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Hey everybody.  Now that Stallion, FilFy and Magic have all been updated, it is time to start up the small story poll for October.  Remember that there will be no large story poll in October.  Either the next chapter of Magic or ATP will be updated.  There is a numbers only poll about that very question already going on, but I will shut it down on Wednesday.   At this point it looks like ATP will walk away with it, but if you want to vote head on over.

For those of you who have signed up this past month, welcome! As it states on my main page, for every dollar you donate, you get four (4) votes to use in each poll.  That means this month you get four votes in this poll, and four votes in the patron only poll that's already been posted.


Anyway, here is the small story poll.

Fate Touched in Middle Earth - Harry Potter/Tolkien : wolves get burned, Orcs get killed as Gandalf proves that you could also spell his name like AWESOME as Harry becomes luggage. Later, after Bilbo proves he has grown quite a bit and that his sitting is quite sharp, Harry wakes up and meets their host, who is even taller than Hagrid and just as hairy. Wizards argue, say farewell, and the party heads into a forest that could well be the original Forbidden Forest, while the wise worry.

Gods and Devils and Wild Horses Oh My - Ranma/Highschool DxD crossover: An ambush is planned as punishments are thought up/dealt out for a certain swordsman. The ambush occurs only to spiral out of control as they all realize they have caught a tiger by the tail rather than the wolf they had thought, but the tiger learns that there are people here who want it's pelt LOL as justice is served before the Gremory parents show up, only to find themselves in the cross-hairs of several people, including their own children.

Stallion of the Line - One Piece/Ranma crossover: After an awkward morning the pirates and their marine companions split into two uneven groups, one on the ship one making for the ancient city.  Elsewhere, the Survival game begins, taking it's first victims, and soon encompassing the entire island.  The python tries to make trouble again, Luffy meets a new 'friend' Ranma-style, only to leave as Enel decides to also take part in the game.  Hina and Robin are forced to team up, while Luffy becomes enraged beyond all sense of the word and people fall left and right to the Survival Game.

Anything Goes Game Changer – Sekirei/Ranma crossover: Ranma and Akitsu flex their muscles against enemies both new and old. Ancient lechers make an appearance, the phrase blue balls becomes quite appropriate, issue arise from below and realize they chose a really, really bad time to do so. Ranma punches a pantyhose, Akitsu beats Sekirei and others off with various bits of ice, and several Ashikabi suddenly find themselves thinking they stepped into the lion’s den without appropriate underwear before Ranma decides to end at least two threats once and for all before dealing with the main threat.

Semblance of Hope - RWBY/Ranma crossover: Ranma and Pyrrha talk about this odd relationship thing, deciding that for all their lack of experience they want to give it a try while, with the depths passed, the Grimm issue fades to the background as the ship continues on it's way unmolested.  Back in  Beacon however things heat up as Torchwick obeys the Queen's commands,  Team RWBY gets pulled into events, and a assassin takes  her shot at a target that is in no position to defend himself.  Truths are spoken, and hidden, and information gathered as things start to turn even worse for the Queen and her followers.

Yes, folks, Fate Touched is the only HP fic on here.  This is my way of trying to give it a leg up and get it updated at last.  It's been over a year guys.  It needs the help LOL.