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September2024 Patron Only Poll

  • Heroes of the High Seas - romance, character interaction, comedy, action, sailing, pirates being pirates, heroes having no luck(?) 84
  • Death's Avenger - Comedy, character creation interaction, world building, magical experimentation, Harry making more friends and growing 186
  • Climbing Together – action, violence, comedy, romance, Ranma getting his head kicked in, Mai getting an idea shoved into hers 94
  • 2024-08-23
  • —2024-09-01
  • 364 votes
{'title': 'September2024 Patron Only Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Heroes of the High Seas - romance, character interaction, comedy, action, sailing, pirates being pirates, heroes having no luck(?)', 'votes': 84}, {'text': "Death's Avenger - Comedy, character creation interaction, world building, magical experimentation, Harry making more friends and growing ", 'votes': 186}, {'text': 'Climbing Together – action, violence, comedy, romance, Ranma getting his head kicked in, Mai getting an idea shoved into hers', 'votes': 94}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 9, 1, 15, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 23, 14, 55, 46, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 364}


Here is the Patron Only Poll for September. I was honestly tempted to not have Death's Avenger be part of this poll, so that I knew I would have time to finish FILFy, but I decided that wasn't fair to it's fans, and I know (looking at you, Novus LOL) there are some fans of my HP works that dislike FILFy for the other half of that crossover.

So here we go. The choices are:

Heroes of the High Seas – My Hero Academia/One Piece crossover: Time out at sea proves dangerous, as the Grand Line tries its best to kill them and living on a ship with so many good-looking women tries to kill Izuku and the boys in various ways. The first of which way proves to be sleeplessness as Momo and Izuku talk the night away right before the ship is attacked by water monkeys and then venomous flying fish.  Izuku’s dreams continue to be weird, while Mei and Melissa argue with the rest of the crew as to what is allowed or not both in terms of weapons and in terms of propulsion.  Regardless, the group arrive at an island, where they start to learn that the idea of law and order in this world varies wildly between one island and the next. When Iida and Kirishima trying to act as heroes gets them noticed while Izuku and Melissa’s comments get them a very odd meeting with a passing archeologist. Unfortunately, the pair then return to find the ship under attack by the rest of the pirates around the place, putting the group in a life or death struggle when their hardest hitter is still dealing with injuries from his last fight.  This calls for what heroes would call out of the box thinking…       

Death’s Avenger – HP/WoW crossover: With the spirit of their Order restored, life in Trueshot Lodge turns for the better, with Harry and his friends hammering out a semi-schedule for his time going forward so he can help the Order and learn what the Unseen Path has to teach at the same time.  This results in a small argument about which branch he is most suited for and the first of many real arguments with his current paramour on what he’s spending his time on.  Days turn into weeks turn into months turn into decades as Harry loses himself in learning, training and growing and Tyrande’s companion Shy-Rotam becomes a queen, bringing the frostsabers into alliance with the Kaldorei.  A minor incursion of kobolds provides a bit of excitement, as does the return of the draconic Cartographer, but in the main, Harry’s time is peaceful until after he makes the jump from Oathkeeper to Seeker.  Armed with several new spells, new gadgets and more, Harry and his chosen companions embark on a journey to the southern shores of Kalimdor, hoping to solve his issue with bonding with Air Elementals, a journey that does not start auspiciously…

Climbing Together – Ranma/StreetFighter/KoF crossover: Ranma proves suspiciously adept at finding the underground fight scene, whereupon he and Ryu get to see one another in action while Mai and Shampoo fight (literally) for equality of the sexes.  Meanwhile, Ken makes some wagers, followed by Shampoo needing to beat a creep.  Elsewhere, their new acquaintance gets into some trouble, only to be helped by the mightiest thighs in all of China.  Mai and Ranma accidentally have a moment while Ryu has a fight in the ring. Eventually after several such, Ranma finds that the local criminal boss they are here to find dirt on is very much a hands on fellow.  The others search, Ken takes pictures of various locals and Ryu finds a new martial art he wants to learn.  Shampoo and Mai deal with bodyguards who really aren’t before calling in Chun Li, only too late for many of Ranma’s bones. After the worst beating of his life against a man who is all instinct, no style, Ranma has an epiphany, while Chun Li finds far more evidence than she needed, Mai has a revelation, and Shampoo agrees to become a stunt actress.

Hmmm... I will be voting for Heroes.  I would like to explore One Piece from another perspective, have several fics I have been putting off reading that could spur my muse, and want some Izu/Momo time. It will also get the carry over effect of 989, a full half of it's votes from August. Let us see if combined that will be enough to give it the win...

This poll will continue until the first of September.

I may post a new questions thread later today. Most will be about writing/Patreon stuff, but I will have a few specific questions scattered across my fics.



100 percent guilty as charged :-p.


So far so good, Avenger is in the lead. I'm joining you in the ring Novus