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And here is this month’s questions posts. LOL.  And as always, these questions will be separated by the story they are about when applicable. Most of these are small, which is why I haven’t separated them into different posts.


First, two FILFy questions: 

1. I need a few Dark Wizard names. Four minimum for preference and I’d like them to be Greek, Egyptian, German or South African names. I’m wondering if there are any local myths or legend type characters any of you know which I could use as a template for new villains here. 

2. In the same vein, I need a teacher sort of character. A spirit or mythological entity connected to teaching who can join Harry and the others in laying the groundwork for the school Harry had proposed in the last chapter. I would like him to be a demi-human of some sort, but one not from HP or DxD canon. Perhaps someone from traditionally Slavic territories of the world? I would use a character originating from India, but perhaps not right away… I have plans there…

Horse questions: 

1. In the next chapter, I am reintroducing Anakin and Master Giiett. The question is, should I keep Anakin’s attraction to Padme? I’m just wondering if I should have that as a bit of background for him, or not.  I’ve already decided to not introduce Padme as a POV character at this point.

- Note, whatever the answer to this question, this Anakin, after several years as a youngling and now a little under half a year as a padawan – in other words a Anakin that wasn’t given preferential treatment – is going to be a very different young man than the one who faced the Clone wars – which are beginning a year (or more, hard to keep track of that kind of thing) 

2. This is more of an opinion question. What does everyone think of the space combat scenes I’ve done so far in this fic? Are they good enough as is, or should I go into more detail on the types of weapons, size of the ships, and so forth? With the war starting up in earnest next chapter this is a big question.


1. Since it’s now official that Ranma and Pyrrha are together, should Yang prepare to throw a hissy fit when next she sees Ranma, or just give it up for a bad go since she’s becoming more interested in Blake? 

2. I think the canon description of how the Grimm came to be is pure crap. Salem and Ozpin’s past are just blargh. So… what would everyone think of my creating my own origins story/background?

3. This could be an opinion question just because it really won’t matter much to the story overall but: Jaune/Ruby or Ruby/Weiss?  I am wondering if I have too many girl/girl relationships already going on in this fic… need to give the other guys some love y’know.

Game Changer:

1. Given his actions up to now, should Izumi Higa just be killed, or instead captured and turned over to the authorities after all of his Sekirei have been dealt with? I am struggling to choose whether or not this Ranma would be ruthless enough to kill him.



Semblance: 1) Just have her go after Blake. Drama isn't fun or entertaining -_-. 2) Go nuts...which is meaningless for me to say. This is a rare case where my only exposure to the source material is through fanfiction. I'd never know if you changed it. 3) Ruby/Weiss. While I may not have that much exposure to cannon versions, even I know the constitute a ridiculously cute natural pair... Game Changer: 1) Killed. If Ranma isn't ruthless enough, several of the others most certainly are. Uzume would almost certainly kill him gleefully, the moment he was vulnerable. Ranma isn't the only player in this drama...


For FILFy 2: Michael Scot. He was both a teacher and supposedly a wizard, as well as an Alchemist, Astrologist and spent his free time being super awesome (according to wiki). Best part is he is not only a real person, but was mentioned in Dante's Divine Comedy. If you are really set on a slavic character though, repurposing some of Rasputin's history may be best.


meh, I wasn't thinking drama, I was thinking public histrionics and guilting him into letting her have a chance to make it a threesome. You're missing nothing. Absolutely nothing. they are cute, yes but so could Ruby/Jaune This seems to be a consensus. Although I would say Miya would be the one to remove him.


hmm... Okay, that might be useful down the line. But I have plans for alchemy to be introduced later on for a specific purpose - and it ain't eternal life or turning lead into gold. Oh, no. This is something far more fundamental...hohoho...