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Hello all. I hope you are all well and looking after yourselves, whatever that might mean LOL. It is now time to close the small story poll. 

But as always, first, a sitrep. SBH is done and sent off to Hiryo, despite the fact it is a large chapter in size. I tried to get through the winter in one chapter since in medieval times winter sort of shut most movement down.  I didn’t quite succeed, but almost. The Valentina/Ranma interaction was also hard to get right. Still, it’s done, as are the combat scenes for Horse. I always find it funny how quick I can get combat scenes done in comparison to other types of scenes.

And now on to the small story poll. Remember though, that I said I wouldn’t be able to get to another small story if FILFy won. So if it did, there will only be three stories this month.

And now for the Results!

In fourth place, having not done as well as normal over on fanfic or indeed here on Patreon is Fate Touched in Middle Earth with 684 total votes,  only 88of which came from fanfic.

In third place is, alas, the story closest to completion, Anything Goes Game Changer. It scored a miserly 41 votes on fanfic and a total of 1025.

In second place astonishingly, was…. FILFy Teacher! Yes folks it was beaten, and I am no longer going to make predictions LOL. It placed first over on fanfic with a even 200 votes and brought in a total of 2014 votes.

But it was beaten out by its direct DxD competitor, Gods, Devils, and Wild horse, Oh My. It won by 2042 votes, of which 106 came in from fanfic. Evidently a lot of people want to see the Gremory parents get their comeuppance. 

This was honestly one of the closest small story votes I’ve seen in a while, which was fun even if AGGC didn’t win. Hell, it wouldn’t have won even if I had put my 400 votes down on it. Still, that’s fine I guess given the whole rotation concept. Remember since GDWHOM won this month, it won’t be on July’s small story poll and will be replaced by Stallion of the Line. The following month the small story poll will not be posted and I will be ending the rotation and simply updating the two small stories closest to completion – AGGC and Semblance.

The vote this month however leaves me in a quandary.  Normally I like to put out at least one HP and one Ranma fic a month, and this month I haven’t achieved that. So here is what I am going to do. Since FILFy was second place, but I know it would be too large for me to get to, I will change that out with a chapter for Fate Touched.  That way at least Harry fans will have something from me this month.

Next month, however… the large story poll will be between FILFy Teacher and Magic of the Force. ATP was just updated and I believe I will split it again and put it in the small story poll. That way, we will have a Planning/Dealing with Galactus chapter, and then back to dealing with the Shi’ar, the trip home, and a look at what’s been going on back on Earth in the next. Initially, I had decided to put all that at the end of the chapter to make up for having already cut out the second portion of the Shi’ar/Galactus arc. But this way it makes more sense, i can expand some of the scenes more, and I can give FILFy and Magic the time they deserve next month.  Whichever wins anyway, LOL.



Huh, so the story I decided to give a re-read yesterday ends up winning today. Weird, that's the third time that's happened, I kid you not.


Be sure not to use this power for evil LOL. That being said, there are many fics that I would like to see updated, so perhaps we could make a deal...


Nice a Fate Touched chapter to satisfy my craving for LOTR meat. So few quality updates on LOTR apart from Shadow of Angmar ( if anyone knows any other please tell me ^^ )