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Happy Saturday!!   Stallion is finished, and off to the editors.  Since Tomon was able to turn around and get Death’s Avenger back to me quickly, I hope he has the time to look Stallion over as he used to. 

That being said it is time to go on to my next project.

Now, as a reminder, Because of how long it has gone since being updated, Bhaalson Remodel got both my votes and the full carry over effect from it’s last poll.  420 votes, plus my own 400. 

The Results of the Poll are:

Fate Touched in Middle Earth.  A good showing of 1,654, but only in third. 

… Primarily because of my votes and the carry-over effect going to Bhaalson Remodel.  Which despite that, only brought in 1,838. Enough for Second place, but no more.

Which means that Magic of the Force has taken it, folks! With a total of 2,048.  I should be able to finish it by next Sunday.  We will see.


Now, with this poll in the bag, I believe that I can get a chapter of Making Waves out at the end of the month too.  I don’t know how long it will be, and I will probably have been forced to send it piecemeal to my editors, but it can be done.  With that in mind, I will take the time here to basically go over a broad plan for the future:  I mean to add a fourth fic every month, rotating between Making Waves and FILFy until they are done.  I should be able to do it, because from now on there won’t be as much world-building in FILFy, but an equal amount of romance/action/world building, and that means I should be able to keep the chapter at or around 30,000. 

Once those two stories are done, I will take a month off from writing a fourth chapter in order to get my fics more organized and fanfic folders (yes, plural) cleared of clutter.  Then… we will see.  Whatever happens after that, I will probably post a NUMBERS ONLY poll before deciding.   Have a nice evening, guys and girls!


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