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June2020 Large Story Poll

  • Horse for the Force: action, war, a tiny bit of romance, many arguments, Ranma explaining slavery is slavery regardless of how you are born 177
  • Magic of the Force: action, some romance, War, Jedi tricks, Sith plans, Harry showing that while he only has one, it is a Very Large Stick 156
  • 2020-05-27
  • —2020-06-10
  • 333 votes
{'title': 'June2020 Large Story Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Horse for the Force: action, war, a tiny bit of romance, many arguments, Ranma explaining slavery is slavery regardless of how you are born', 'votes': 177}, {'text': 'Magic of the Force: action, some romance, War, Jedi tricks, Sith plans, Harry showing that while he only has one, it is a Very Large Stick', 'votes': 156}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 10, 17, 38, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 27, 17, 39, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 333}


And now for the Large Story Poll.  Like the  Patron Only poll, this poll is entering it's second month of the three-story rotation.  So the choices will be between Horse for the Force, and Magic of the Force.

For those of you have joined up in the past month, welcome!  Have some cake, it is not a lie.  How these polls work is fairly simple.  Choose the story from the stories listed below you wish to see updated in the month that is stated in the title.  Once the poll ends, (this one ends on the tenth) I will download the results, and then compare it at that time to a downloaded spreadsheet of my patrons.  With those two in hand i then weigh the votes via the amount donated, four (4) votes per every dollar donated.  This is the case for every poll.  You have the same exact number of votes in each.  Four (4) to a dollar per the Small Story, Large Story and Patron Only polls.

Some people also post their choices in the thread, but this isn't necessary and i do not count your votes twice if you do it LOL.  Further, unless i indicate otherwise, there is no doubling down.  You cannot use all your votes in any one vote.

(As an aside, I am still interested in a dedicated ATP editor, so if you want to earn more votes that is one way to do it - sixty votes per large story chapter).

The choices for the Large Story Poll this month are:

Magic of the Force - SW/HP Crossover: As the war begins officially, many Jedi are called into service in the front lines as, on Sidious's orders, Tyranus puts the screws on the GDL.  Planets fall, but the field commanders of the Confederacy are forced to try and answer the question, how do you fight smog and walls? Anakin is faced with a test of his control once more as the bond between him and Master Windu are tested like never before. Harry and his people get to know their newest member with some complications rearing their heads, while Yoda teaches the whipper-snappers some new tricks, just in time for their mission of picking up more younglings and the Agri-corps to go pear-shaped in the form of a attacking fleet.  The Tyrant's Bane shows its stuff to a captive audience.  Meanwhile war comes once more to Coruscant, and Padme learns she hasn't trained nearly enough while some recent moves on the jedi's part come to light and Sidious realizes that no, he really isn't nearly as in control as he thought.

Horse for the Force- SW/Ranma Crossover: With the battle in space over, Ranma and Shaak turn their attention to the battle on the ground, swiftly bringing an end to the droid assault in their own inimitable fashion. While Grievous is somewhat sanguine about what has occurred, Bulq is still somewhat reeling from the Veil’s dispersion, even though by this point it is slowly reforming, leaving much of the military decisions in Grievous’s hands, for better or worse. Elsewhere, the results of not aiding the Agri-worlds is felt, before the Mandos and Ranma and co. come face to face with the clones, something which demands a question and answer session on Coruscant itself. The results of that almost fracture their alliance, before Ranma makes a suggestion, then he and Shaak, with Kit and a new team of Mandos in tow, head back to Wayland pick up their fellows along with every Jedi Knight that knows literally anything about computers. At the same time, Sidious finally recovers and realizes that he can still feel fear for the Plan is most definitely in jeopardy now despite entering its next phase. 

Once more, this poll will end on the Tenth of June!



Personally I love both the them, but I would prefer to see magic of the force updated 1st. Still extremely close.


Magic of the Force