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Patron Only POll and Plans for January

  • Bhaalson Remodel: action, character interaction, magic, Harry going to war if on a small scale. 111
  • Sword, Bow, and Horse: Romance, comedy, action, Ranma smacking and being smacked in turn. 184
  • 2020-01-01
  • 295 votes
{'title': 'Patron Only POll and Plans for January', 'choices': [{'text': 'Bhaalson Remodel: action, character interaction, magic, Harry going to war if on a small scale.', 'votes': 111}, {'text': 'Sword, Bow, and Horse: Romance, comedy, action, Ranma smacking and being smacked in turn.', 'votes': 184}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 20, 21, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 295}



Happy New Year’s Day everyone! Hope all of you are safe/warm/healthy etc.

First let me say I hope you’re liking the latest question and answer session, although I have to say the questions I’ve been asked so far have been kind of tame in comparison to the questions I get asked via PM… hmm… LOL. 

It is as said above, the first of January, and December is behind me even if I didn’t quite get to everything I wanted to. The length of Heroes of the High Seas took me by surprise and before you ask, I wrote both of the chapters for it as one chapter initially because I wanted to get to the actual crossover element in one go. I split it in two because that way it was easier for my beta readers to get through. Then the political talk in Magic took me a whole week to get right. 

Still, with all that said, 22,700 + 38,200 + 28,600 + 32,100 + 41,000 posted… 162,600 words… that is a new personal record. So I can’t say I didn’t do a lot even if I couldn’t get FILFy out this month.

(and I had a patron quit this month with the excuse that I was not as active as he wanted…yeah… LOL)

That being said, FILFy is going to be updated in January. I will make it longer to compensate for not getting it out in December. I have also already said however that Horse for the Force will be updated this month. So those are my two priorities starting off.

From there, however, the polls will come into play: the small story poll and the patron only poll, the choices of which you will find in this post. 

That will be my priority list this month: FILFy which I should have out to be editor by the eighth at the latest. Then Horse for the Force, which should be done by the 16th. I will then close the patron only poll at that point and post the large story poll for February at that time. I need to know the winner for that one going into February because that month sucks. And yes, for those of you wondering, ATP will be part of that poll. 

After that will be the small story poll, although depending on which story wins and how long it takes to finish/send off to the story’s beta reader, it could be up by the end of the month or by the Superbowl. That would be the 2nd of February for the rest of ya. 

You will all also notice that the format for these polls have changed. Recently the information I am able to see when I download the results of the actual Patreon Polls has changed, and that makes it easier for me to count up votes, and for all of you to vote.

Remember everyone, for every dollar you donate, you get 4 votes to use in each poll on the choice (or choices) you want, unless stated otherwise in the poll.  But you cannot double down on one poll or another. 

Remember that since Making Waves won in December, the choices on the patron only poll will be between Bhaalson Remodel and Sword, Bow, and Horse. I like this since both choices give my Medieval Ages muse time to shine LOL. 

Anyway, the stories are:

Bhallson Remodel: Harry Potter/Gamer/Baldur’s Gate crossover: Harry and his companions continue their quest to rescue Minsc’s Witch, facing the complications of multiple Respawn points, the numbers the Gnolls can call upon in their fortress, weather and limited resources. The battle is hard, furious and in doubt almost from the get-go, pushing Harry’s Leadership and Tactics skills to the utmost, while internal conflicts come into play, and Tonks learns the limitations of thievery before the Witch is found and a final obstacle faced.

Sword, Bow, and Horse – Ranma/Vanadis crossover: Reactions to certain events abound before Ranma learns what it means to be a noble here as well as Vanadis. Certain people are terrified to learn Alexandra is healed and near to full power, while Ranma and Lim talk. At the same time, Elen and Tigre have some adventures infuriating many in Brune, forcing their two enemies to work together and bring in a heavy hitter, who quickly teaches them that brute force has a momentum all it’s own. Learning of this, Ranma rushes back, running into his first rival in this new world, who fights like an equivalent of Lime and Ryoga squared, with a giant unbreakable sword added into the bargain. 


Matthew Call

Sword, bow, and horse