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Once more it has come, the time to ask questions of my patrons about things large and small, LOL. Yes, I am having trouble figuring out how to start these posts without repeating myself LOL.

Anyway, this time most of these questions deal with where a few of my stories should go from here. And as always, these questions will be broken up by which story they deal with. 

First a Patreon type general questions:

1.  I had a hell of a time getting back into writing Semblance. I enjoyed it once I did (the banter you can have with those characters is great) but remembering what had occurred before and where I wanted to take the story was hard. I put this down to how long it had been since the story was updated last. I mean it has been nearly a year since it was updated! Worse, in that time as all of you know I’ve tried numerous plans in order to both keep the current poll framework (one patron-only, one large story, one small story with an added small story possible) and get it and AGGC updated. It didn’t work. So now it is time to get a bit more radical. I want to know what people would think about removing the Large story poll every four months so that one of these two stories which are the closest to being finished of all my stories (judging by how many chapters) can be updated regularly.

Now, for Stallion of the Line type questions: 

1. What should be done with the Lightning Lightning Fruit? My initial thought was to have Raffy have it, but not use it often unless he had to, but I’ve been astonished by how many people have mentioned that Nami should have it over in reviews of the latest chapter. I think they are missing her personality entirely in that assessment, but I’m interested in seeing what people think. Would Enel’s DF give Ranma too much power?

2. Its time for Nami to step up her game for the captain’s heart. My question is, is she the type of girl to go for a slow seduction to worm her way into his affections, or would she go for broke, and just try to jump him the instant he’s cleared for *ahem* strenuous activities?

3. Going into this fic, I decided there was no F-ing chance of my doing the Davy Back Fight madness. But I am wondering if the Foxy Pirates are interesting enough opponents that you would want to read how this revamped deal with them without the stupid game-like atmosphere of the DBF.

A character-specific question for Semblance of Hope

(Yes I can ask this without spoiling the chapter that will be updated this month)

1. What is everyone’s opinion of Raven Branwen? From what I’ve seen, she’s more than a bit of a bitch, a thief, bandit, and murderer with possibly the only redeeming quality being that she cares for Yang’s life. I’m just wondering what everyone else thinks, because if she runs into Ranma as is...

Two questions for Bhaalson Remodel:

1. How did everyone like the dungeon mechanics? The respawning thing, the Heart Stones and the dungeon boss? 

2. And this is more of a specific question: Has anyone played the Dynaheir romance mod? I don’t think she’s going to be a love interest, but I’d like to know how the romance played out to get a better handle on her character. I only played all the way through with her once (I sucked in a lot of my run-throughs in keeping my mages alive…) so I don’t have as good a handle of her character as I would like.

Once again, thanks for helping me to answer these questions, and I hope that you all are staying safe and healthy in this time of turmoil. 



I hope raffy have the fruit and no foxy pirate


1. I think the lightning logia DF should go with either raffy or nami. 3. the Foxy pirates don't really deserve any word time based on canon. perhaps it could be a chance for raffy to get the slow/slow fruit? (forgot what it was called and didn't bother to look it up)