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Hey all. Have a few questions and a few small announcements.

So, if any of you bother to look over on my fanfic profile, you will have seen a new poll replaced the Ranma one there.  I wanted to see how my non-patron fans out there felt about which HP story they would like me to finish over there: FILFy or ATP.  Since you all already have access to the unedited/revamped version of the last few ATP chapters, I didn’t post it here, figuring that it would be silly to ask such a question. So far, FILFy is winning but frankly the poll isn’t getting the amount of interest I thought it would at all.  Whatever. 

With that though, I have decided to announce that, after MW and FILFy are finished, I will take one to two months to organize my full length fic outlines and fic stuff, and work on finishing ATP before going back to four chapters a month.  That way, those fans of ATP who aren’t willing to become a patron can have some closure.  I have already done some work in that area – added to the Jean/Thanos fight and the Harry/Thanos fight a bit – but there still needs a lot of work done there.

At that point, we will have to see what happens.  It is a certain fact though that A Journey Gone Astray, my Ranma/DC cross, will come back in at that point.  So there would be two Ranma fics, and two HP fics for here on Patreon. Although I honestly think that three is the best number for a good poll rotation, but then I do have a lot of one-shots I could build on… so if I go back to the idea of 2:2 polls, two polls per fanfic then what… hmmm… anyway.  Lots of thinking to do, all of it based on finishing those two fics. 

Now on to the questions.  First a few Patreon questions. 

1.      The first I might put up as a poll at some point:  How many people read the chapters I post here online, rather than download one of the two versions?  I am rather ANNOYED by how much of the font/style type changes don’t carry over.  For most of my stories it’s just a minor annoyance, but it definitely takes away something from Bhaalson.

2.      Are there any other file types any of you would like to see?  I wouldn’t be willing to do a audio portion myself, but I might be able to find a program that would simply read the work and then upload that if people want it.

3.      How many people use the collections rather than the tags?  I am wondering if the collections are helpful and if I should do more with them.

4.      The community tab – where all of you could post threads - is gone as far as I can tell, replaced by a chat tab that is set in the communication sidebar.  Would you all be interested in my creating fic specific discussions there?  I tried to do something similar with threads before and it didn’t really go anywhere, but I thought I would ask.


This is a random question about fanfic: is anyone else having Cloudflare issues there?  It seems entirely random, but for some reason I cannot access several fanfic stories.  I’m able to access a few of my stories and the profile.  But when I go to new stories the Cloudflare page pops up asking if I’m human and refusing to accept that I am LOL.  I use Nord VPN, and it seems to be the cause of the trouble, but I dislike the idea of not using it, and this is the first time I’ve had issues with Cloudflare because of it rather than the page just not loading.


Fate Touched:

1.      I have a few questions specific to the next arc here.  First, how many people are interested in seeing a dwarven wedding, and how long do you think the courtship between Oakenshield and Redring should go on?  I am thinking a few years, but would be interested to see if people think that is too long even for dwarves, or if they should go on even longer.  I am also interested to see if people would be interested in seeing a flashback to the wedding.

2.      Similarly, how interested would people be in reading a scene centered around Harry and the rune scribes learning from one another?  I am essentially asking if you want to see the process as well as the finished product, or just the finished product so we can more easily timeskip in this last chapter. 

3.      This is a more open question.  As the latest chapter summary in the poll might have indicated, I will be having Harry and Tauriel travel for a time in the company of dwarves and into the Stonefoot tribe’s territory. I am wondering how people have enjoyed my attempting to breathe life into the various dwarven houses, and if any of you have suggestions/things you would like to see enhanced or just introduced. 



1.      I have been having second thoughts about a few things that will occur at or near the end of the current arc.  First, should Hina live?  It feels like I am kind of going out of my way to kill off a lot of the so-called bad marines and call it coincidence, and I don’t like that. Having the fleeing Hina and a few others who are more for actual justice die near the end of the arc could offset that. 

2.      What should the revolutionary army be doing while this arc is going on? I hinted at some things, but I am… reconsidering some.  Again, this falls under the idea of things going too well for the good guys, but I would be interested to see what sort of trouble people think Dragon and Sabo should be getting up to?

3.      This is a question for those who have seen the Movie Strong World.  Given Shiki’s personality there and in this fic so far, can you see him agreeing to ally with Luffy after the war if he lives?

That's it for now, guys and girls. Thanks as always for sharing your opinions. And if there are any oneshots you might want me to reintroduce/follow up on in the future, now might be a good time to say. Now or when MW and FILFy are finished.



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