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January Small Story Poll

  • Fate Touched in Middle Earth: character interaction, comedy, adventure, Harry gaining new friends and burning new things 121
  • Anything Goes Game Changer: romance, comedy, action, the battle in Nerima continues, with complications arising from many quarters 86
  • Semblance of Hope: romance, character-driven comedy, Ranma having a suspiciously easy time while others don’t 65
  • Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My: combat, action, as Ranma and co catch a tiger in their trap when they expected a housecat 134
  • 2020-01-01
  • 406 votes
{'title': 'January Small Story Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Fate Touched in Middle Earth: character interaction, comedy, adventure, Harry gaining new friends and burning new things', 'votes': 121}, {'text': 'Anything Goes Game Changer: romance, comedy, action, the battle in Nerima continues, with complications arising from many quarters', 'votes': 86}, {'text': 'Semblance of Hope: romance, character-driven comedy, Ranma having a suspiciously easy time while others don’t', 'votes': 65}, {'text': 'Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My: combat, action, as Ranma and co catch a tiger in their trap when they expected a housecat', 'votes': 134}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 20, 25, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 406}



And here is the small story poll. I chose the stories I felt would allow me to keep control of the chapter well enough to get it out regardless of if the Patron only story is in the small story range or medium story range. That is why Stallion of The Line is not on this list.  I worked out how many words that chapter could take, and it ran a minimum of 25,000 and max of 35,000. And given my track record of keeping my story chapters small I decided to err on the side of caution LOL.

So the choices are:

A Semblance of Hope - RWBY/Ranma crossover: Ranma and Pyrrha talk about this odd relationship thing, deciding that for all their lack of experience they want to give it a try while, with the depths passed, the Grimm issue fades to the background as the ship continues on its way unmolested. Back in Beacon however things heat up as Torchwick obeys the Queen's commands, Team RWBY gets pulled into events, and an assassin takes her shot at a target that is in no position to defend himself. Truths are spoken, others hidden, and information gathered as things start to turn even worse for the Queen and her followers. 

A Fate Touched in Middle Earth - HP/Tolkien crossover: Harry has an unexpected discussion or two before returning to his body, whereupon he meets his very odd host and makes a few deals. Harry and Gandalf argue the trip continues into a very aptly named forest. Spiders learn that fire is a wizard's best friend, elves learn not to anger a wizard and then duplicitous acts show Harry that just because someone is an elf doesn't mean they can't also be a douchebag.

Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My – Ranma/High School DxD crossover:  Ranma and the others realize that just knowing an attack is coming doesn’t mean you know everything, and the ambush quickly gets out of control. Ranma is tested to the extreme 

Anything Goes Game Changer – Sekirei/Ranma crossover: Ranma and Akitsu flex their muscles against enemies both new and old. Ancient lechers make an appearance, the phrase blue balls becomes quite appropriate, issue arise from below and realize they chose a really, really bad time to do so. Ranma punches a pantyhose, Akitsu beats Sekirei and others off with various bits of ice, and several Ashikabi suddenly find themselves thinking they stepped into the lion’s den without appropriate underwear before Ranma decides to end at least two threats once and for all before dealing with the main threat.


R Brown

Anything Goes Game Changer