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MHA/Ranma crossover idea:

So here is the idea for this crossover I have further enlarged. 

Quirkless Fury (name subject to change.

Two different ways to introduce Ranma:

Stain going about his business killing another hero, is interrupted by a stone nearly taking him in the eye.  He turns and sees Ranma in his male form standing on a nearby rooftop. After some shit talking going back and forth, they attack, but Stain finds himself over-whelmed, his sword not able to land a hit, his speed not enough, and his strength next to useless. Taunts Ranma about what kind of quick he must have, but surprised at the lack of Quirk and his overall strength. Ranma then leaves before heroes arrive, since, y’know, their fight made a lot of noise. But he winds up captured, and is offered the choice between jail time and going to UA. Needless to say, he goes to UA, but has some restrictions placed on him, and some demands in turn.

Things this fic would include:

1. A seriously trained Ranma. Genma will have been quirkless and will have trained Ranma as hard as possible from the get go in order to show the world that you didn’t need a quirk to be a martial artist. Note, a martial artist, not a hero. There will be a backstory there too.

2. Ranma will still have his curse, and will still have Shampoo after him. This will cause issues LOL. Especially when she decides to join the villains when they try to break in. 

3. Ranma will not get along at all with Aizawa and vice-versa. They will clash nearly every week.

4. Ranma and Izuku friendship. Ranma will like Izuku’s fire and see in him someone he can be a friend with. Izuku will even get some training from Ranma. 

5. Ranma will find himself in some fights he just can’t handle without breaking out the formerly sealed techniques. And even then, he will only be able to survive thanks to the help of his friends.

6. Ryu Kumon will make an appearance, as will Ryoga…as villains. One will just be called that, one will have walked willingly down that path.

7. Once more, this Ranma will have a normal guy’s appreciation of girls, but will have severe issues with his curse at first. He will get help for that though.

8. Pairings are up in the air, but I really love Momo, Izuka (who would be a Tendo and thus have a step up on the others) Tsuyu, and Jirou. She’s fun since she’s like easily one of the most normal acting girls in the grade and that can help settle Ranma and co. down. And Tsuyu chan/Momo are just awesome full stop.

9. Pervert Hagakure - I think it would be funny if she and Mineta are vying for most perverted if for opposite sides of the equation, only Mineta gets caught during or before, and she doesn’t until she starts gushing blood out of her nose.

10. I would like to concentrate on more of the side characters, not Iida, Ochako and Shoto. 

And here is another idea for you all, because a few people have mentioned wanting to see me write a Ranma/Shampoo fic.

Climbing Together (again, name subject to change) 

Ranma, is nearly caught by Shampoo a month after having left her tribe behind. But it has been raining all day, and the two of them are both soaked, weary and irritable. Ranma refuses to fight and to kick her out into that, but Genma disagrees, causing the two youngsters to gang up on him. After a few attempts at conversation, Ranma gets Shampoo to agree to have a few spars since Shampoo doesn’t want to really kill the redhead, so much as regain her pride. They have three spars, one free for all, and one weaponless. Shampoo wins the first one, if barely thanks to Ranma tripping. Ranma wins the next one easily, which makes Shampoo somewhat furious, but Ranma just points out that it means she has more to learn, which is the entire point of the Art: to always get stronger. Between the spars and two days of being stuck inside and the joy of knocking the panda out every time he stirs, the ‘girls’ get to know one another. But the day of their third spar, Genma comes to and this time knocks them both out in turn, carting Ranma away, leaving Shampoo to chase after Ranma, none the wiser about his curse just yet, which Ranma hid, since he was afraid of what would happen if Ranma knew about it (she had changed in front of him).

Later, after Shampoo has shown up, Ranma is very frustrated. He and Akane are no closer to really getting to know one another, her pride and his ego getting in the way, and even after that match with the skiers, she treats Ryoga better than him. Worse in a way, she won’t let him train her, and has a temper and doesn’t taker training seriouslyand is just getting bored with Nerima entirely now. Ryoga can’t stick around, his father isn’t training him anymore and school sucks. Then Shampoo shows up, and, being told by his old man she has gone back to wanting to kill him, he hides for a time, until she attacks Akane as in canon. Beating her he is then astonished when she once more kisses ‘him’ only this time, it isn’t a peck on the cheek but on the lips. Later, he discovers this is a sign of marriage, and whispers to her he wants to talk later. Later that night, he talks to her, and she tells him about their laws, and then about not having really wanted to kill ‘Ranma-chan’. So the two agree to try out this whole dating thing, sealing the deal with another kiss, which grows passionate quickly. Unfortunately, this is seen by Nabiki, with predictable results, but Ranma decides instead of fighting it, to just go with being kicked out, and he and Shampoo are gone, leaving Nerima before Genma and the others realize what is happening.

Things in this fic would include:

1. World hopping couple: Ranma and Shampoo, both of them wishing to get stronger, will travel the world, from Japan to India to the island of Asia in no set way, and then back to China.

2. Genma on the trail with Soun. Akane having wiped her hand of this whole marriage thing seeing the kiss, the two are arguing about who should be married to Ranma now, but decide to get ‘the boy’ back first. Their adventures would be an amusing side note to the lovers trips as they foul shit up.

3. Early introduction to Nodoka. The two stop into a martial artist dojo that specialize in swords, and Nodoka and Ranma meet without any buildup… OOpppps… how she would react to his female form is still up in the air. Natrually of course, Genma would also come through afterward…

4. Crossovers. Either with Fatal Fury or Street Fighter in its entirety, or just characters from both. 

5. Lots of new martial arts moves, techniques, and fights, along with shenanigans because of the above.

6. Ranma/Shampoo either alone, or with one other girl eventually added in - Mai, or Chun Li. Chun Li would be a fling for both the youngsters, and for her, since she wants some excitement, and Shampoo is a fan girl. Mai would be more a true love trio.  Romance moments, ecchi moments, lots of shenanigans as Ranma proves he is the true inheritor of the Saotome luck and foot in mouth disease.

7. Cat Fist. In India they would find out a way to bring this technique to its full manifestation, and why it was originally created.

8. Vignettes of what life is like in Nerima after Ranma’s arrival but without him around. 

9. Eventual showdown with both the Musk and Phoenix. These would be near the end of the fic.

Anyway, hope those of you who like Shampoo and want to see what I'd do with her and Ranma together like this.



First month on Patreon, so I might make some random comments on old posts (like this one!) I really like the Climbing Together plot. All of your works are amazing: how you take two settings and merge them into a recognizable and enjoyable is mindboggling. The attention to worldbuilding, expanding the setting to make a whole universe; that is what I crave in fanfiction. And I have to say, I want to see what you can do with the common denominator. I want your take on the wider world Ranma comes from. Your idea of a Genma and Soun subplot would be hilarious, and the final big baddies sound like amazing places to speculate (do the musk have old style plantation colonies on other continents? Do the Pheonix have a "secret" hideout in Egypt? Is there a second location like Jusenkyo in Florida that was the originator of El Dorado because the cursed forms from there age backwards?) Heck, your worldbuilding and your stories inspired me to start writing my own fanfiction just to brainstorm about the worlds therein. Thank you for your words.


Oooh, tough choice. I LOVE THEM BOTH!! If possible, I want them both. But if I have to choose, Climbing Together with the Street Fighter crossover is the one I'd prefer.