Familiar of Zero. This is great!


You're welcome. I enjoyed it quite a bit, really. Ranma in medieval/equivalent times works very well, and this Ranma's a good deal more unique - blank slate-like - than most of the ones I have created in the past.