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Hello all. As it is the ninth, it is time to shut down the large story poll. 

Before that, I have to announce that AGGC is done, and has been sent back to me by Hiryo. I will take a day to go over it, then post the final chapter and Epilogue of that story. 

Kirk Staley asked me which of my stories besides AGGC were closest to completion. So here we go (again LOL).  

The next closest is Semblance of Hope, at around 8 small chapters, maybe 9. Like in AGGC, my objective there won’t be to use my fic to solve everything in the RWBY universe, rather to tell about Ranma’s impact, and how he has brought the current conflict to a close, as well as his romance with a certain champion.

Making Waves is the next. I’ve worked it out, and it amounts to about 7-8 chapters, although the size of those chapters will vary wildly. That number might go up once I make a decision on what to do about Alcatraz, but no more than two chapters extra. 

After that is… A Third Path to the Future. This is surprising I know and DOES NOT take into account the actual work each chapter will take. It is simply a sign of the number of words. Two medium (35,000 word) chapters, then a small chapter, then three large I think… don’t quote me on how that breaks down LOL. 

After that, Horse for the Force is the only other story I can see the ending of without using a crystal ball of infinite power LOL. Again, I don’t want Ranma to solve everything wrong with the SW universe, much of that is beyond his power.  Fundamental social/technological changes do not occur overnight. But one side of a war that’s been crafted by a master chess player whose suddenly lost control of the board winning in a way that it should not, yes that can happen.

Anyway, that was probably really boring to all of you who were just here to see the results of the poll. So here it is:

In last place, Magic of the Force. It brought in 1187.  Again I think it was harmed by a ten of it’s longer-standing supporters leaving, much like ATP was last month. Nor did I put in my 600 votes here, for reasons that will become obvious in…

In second place was Horse for the Force with 1,614. Nothing to say here, although again it did suffer a bit from two of my well-known Ranma fans leaving last month.

And in first place was FILFy Teacher, with 1,872. A lot of people want to see the second half of the Ireland Arc. 

So you see, even if I had put in my 600 votes, Magic wouldn’t have won, it would simply have come in second. So instead of putting money on a dead horse, I will instead save my votes for the other two polls. In this way I hope that I may be able to push Bhaalson Remodel to be updated this month despite my initial desire to put it up for voting instead of simply declaring it should be so. And also put them behind another small story too, one that hasn’t been updated in a while.  



Since you have tried a few different things to ensure some of the stories with less of a following (though still a sizable one in most cases), have you considered having the votes for un-updated chapters roll over? For example, with this poll, Magic of the Force would have 1,187 votes added to next months totals (on top of any new votes next month), Horse for the Force would start with 1,614, and FILFy would start with none. You could combine it with rotating stories out of the vote as well, but even by itself it would ensure that people who consistently vote for fics like Bhaalson still have their votes count towards something.


I really love all your stories, but am wondering if you are ever gonna continue the second Ranma/Robotech fic you wrote, A Herd in Space.


This is an idea I can get behind as every story will refresh top 0 after an update, and give some of the lesser story's that I quite enjoy a chance for more chapters.


Yes, I do intend to go back to it. Just as soon as one of my SW crossovers is done. There is a limit to my sci-fi muse alas.


FILFy will not be in the rotation next month at all. And I will simply add 200 votes to my own for Magic. If it still can't win, then it will be a thousand the next month, when FILFy comes back. We shall see if that works to make certain the stories continue to rotate and people still see their favorite fics updated. That's always a tough line to walk.