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I mentioned when I posted the Vanadis chapter or somewhere else on the thirtieth that I had thought up some ideas for a Familiar of Zero crossover, and for a MHA (My Hero of Academia). The second will be posted in a second thread, since I have learned my lesson about having too much stuff in any one thread.

First, here is the two concepts for Familiar of Zero crossovers I’ve come up with, one Ranma, one HP. 

First the Ranma one:

Ranma and his old man are forced to take several detours as they move through China in an effort to throw off Shampoo. Ranma is also irritated at yet another mess his father’s stomach has gotten them into (Genma was already eating before Ranma crossed half the distance to the victory table, that was his story and he was sticking to it), Forcing Genma to push their training up a level, showing the boy what a ki attack could do. Entering an ancient temple, they agree to hide out, find a pool of clear, crystal water, and Ranma drinks from it while Genma is preparing only to be attacked by giant freaky stone monsters - four arms, all blue, Rakshasa Raja, like from Heroes of Might and Magic. While running away they are separated, and Ranma is nearly bitten in half, but avoids it, only getting bitten in the shoulder.

Later, after dispatching two of the monsters, Ranma finds himself stronger, faster, odd, then tries a ki attack, only to find out he’s able to create one with relative ease. -Weird, but not gonna complain. Soon after that it starts raining, and unwilling to change back to a girl, Ranma stays there to explore, figuring he should also at least check to see if his old man had kicked the bucket. Could at least loot his stuff in that case. Finds their packs, his old man’s especially, but not the fat baldy himself. Then he becomes ambushed by more of the weird four-armed guys.

Meanwhile, in another dimension entirely Louise Vallierie is preparing to summon her familiar. Ranma blinks in astonishment, and is suddenly elsewhere for better or for ill. 

Things this fic would contain: 

1. Revolution. Seriously. Tristain and the rest of that need’s one, a real one, very badly. Ranma might not know how to make gunpowder or guns, but he knows how to make guns better just from having seen them in his own world. He can even describe artillery and bombs, and a lot of ways to use water power, if not how to actually create electricity. 

2. Damn Strong Ranma. Having drunk of the Water of Power (name to be changed once I have a look for a Chinese legend I could use) will have built up the ki reserves he would have in a few years otherwise. - So expect mages to be tossed about, and new ki attacks.  He also has his old man’s backpack, and anything it might contain

3. Semi-normal towards girls Ranma. This Ranma knows girls are interesting, just not what to do about it. He also will not have gone through the indoctrination process he ran into in Nerima. So lots of blushing, some looking, and attempts at flirting

4. No Amazon techniques. Taking Ranma from so early in the 1/2 continuum has consequences.

5. No Ranma as the Gandalfr, at least for a time. He’ll be hiding out for a bit, and making a pain of himself in several ways. Which means:

6. Ranma will need to learn the local language. This will contribute to a lot of little adventures at first, including his ‘kidnapping’ Siesta for a time as his interpreter.

7. Ranma/Henrietta or Siesta. This would not be a harem pairing, though Ranma would find it very hard to pick between these ladies, and they would compete for him in certain, softer ways rather than physically. 

8. Louise will eventually become a decent character, but not for a while.

9. Teach me Master: Karin will come to see Ranma as something like a protégé and vice versa. This of course causes problems for Louise and Eleanora who Ranma will… not get along with. Like at all. Matter and anti-matter level. Cattleya - um, her Ranma can get along with, her pets… not so much.

10. Whole lot of combat: duh. 

11. Romance: Ranma will try to be romantic a time or two with the two girls listed above with various results. And you better believe Kirche will be trying to get a ride on the horsie.

12. Ranma attempting to reject his female form. In my fics I show Ranma having to get used to his female form, even coming to like it and in some control the change. In this one though, while Ranma won’t still believe the idea of women being weaker than men, that doesn’t mean he will like his female body and he will want to get rid of it, no matter how he has to. Many shenanigans ensue.

13. This one is a bit like a Wonder about Zero, but not quite LOL, since Ranma will be the only person entering the Familiar of Zero world. Or will he…? 

And this is my HP/Familiar of Zero - A different Kind of Magic:

An 18 year old Harry is sighing and irritable having just had another fight with Ginny. He did want to get back together, but didn’t want her to control his life. He wanted to see the world, she wanted to go back to school, and then for them to get jobs in the ministry. Harry was fine with the job, but not going back to school, since he had already taught himself a lot from the Black Library. He wanted to instead sit for his Mastery - transfiguration and DADA, get a job after that. He had learned that trying to be normal was not for him, even if he still wanted a normal family. Ron and Hermione were no help, too busy sucking face, a sight to turn the hardiest stomach. 

But he had to get a meeting with the Goblins out of the way today. The Gobs were still stroppy about his and his friends breaking in, and had demanded they come in and make recompense. The recompense was paying off the gold necessary to raise and train a dragon and repair the damages, plus half the gold in their vault. Harry forced to pay for his friends too, argues about it, argument grows heated and then the axes and spells fly. But then, between one moment and the next, Harry sees some odd teleportation magic opening a portal in front of him. “Any port in a storm and all that.”

Needless to say the boys and girls of Colbert’s class are surprised to see Louise the Zero summon a powerful nobleman. After all, what else could this man be, given they will have seen him throwing around spells? Harry does nothing to offset this idea when he starts to realize that this might have been a one way trip, whereupon he lays waist to the entire classroom and goes off in search of “someone with enough bloody common sense to fill a teaspoon!” 

Things this fic will contain:

1. Take no shit Potter - he will not like the way this world is set up, and will make no bones who knows it. 

2. Flirty Kirche: she will like what she sees in this otherworldly wizard, yes indeed. 

3. Political Potter. He is used to dealing with the ministry, all its various factions, and how they will attempt to manipulate people. 

4. Half-Gandalfr: Louise will have kissed him, but the spell won’t have taken because she’s not strong enough to push her will on Harry’s. But the language barrier will have been dealt with here unlike in the Ranma fic.

5. Potter as a trainer - For a time Harry will agree to try to teach his brand of magic to Louise and the others, but success will be varied. But each student will need to come up with something to offer him, as he won’t have any interest in becoming a teacher at the school. Again, this could lead to some interesting interactions.

6. Harry/Henrietta - won’t be love, but it will certainly be interest at first sight and will build from there. Henrietta will see a handsome, powerful, ‘obviously’ noble magic user with spells no one has seen and a caring, selfless attitude. Harry will see a beautiful young woman who is practically being broken by her position and the constraints of tradition and her own mother’s lack of will.

7. Siesta as Harry’s personal maid do to saving her from various nobles and their attentions. What this means will be up in the air for now. But it might well mean some sexy times - with Siesta leaping into his bed willingly- even if they don’t become a permanent item. She will also be important for a variety of reasons on the social scene.

8. War, combat, world building. I’ll go into the political scene and the interaction of countries more in this fic, whereas in the Ranma one he’ll just plow through that kind of thing. He doesn’t know enough about guns to really help, but he knows what they look like in his world, and if he tries, that might be enough. Harry might also know enough to point the locals toward electricity. And from that, you just try to stop an industrial revolution and the creation of a middle class. One which Henrietta would just love to recruit to her side.



Climbing Together sounds fantastic.


I'm think Harry is the better on for this world and the much needed jolt. I can imagine the common people looking up to him since they see him as a noble who cares about the people and dosen't play ball with idoits since they are almost like ministry back home.