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Only a day late, LOL.  Sorry, lost most of this weekend due to family, What is it with extroverts simply assuming that introverts must be dragged out to… interact… with people? I will do so on my own, thank you! But Effect is finished and off to Hiryo for editing, despite that and Dragon Naturally Speaking being a bitch this week.  Just weird stuff, like messing up easy words, pausing and making me wait, missing whole sentences, and then jumping up to the top of a page without input.  Freaking thought I had been hacked.  Weird.

As for DA, Tomon and I spent a day talking about one scene, and I rewrote it and sent the chapter back, along with some corrections in terms of messed up names.

Anyway, here is where we find which fandom gets some good shit after being screwed over horribly by the people who own those fandoms.

Me, who is a fan of both:

“You may own our bodies, but you will never own our souls!!!!!”


 Seriously, it really is the battle of the screwed over fandoms here. One has been getting it up the ass in the form of the Acolyte recently, and for Tolkien fans… the pan is coming.  We can only be ready to endure.


Which is ironic, because Fate won.  Fate Touched in Middle Earth got the quarter carry over effect of 686, but would have won without it, since the total was 3,166.  Magic of the Force brought in only 2,203.

So I should be able to finish Fate and then go onto Making Waves maybe even with enough time to get it out to both editors. We will see.

Magic of the Force will get the carry over of a quarter (550) in August.

I have also decided to vote for Heroes in August on the Patron Only Poll.  I was able to cut the outline for the chapter down, and did the same for FILFy. Some of the world building will be cut down into smaller segments in both, and the next battle will start up faster in FILFy.

And I want me some Momo/Izu nerd flirt goodness.


Tellemicus Sundance

Yes! FINALLY!! It's about time Heroes gets some love!


as an introvert i feel your pain. i'm convinced that extroverts simply don't understand that introverts don't actually have a need to constantly be social, and they think that instead introverts need social interaction as much as them but are too shy to seek it out, so they are 'saving' us from being alone by dragging us out. it's the same mentality that makes them look at someone reading a book in public, and them 'knowing' that nobody would WILLINGLY read when they could be talking with people unless they were shy, so they will come over and interrupt your reading all while thinking they are helping you