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Only a day late! Woo.  Actually, I finished King of Champions yesterday, but only after nearly giving myself an aneurism.  That Harry/Ozzy talk is… well, I fully believe my editor will send the chapter back and go ‘everything else is great, but what’s the point of this’ for that.  I have never written out a scene like that before, with both speaker’s baggage, the desire ot keep secrets, the distrust… ugh.

Anyway, on to other things.  First, Patreon is having weird issues.  As my stories have Sex in them… well, I will just copy and paste what I was sent by Patreon and then comment.

Patreon is required by Visa and Mastercard to make sure creators confirm the age and identity for anyone depicted in an Adult/18+ creation, and to collect, store, and share their consent and identity documentation.

New consent requirements have been implemented by Visa since you completed the verification process…  and then it goes on to say that until I do that, they won’t allow my monthly payout after the 24th.  

So I did.  I have no problem with it, as everyone is of age of consent in their worlds, and frankly, while I do include lemons, they REALLY are not the focus.

And no, folks.  This shouldn’t mean anything from your position.  The payment processors apparently don’t demand you confirm you’re over 18, just me.  Which, for a forty something guy is amusing to be sure, although also makes little sense.  So… you care that I am over eighteen to create but make accessing my adult stuff so easy?  Odd.

Regardless, that wasn’t the issue.  The problem is, now that I have done so, I get a weird ass popup every time I’m on a Patreon page thanking me for doing so.  Any of them.  All of them.  I go to my notifications, it’s there. I close it, I go to the poll to grab the results, it’s there.  I go to create this thread, it’s there.  The FUQ? Patreon is seriously having issues this year.  Lowest bidder bull shit. 

Also, it says something the original didn’t!  That the whole age thing only applies to people who make artwork or anything to do with real people!!!!  RAGGGGG!!!  Which makes me wonder if I had to do it at all!!! And why the fuck it was sent to me.  LOWEST BIDDER BULLSHIT.

Oh, and I don't know why you aren't just seeing a single thread, but all the ones that could be connected to that thread either. That is just weird, and I would be interested in hearing how that impacts those of you who view my stuff on  mobile devices.

Minor rant over on that score.  SW… doesn’t deserve a rant any longer.  I will carry on with Magic in spite of the shit that Iger and Kennedy have crapped on one of my favorite worlds without wasting further words on them. 


With that all off my chest, here are the results you all are interested in.  And remember, since it’s gone the longest without an update, GDWHOM gets the quarter carry over effect.   That gives it an extra 586 votes, which honestly should be overwhelming.  Then again, my own 400 votes often disappears into the black hole of regret so…

The Results are… that the quarter carry over wasn’t needed.  Thanks to several of my larger contributors voting for it GDWHOM won with an overwhelming 2,227 before the carry over, which gave it a total of 2,813.

Effect of a Horse and a Dragon only earned 1,675.  

There you have it, guys.  If not for the fact that the next chapter should see the end of the War of the Best, I would be almost tempted to post Effect next month.  But I don’t want to leave Stallion in a lurch like that.  So next month, Effect will get the carry over effect of a quarter – 419 – and will be put up against Stallion.


In other news, be on the lookout this weekend for the Patron Only poll.  I want to get it up and work started on it right away.  Family is coming in permanently – there will be a new addition to the family in a few months, and that has changed a lot of plans LOL – and I have no idea how that will impact my ability to work on my fics.   


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