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These questions, on the other hand, are kind of large, and since Bhaalson Remodel doesn’t already have a general discussion thread, I decided to separate it out.

First, Bhaalson Remodel:

Two general questions here and three specific:

1. What do you think about the Gamer-style Mechanics as I’ve been using them? I’m not asking about the fonts or anything like that, I’m just wondering if you like how I have incorporated the Gamer system into Harry and the BG universe. I didn’t want the Gamer system to take everything over, and I certainly didn’t want to introduce the idea of grinding, which I think I’ve done, but does everyone else agree, or should there be more points where the Gamer system pops up with choices and such like? {No, there will be no save points LOL}

2. Does everyone like/see the point of the scenes occurring in Harry’s old world? Or should I stop using them? Are the changes occurring there interesting enough they should be shown, or not? 

3. And now the specifics: What does everyone think of the way I’ve incorporated romance into Harry’s Gamer abilities? Do they make sense as is, or should I go back and rework them?

4. Are there any specific quests in BG and BG 2 from the mods/extended additions that you would like to see me incorporate? 

5. This question can serve as a bit of a spoiler, so read at your own risk: Was it ever stated why Irenicus went after Gorion’s Ward rather than one of the other Bhaalspawn? 

Beyond that, as mentioned, this thread is to be used as a general discussion place for this story.  So if you have any questions or points you want to raise with me, post them here, please.



1) You've done better integrating it, without it overwhelming chapters, than almost any version I've seen. I think you've hit it spot on with how much it interjects/interrupts things. 2) Honestly, I don't really care for the snippets of Harry's old world. It makes it feel like you're intending to send him back there, or more people in. Which I suppose you might but...if you do the whole BG series that would be years of time later... Although, seeing Hermoine interact with Fluer was kinda amusing, I must admit. 3) In so much as you've actually showed it, it seems to make sense. But since he hasn't really had an actual relationship yet...or even 'relations' for that matter... 4) There are boatloads of good extra quests and characters from BG2 mods. BG1 though...eh...the modding community was always weaker for that game and I can't think of many really well made ones for that game. One of the new characters was a little fun, Neera I think her name was. But I think she was half-loved half-hated, reception wise. I liked her, personally, though. 5) I don't think it was ever explicitly stated. I'd say the most likely reason was simply exposure. Do to being the Hero of the first game, he knew who they were and where to find them...


Ok, so here's a specific question for you. Since I always had Imoen as my thief, I never used the gnome Alora. Is she fun and interesting enough to bring in?


Eh, Alora's seldom used by anyone, since she pops up so late in the game (I think she's actually a Halfling, by the by). She's technically the best pure thief in BG1, but by the time you encounter her most people have solidified their party already. I've only ever used her once or twice myself, and that mostly out of curiosity. As for whether she's a fun addition or not...that depends on if you like constantly cheerful, bubbly, sugary personalities of doom. I personally found her fun for a while, but it got on my nerves eventually. If I remember correctly, she does interact well with Minsc/Boo and Garrick. She...MIGHT interact well with your version of Tonks/Imoen? I could see it going either way, either that Tonks/Imoen loves her to bits for her constant upbeat cheeriness, or wants to strangle her after a while on account of Tonks being the more ...sarcastic? Punk? A somewhat different flavor of irrepressible, rather than the hyper-sugary sort. Of course, because she's Alora's not all that commonly used (and doesn't have any dedicated quests, I think), you could probably tweak her personality to taste without anyone even noticing. Or, at least, without anyone getting bent out of shape over it.

Rumil's Apprentice

Late to the party here, but hopefully this will be helpful. General thoughts- I really love this story. BG2 is an all time favorite game of mine, and I've finished several playthroughs. I've only finished a single BG1 playthrough, so I don't have as much to say about that. 1. I have no complaints here. You've done an excellent job of balancing normal novel-like structure mixed with gamer-style mechanics, pop-ups, and such. The Game already seems to be guiding Harry along the main quest, so unless the Game also gives Harry ideas on how to improve, then I don't think you can do much more. I was surprised how instead of doing the BG Faerûn as a straight up fantasy universe, you actually had some game-mechanics built into the very fabric of the that universe. That is an interesting take, and I think it works really well. The regular characters already know/experience some of the game mechanics in their own lives. That makes Harry and Tonks integration much smoother (and easier to hide their real secret). 2. I like the occasional scene from Potterverse Earth. They are easiest to read when they are at the end of your chapters, but I didn't dislike how you had a scene mid-chapter in Ch 5 (if I remember correctly). I seems like you're building up to some future interaction between Potterverse Earth and BG Faerûn. I'm not sure if Hermione will join Harry and Tonks, or if those two will eventually make it home after the few years of dealing with all the BG games' plot lines. If that's true, I'd rather have the occasional "meanwhile, back on Earth" update, then for you to have to do an exposition dump later. However, if there will be no further interaction between the two worlds, then maybe just save all that for an epilogue. 3. Hmmm... I'm not fully sure yet how I feel about this yet. I can see the potential from a narrative and humor perspective, but I can also see the downside of romance starting to feel formulaic with Harry just following the options shown by the Game. When it comes to romance, I feel like the Gamer system can easily help Harry understand other people and practice flirting. Actually building a relationship with the necessary parts of shared experiences, matching life values, and complimentary character and personality traits and life goals... that would be very hard to do within the Game system. This also depends on how you want the two different Game Voices involving themselves in Harry's life. I have suspicions about who the Voices could be, but I'm not entirely sure yet. As it reads so far, one Voice probably wants to give Harry the structure to succeed/improve himself. While the other Voice would progressively snark at Harry's romantic prospects (or lack thereof). However, if you're building towards a specific ending of Harry and Co.'s time in BG Faerûn, the perhaps one Voice will already know and will be helping Harry towards that ending, including romance. And wow, talk about getting philosophical. It may be best if Harry actually starts to fight back against how the Game is presenting romance mechanics to him so far. If he gets annoyed at the Game and the Voices, then maybe he will start to take romance more seriously and be less oblivious. The mechanics can still be there, but Harry may not always take everything at face value and find romantic partner(s) he actually wants. 4. I have lots of thoughts here. I haven't played BG1 as much as BG2, but one commonality between both games is that the final battles are quite hard if you skipped too many side quests. Minsc was supposed to have a companion side quest in BG2, but it was cut out of the game. Some of it was eventually unearthed and turned into a mod: The Kidnapping of Boo by Cliffette. It's pretty hilarious, especially the dialogue. Additional, I can't remember if a mod is required to persuade Viconia to change her alignment during the ToB part of her romance, but I always liked that option for some of my male characters. Basically, mods that add more depth to the party interactions/relationship were my favorite. Considering the already revealed quest to explain how Jahira and Khalid are so weak, I'm not worried whether or not you include specific mods of this category. Your ideas are probably better anyway. In terms of the EE content, the only new companion character I even remotely liked was Neera, but gods she would need to some work to actually fit into a novelization of the story like this one. She's far too flighty (or chaotic, to use the D&D term) to fit into any story properly. It would take real work to turn her into a team player, but perhaps Tonks would be up to the challenge. I think Tonks would really like Neera. For BG1, most of the side content is only available if you explore each location available in the game. That seems a bit of stretch for this story, so I honestly don't care about the quests outside of the main quests and quests in the main towns/cities. However, I did enjoy the Durlag's Tower quest line and the epilogue fight with the summoned demon in Ulgoth's Beard. I feel like Harry and Co. would want to loot the tower as a power-up before the final battle anyway. Besides, I feel like Harry would have a Saving People Thing for killing demons and devils. The other content from Tales of the Sword Coast expansion (a ice island and a werewolf island)- I remember thinking they were stupid. For BG2, the main thing I want to comment on is the amount of money Harry would need to pay the Shadow Thieves for the alliance against Irenicus. In the game canon, the fee was ridiculously low, and you could earn that money from only the De'Arnise Keep quest. If you increase that amount to something much higher, then Harry and Co. would be forced to do many or most of the quests before traveling to Spellhold and the Underdark. In BG2 itself, doing all those (ch 2 & 3) quests before Spellhold overpowers your party on easy difficulty, but is generally necessary for harder difficulties. Also, the amount of time Irenicus would require to suborn and transform Spellhold into his new laboratory, including cloning and soul-extraction equipment, would require a few months, which would correspond to a longer timeframe of gathering the required gold for the Shadow Thieves. The open question here is whether Harry would finish his Radiant Heart missions before or after Spellhold/Underdark. In BG2 canon, the last mission is to kill the ancient red dragon Firkraag, and that is the hardest quest available before the trip to Spellhold. 5. I'm not sure it's explicitly stated, but it's heavily implied that Irenicus went after Gorion's Ward because they were vulnerable. Gorion's Ward had just very publicly prevented one war in Baldur's Gate, and if you include the recent expansion, ended another war just to the north of the city led by another Bhaalspawn. And their status as a Bhaalspawn was known to several worthies along the Sword Coast by then. Even after all this, Gorion's Ward and party were really only on the low-end of mid-level adventurers. It would not be hard for a high-level mage with extensive resources like Irenicus to track them down, defeat them, and kidnap them with a carefully planned operation. So a combo of Bhaalspawn status not secret, a known location as a hero, and yet still being rather week compared to actually powerful beings.