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So, apparently fanfic has been down for nearly 24 hours and I didn't know it was a site issue until just now. This isn't the first time, and it probably won't be the last. As such, I will be taking time over the next few days away from editing a scene from DA (Don't ask, Tomon spotted a major issue and like the bro he is, sent me an email on it right away) and working on Effect  to work on creating fanfic specific collections and backups here. I will also work - if very slowly - on posting more of my fics to A03.

I will at this point ask for two things:

If anyone has downloaded the full versions of my stories, and if so, would you be willing to upload them so I can get at them? I know for Fate, for example, there are several chapters with edits made after uploading them and I made those changes in the already uploaded version of the file.

And two, please, someone help me figure out how to add colors to my text on A03? If I'm going to upload the rest of Bhaalson there, I want to make it worth it.

That's al for now folks. Have a happy Friday.



https://x.com/FictionPress/status/1812241025928409122?s=08 This explains why ff is having issues


ff.net is back up.