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Okay people, here is the HP fanfic poll results.  There really is no need nor any way for me to add any kind of tension here. 

 Magic of the Force won handily.  It got the carry over effect of 550 and the votes from fanfic of 126… and also the majority of the votes here, ending up with a total of 3,852. 

Seriously, just FLAWLESS VICTORY, with Sub-Zero performing a fatality on Scorpion after kicking his ass and getting only a bloody nose and some pulled muscles for his troubles.  Bhaalson Remodel only earned 1,497.


So I will be writing up a Magic of the Force chapter by the end of the month.  Which is honestly quite nice, letting me give my personal Fuck You to Disney’s so-called fucking ridiculous ‘canon’. 

Did you all hear the Acolyte won’t be getting a second season?  So happy. 



With that being said, folks, I have to warn you I probably won’t be able to post the FILFy chapter by then as well.  The clan is expecting a little one to join us soon, and I have lost the equivalent of eight days this month helping renovate and clean the domicile in which she will be living in LOL.  I have 10,000 words of it written, but I don’t see a way to finish it unless I have no demands on my time the rest of this month.  If that happens, the chapter will be moved to next month. 

I will be posting the September Patron Only Poll soon, so I can start it up the moment September starts.  I am not willing to let work on my fourth fic for the month push back working on my Patron Only works. You guys will always be my priority.



I followed about Acolyte not getting Second Season, really am happy too about that. Only worry about how the future of Star Wars goes on. Also, not looking forward towards the new Ray movie...


I thought the Rey movie was cancelled too. Honestly, Disney is losing so much money they can't afford anymore duds.

