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Okay everyone, Like I said in one my September poll results thread, I am trying to turn over a new leaf here by posting the next month’s poll following on the heels of the last. But because I haven’t updated Stallion yet (should be sending it off to it’s first beta-reader by Friday) I can’t put in my normal little preview/summary for it without giving spoilers.  Nor did I want to remove it from the poll, so don’t worry about that. It will remain in the polls until the Skypiea arc is done at minimum. So I decided to wait until I posted that chapter to do the small story poll and would only post the patron only poll now.

For those of you who are new, welcome! Every month you will get access to the discussion threads, be able to help me answer some specific questions I have occasionally, and of course earn yourself a bigger say in what stories I update every month. For every dollar you donate, you receive four (4) votes to use in each poll. That means four per poll, so you can vote in both polls this coming month. You cannot, however, double down your votes, by which I mean you can’t vote in one poll and try to use all your monthly votes in the other poll. 

Of course, beyond the discussion threads and everything else, you will also gain access to the patron only story that month, or stories, as the case may be. For October, that means Making Waves, and the winner of this story poll. Since this is also a month with a holiday – Halloween as well as a few specific others LOL - some of those choices are going to be story ideas. One will be for Harry Potter fans, one will be for Ranma fans, and one will be for fans of the My Hero Academia anime, which I have gotten into reading of late and have developed several story concepts for. For more information on my story concepts, look for the story ideas tag. 

(And then, if you do, tell me how well the page works. Sometimes Patreon seems to freeze and stutter on me, and not always when I am uploading large segments of text.)

So without further ado, here we go:

Climbing Together – a Ranma/various fighting games crossover: 

Sometime after leaving the Amazons after more than a week of travelling without food and now dealing with the rain, Ranma and Genma seek shelter in a cave. There Shampoo finds them, equally soaked and miserable despite having finally escaped her village to see the world.  Ranma, seeing an opportunity, talks her out of attacking the redhead. The two of them instead agree to share the cave over Genma’s objections and settle their argument with three martial arts matches. The rain continues to pound down for days, trapping them in the cave and forcing them to work together to hunt and cook, with Genma used as a wind breaker most of the time.  During the third match, Genma coldcocks Shampoo and rushes off with Ranma. Incensed by this dishonorable act, Shampoo goes after them, but thanks to the rain can’t track them, and only find news of them in Japan months later. Meanwhile, Ranma has been getting fed up with life in Nerima, frustrated at the fact that none of the three Tendo sisters are working out and that he has stopped growing as a martial artist, with his old man only sparring with him for a few minutes in the morning.  Shampoo shows up as in canon, but after finding out Ranma is a man, things go differently. Later on, the two would-be friends meet up and talk, with a few apologies going both ways before Ranma decides that Shampoo’s right, the Tendo school might as well not exist, so there’s no honor debt. And with his old man happy to stay there and laze about, Ranma can just… leave. Shampoo agrees with this, and the two of them deicde to leave together, eager to see what martial artists and fights they can find out there in the wide world.

Bhaalson Remodel – HP/Gamer/Baldur’s Gate crossover:

Discussions abound as Harry and Imoen are forced to confide in Jaheira and Khalid yet find that honestly might well have been the best policy in at least a few ways. Through this discussion he earns both trust and concern, while learning quite a bit more about the life Harry has been shoehorned into in this world.  The party even closer now, the foursome continues their journey to the south, plagued by idiotic bandits and other threats, while Harry learns more about his Gamer abilities, life and combat in that order while also being on the lookout for a temple where he can learn more about being a paladin. Level ups are discussed, Imoen is smacked upside the head frequently, and Harry learns not to trust barmaids all the time then they meet a irritatingly full of himself mage, before meeting a new friend who brings with him a small squeaky companion, and their first large scale quest.  Harry is then forced to step up as the party’s leader and decide to rescue the possible maiden or follow a lead to the Iron shortage issue.

Sword Bow and Horse – Ranma/Lord Masrksman and Vanadis crossover:

Reactions to certain events abound, Lim is irritated, Ranma interrogated if quite genteelly. Ranma then learns what it means to be a noble here as well as Vanadis, certain people are terrified to learn Alexandra is healed and near to full power, while Ranma and Lim talk and Ranma eats humble pie without really understanding why he is doing so. At the same time, Elen and Tigre have some adventures infuriating many and sundry in Brune, forcing their two enemies to work together and bring in a heavy hitter, who quickly teaches them that brute force has a momentum all it’s own.  Learning of this, Ranma rushes back, running into his first rival in this new world, who fights like an equivalent of Lime and Ryoga squared, with a giant unbreakable sword added into the bargain. In a fight between them in the forest, the forest proves the real loser, before both of them realize that maybe they should be thinking more about why they are fighting in the first place.

Heroes on the High Seas: The Rise of True Justice – A MHA/One Piece crossover:

(warning will contain spoilers for the MHA Movie)

Frustrated at his barely having enough time left to teach a single class after passing on One For All to young Midoriya and the events at USJ, All Might decides to head to I-Island that weekend, far earlier than in canon, along with Izuku. There, the young hero meets Melissa Shield and runs into a group of his classmates, each of whom are there before the official opening of the island due to family connections or it being a prize offered by their old schools, and the mad inventor Hatsume Mei. Melissa’s mature yet perky attitude brings out the best in Izuku and the others, helping him through a few mental hangups as well as Momo and even Jirou. This is something Izuku passes on to Shoto, trying to talk him into using the other half of his Quirk. Then it’s back to therapy for the cinnamon roll as Melissa questions why he isn’t using his brain more often. Yet evil doesn’t sleep and their time together is interrupted by a group of villains intent on stealing Dr. Shield’s latest invention. With the heroes captured, it’s up to the kids to save the day, and they do so with extreme difficulty, having to fight through half the island to first power down the defenses, then take the battle to the villains, only winning through because even villains get careless. Afterward, the victorious but very battered kids are allowed to stay the weekend on the island. But a Slumber party leads to a device Melissa had been working on getting the Mei Special, a problem brought to light when Kyoka, not being a morning person, sits where she shouldn’t and activates the device, teleporting them all… somewhere else.

Remember, with ATP due to be updated, there will be no large story poll. Nor will FILFy show up this month. Until I can reliably keep it’s chapters at around 20,000 words I am very leery of attempting to update FILFy in the same month as ATP. So there will be this patron only poll, and the small story poll after Stallion is updated.

I would also like to take the time now to thank everyone who took part in the latest small questions thread, and even more the political discussions thread. That in particular has helped me tremendously, and I wanted you all to know that even if I haven’t been able to reply to to many of your posts just yet.


Lance Garvey

4 for which ever Ranma fic has the most votes.

Max Leviton

Don't know if you're still taking votes for this one but if so I vote for Bhaalson