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This is going to be the first of several fic or crossover type (not splitting up the SW crossover questions LOL) specific question and discussion threads.  If you have anything you want to ask me, any suggestion you want to make, please talk about it here. I won't guarantee that I will follow up on your suggestion, but I can promise to listen.  An example of a great idea would be Wesley's point when I asked about ideas on incorporating other pantheons. A stoner god of destruction sounds like a lot of fun when I get to it LOL.

Beyond that, this post is also to ask you all a few questions.  Most are small though, don't worry.  They are more questions I am simply struggling with rather than important questions I need help to make a decision on.

1. Does anyone have any ideas for further canon characters they want to see added to Rias's peerage?  It's not complete yet after all.  Or, conversely, should I abstain from adding any more secondary characters?

2.  In the next chapter, the peace talks concept is going to be dropped on Rias and Sona.  How big a stink should they raise about not being asked their opinion on it being held in Kuoh, and how many concessions/what kind should they wring from their older siblings?

3. When it comes to it, will it really be necessary to show Rias dealing with her cousin who is challenging her position as heir to the Gremory Clan?  I feel I should, since she hasn't spent much time on her Clan issues in a while, but on the other, I think the fight is going to be more massacre than anything else.

4.  This is a timeline question: I am uncertain if I want to have the Potters and co head back to the UK before the peace talks or after.  I think the longer I put it off the less important it seems, 

5. Tied to the above question: Should Lily, Kunou and Koneko have their own adventures away from Harry and the others?  Or would that be too contrived no matter how it came apart given Harry's magic and his priorities?

Beyond those points guys and gals, if you have anything you want to say about this fic (other than 'write more' or 'I hate it write something else' LOL) lay it on me here.



1. If it makes sense and is realistically possible, then go ahead... but I'm not sure they should get as much screentime.... maybe the same amount as Issei has... ir Gaspar. 2. I believe they'd react with deadpan "Why am I not surprised?" attitude. 3. I think it would be believable to have Rias deal with the family "feud" with simple logic and diplomacy. 4. Make the trip soon. The sooner, the easier it'll be to get it out of the way, over and done with. The longer you wait, the harder it'll be. I vote for before the treaty. 5. Maybe have an Omake at the end of a chapter... or have Harry and Rias listen to his daughter's (daughters') recount the adventure in summary?


1) seems to either be a meh or a no with most. That's fine I suppose, since I honestly have other ideas I migth be able to pull off if I don't enlarge Rias's peerage further. 3) if it was going to be solved by diplomacy, the idiot wouldn't have challenged her, so that's not going to happen sorry. i will however show more about Rias slowly taking over some of the family business. 4) Agreed. Yes, the majority seem to think it needs to happen sooner. So what I will do is to make the diplomatic talks slow down thanks to the attack, the Church dragging its feet, the Fallen general having to get the Grigori to sign on and such like. I think I'll have the trip happen as soon as possible. The only question is... how to get them away from the school.


1. A slightly OOC Rossweisse could still be a great addition to the group (like how you did an OOC Kala). One of my head canons of Rossweisse is a bit more like Cordelia from Fire Emblem Awakening- an all around super intelligent and skilled prodigy, has romantic oneitis for someone like Thor, and ignores social skills intentionally until she enters the story. I really like how Rias and Harry are brining together people of different species and supernatural backgrounds. You've already mentioned High Elves and Fae retreating to sealed pocket dimensions, so if they could be brought into the peerage, that could be awesome, or maybe too much. Just an idea. Valerie Tepes- I always thought she doesn't get enough screen time in DxD canon. With part or all the Sephiroth Graal, she could easily take up 4-7 of Rias's pawns (depending on how whole her sacred gear is). Harry could decide to do a rescue mission after Gasper tells Lily his story. Or maybe Harry hears about unexpected power moves from the Tepes Vampires and combined with Gasper's story, the team makes a stop in Romania on the way home to Japan from the UK. Since in canon, her sacred gear has already been split, you could play her character a bit like the version of her from Woona the Cat's fic 10th Life. She gets back 1/3 of the Graal when rescued from her brother, but Rizevim Lucifer still has 1/3 of her sacred gear, so she needs help from a death deity to function correctly until Rizevim's demise. 2. Well, they can't raise too much of a stink, because hosting the Talks will very much raise their profiles outside of the Underworld. Inside the Underworld, depending on the person, it will either raise their reputations a moderate amount or just be neutral because it's seen as a continuation of existing sibling favoritism. Maybe one of Rias's concessions is getting Sirzechs to allow her peerage/clan/family to travel to Europe after the talks are over. 3. I don't think you need to show it, but maybe in aftermath of the duel, do a scene with Zeoticus visiting (to compliment previous one with Venelana) with Rias and Harry to discuss family and politics. 4. I think they should do the Europe trip immediately after the talks- a much need break after working so hard to host a HUGE diplomatic function. It could be one of Rias's concessions. I just really want the mini-arc of the Potter-Gremory Clan visiting Europe. If we get too far in the DxD story, it will be hard for them to take a big trip without getting attacked by terrorists or violent deities. 5. Yes, I think the younger girls should definitely have some adventures when they do the trip to Europe. Can you think of the trouble Lily, Kunou, Asia, and Koneko could get up too with Luna? And yes, Harry is going to keeping a tight leash on the kiddos until they can fend for themselves. I mean, eventually they'll have God-level beings coming after them. It would be cool in general to write other characters having adventures, but there's already so much plot to write just following the protagonists.


In real life, Japanese schools have a 3 week break in late March and early April. Their school year operates with a more trimester system- so one term is Sept-Dec, then Jan-Mar, then Apr-July.


1. I would argue that Kala isn’t a good example of an OOC character because the original did not, in point of fact have any character to speak of LOL. Yubelluna, on the other hand, is OOC. As for Rosie, I don’t intend to introduce her until the peace talks. I doubt I’ll make her a secondary character even then, sorry. High Elves and Fae, now that would be telling. But you and Tomon seem to be the only ones who have figured out some of my hints, so I think you will enjoy where that plotline is going to go. Valerie Tepes: this point is… interesting. I will, however, have to redo a lot of the canon surrounding the vampire factions and bits and pieces of her personal past. After all, vampires are known in HP canon, and not exactly a danger to most mid-to-high-level wizards. I am uncertain where to put them dealing with the vampires in terms of the overall plot, but… yes, I think I can make it work… hmm… hmm… (in case you didn’t know hmms are good things.) 2. That would only be true if they were being asked. Being told the talks were going to be held there, and oh, that means you’re involved very much makes it a different story. 3. Zeoticus will be showing up with Sirsechs to check in on Rias in the aftermath next chapter. As for the inter-clan fight, yeah, I’m not going to show it, but the aftermath of that can lead me into having Rias take up more of the heiress duties – including, heh, some of the contracts the Gremory clan has worldwide – which also doubles as an information network. This will be helpful for many plots going forward. 4. Sorry no, it will be happening before the talks. 5. Luna as a trouble=maker, never saw that coming LOL. But yes, the kids will have a mini adventure, but not anything major. Harry and Rias would be positively biblical against anything life-threatening.


Lol, I'm mostly new here on your Patreon page, so it's good to know that "hmmms" are a good thing. No worries about Rosie. Not every character can fit in every story. As for the vampire power levels, perhaps it could be something to do with bloodlines and/or the age of vampires (like in Underworld or Rosario + Vampire). In FIFLy, the wizarding world already ignores the larger supernatural world, so their normal dealings could be with young, freshly turned, and/or vampires from ordinary bloodlines. In dxd canon, beside being from a noble and royal vampire house, Valerie's older half-bother Marius Tepes is said to be a "pureblood vampire," although that term is never explained (as far as I remember). He could have been actually born to 2 vampires or turned from a human in a specific way. Also, I'm looking forward to see how to build out the Gremory family business network stuff.