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Howdy! I hope you all are still staying safe (whatever that means where you are) in these tumultuous times. It is now the tenth, and it is time to shut down the Large Story poll for June. 

But first, as is normal a sitrep: I wish I could say that the Patron Only story is done. Unfortunately my home lost power for two days (lots and lots of trees down after two days of nasty rainstorms), and with everything still closed even charging up my laptop proved problematic. I have the next chapter of every story mentioned within the various polls outlined and ready to be turned from that to DNS. I also have around 23,000 words of Sword done, but I also underestimated the time it would take go through the Sword Bow and Horse chapter.  This is why I also haven’t been doing much editing or beta reading. However, I hope to get to that sometime in the next few days, while also finishing off the next chapter of Sword, Bow, and Horse.

On the other fics, I have to say that if both Magic and FILFy win their perspective poll, I will not even try to get them both out this month. I have estimated the chapter length, and while Horse is going to be only around 35-40,000 words, Magic could well be in the 50,000 word range. FILFy too is not going to be a small chapter, more like in the 40,000 range.

And now on to the June Large Story Poll results:

Huh… Okay, so I didn’t have to worry LOL. The winner, despite an abysmal showing over on fanfic of only 43, is Horse For The Force, with a total of 2,695. Magic of the Force did much better over on fanfic, with 157 votes. But it’s total was 2,555. 

I should start work on it by the 13th. Once I send off Sword Bow and Horse for review I will then Remember that the small story poll is going to end on the 16th. 



Looking forward to your usual excellent work. Especially the SB&H!


Honestly it is not really surprising that votes tends to be poor on fanfic since as soon as people come here they usually just keep checking here for updates