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 Alright everybody, It is the 15th and that means it’s time to close the Large and Small story polls. I also usually announce the progress of Making Waves or whatever other fic I work on during the first twelve days of the month – the rest goes to outline time to the fics that I can tell will place either first or second in the small story polls. 

This month though Making Waves is just kicking me in the balls with a hobnailed boot. It is a reactions chapter, and moreover it involves a lot of people who have never been in a fight this serious before, and others who actively attempt to avoid them, plus guilt of course. Ugh. I need to make a point of the deaths effecting people, the near death experiences also effecting people, without repeating myself too often, which isn’t nearly as easy as it sounds.  The chapter has been fighting me tooth and nail, but I have most of it written via DNS now, and will hopefully be finished and sending it off to edit by Monday. Still, I was forced to split the chapter up, so the next two will be romance heavy on the backdrop of several original adventures.

On the other hand, FILFy chapter 12 is finished and has been since last Friday. I sent it off to a former patron, Nad Destroyer, who is a decent expert at DxD stuff and has volunteered to look it over for me. I told him to look for small mistakes as well as big flow issues though, so it hasn’t gotten back to me yet. 

Still, on to the poll results now:

First, we have the winner of the Large Story poll. 

Magic of the Force has FINALLLY won!!!!! I t brought in 1,770 to beat out Horse for the Force with 1,491. Woot. A hell of a lot of votes and I am really thankful to see so many people taking part, and doubly thankful we will be seeing a new Magic chapter after soooo long.

Second is the small story poll. Here, with the issues MW has been giving me and my priority being on Magic of the Force after that, I can’t promise to get the two winners out. And remember that I wanted to repay my patrons in particular this month because of how well this site has been doing since November. To aid that, I said I would multiply the votes of the two patron only chapters by 1.5. If one of those stories places second in the small story poll, it will, as I stated in the original poll, jump to third in my list of priorities. Now, to see if that actually matters, LOL.

From the bottom, once more, is Semblance of Hope, with a total of 362. 152 votes of that came from fanfic. Ouch, once more. UGH. Still, I hope that it will do better again once AGGC is done. Sword, Bow and Horse brought in 410 votes, and then was multiplied by 1.5 to a total of 615. Even doing that wasn’t enough to move it up from its fourth place spot.

Next was Stallion of the line brought in 887 with 256 votes from fanfic. Anything Goes Game Changer brought in 1,070 total votes, 171 of which came from fanfic. 

Andd…. Bhaal Son Remodel brought in 864 originally, and was then multiplied by 1.5, bringing it up to a total of 1,296 and making it the winner. 

So there you have it. If I finish Magic, then I’ll start on Bhaal Son Remodel, and then move on to Anything Goes if I have time. It’s going to be a Harry heavy month for certain. 



I'll read and love them all no matter what, but I gotta say I love your Ranma more than Harry.


Really happy right now really like your ranma fics but love your harry ones now im going to be jittery till you post magic lol