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HP May 2024 Poll

  • Bhaalson Remodel – comedy, character interaction, world building, combat, limish romance, the group dealing with enemies small and large 87
  • Magic of the Force – combat, character interaction, romance, dash of drama, humanitarian issues, personal attacks and reactions occurring 153
  • A Fate Touched in Middle Earth - romance, character interaction, world building, comedy, magical exploration, walking into a war 163
  • 2024-05-02
  • —2024-05-18
  • 403 votes
{'title': 'HP May 2024 Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Bhaalson Remodel – comedy, character interaction, world building, combat, limish romance, the group dealing with enemies small and large', 'votes': 87}, {'text': 'Magic of the Force – combat, character interaction, romance, dash of drama, humanitarian issues, personal attacks and reactions occurring', 'votes': 153}, {'text': 'A Fate Touched in Middle Earth - romance, character interaction, world building, comedy, magical exploration, walking into a war', 'votes': 163}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 18, 16, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 2, 16, 13, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 403}


Hey all, here is the HP fanfic poll. 


Bhaalson Remodel – HP/Gamer/Baldur’s Gate crossover: A quick trip to the Temple of Lathander to see if the talkative and arrogant chicken can become human once more turns into a minor quest to remove a growing evil to the northeast of Beregost. This casual jaunt through the woods reveals more about the Shadow Druids, Edwin’s fellow Red Wizards, and something possibly game changing about how Harry’s skills can synergize with one another, specifically, his ability to gather materials, and his cooking skills. A trip back to Beregost is followed by a trip to the local wonderful wizard. A certain chicken gets his comeuppance before Edwin proves that even the highly intelligent can be idiots. Viconia is approached about her growing relationship with Harry by Dynaheir and a surprisingly protective Jaheira. Tasloi are squished, and a temperamental goblin is dealt with before the party begins to truly rearm themselves thanks to their ankheg sales. Winter snows begins to shut town and road down, but danger lurks in the chilly night even as the nights at home grow warmer…

Magic of the Force – HP/SW crossover: Grieving for the honored dead must be set aside to deal with the horrific aftermath of the battle in the Polith System.  Harry, Padme and Aayla have a private moment, while the newly arrived Master Jerec is slotted into the local command structure, taking a moment to help Anakin. After, Harry tries the same, in a way few Masters would have, but which seems to work with the younger man more than Jerec’s attempt.  The Jedi join together to create a powerful Force technique, trying to undo some of the damage done to the planet in the orbital bombardment. The three Acolytes who had initially been after Mace and Anakin take this opportunity to attack, costing the defenders dearly. Elsewhere in the galaxy, the news of the attack on the bacta supply spreads, even among the CIS worlds.  Some feelings come to light after, with many a conversation among the ladies, while Harry hangs helpless. This helplessness brings still more vultures, as a hidden sword appears from the shadows on his Master’s orders. Elsewhere, a group of enemies Sidious thought stymied strikes, wrecking some of his long term plans even as the war continues.

Fate Touched in Middle Earth – HP/Tolkien crossover: Tauriel and Harry settle into their home by the lake and their lives within the kingdom of Erebor, settling into one place for a number of years.  Ten years on, however, the call to travel grows with an urgency that implies the hunt that Oromë hinted at to Tauriel. Outfitted with new armor, new tools and new weapons, Harry and Tauriel set out to the land of the Stonefoots, to make their way from there even further north, into the Forodwaith, presumably to hunt ice drakes before they can answer the Lesser Darkness’s call. Meanwhile, Saruman schemes in his tower and Bilbo wins a few events in the Shire.  Aragorn finds his training being upgraded much to his chagrin. The trip into the Stonefoot lands embroils Harry, his lady and their companions, Fili and a group of dwarves under him, in a war with the Easterlings, the Stonefoot refugees having understated how much trouble they were having.




For those of you with a keen eye, yes, I cut down on the Bhaalson Remodel summary.  That’s an effort to control my chapter size so I can go back to the four chapters a month concept. Although I might have the same issue with Magic this month too…

Anyway, as stated in my Patron Only poll results announcement, I will be voting for Bhaalson Remodel here.  It will also get the Carry-Over Effect since it was updated in January, Magic in February, and Fate in March originally.   

… Hold on… Frick… It has already been longer than the three months I mentioned in that post:  ‘So for the HP and Ranma polls, I will be cutting it down to a fourth, then, if one of the fics hasn’t been updated in three months, I will up it to half.’   So, while in the Ranma poll it’s a quarter, for this poll it will still be half… which is good because Bhaalson is my choice, but also ehh for the bad timing.  Well, let’s see if that’s enough to get it the win…


This poll will end on the 18th. That should let me finish the Ranma fic, go over the edited DA chapter, post it, and then be ready to go on to the next fic.


Travis G

I love both Magic and Fate Touched so would be very happy with either. I admit I prefer the polls where you can vote for multiple. I'd vote for both and be happy whichever wins.

Jamie Celtic

May the 4th help magic to win