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Why not to start this glorious post by letting you know that OMG STEAM PAGE IS UP AND NOW YOU CAN WISHLIST US----😱😱😱AAAAAA😱😱😱!! 

We are so happy to be sharing this BIG milestone with all of you first, and finally; today is the day!!! ✨✨✨


This is just the first step - we will keep updating the page and rest assured, you will be the first to know of any updates. The trailer is coming soon, so get your eyes ready for a feast! 🤭🤭🤭

In the meantime, join us in adding Soulgasm to your your wishlist (pretty please? 🥺🥺🥺). You'll be helping us to increase our reach and spread the word to many more beautiful souls!

Thank you SOSOSOSOSOSOSO much for making this possible and making this Cap'n and crew to have one more reason to cheer up!! You are the best, you've always been!!! 🥰🥰🥰

Stay tuned for further updates and sneak peeks, my Seekers! Together, and with your help, we'll make our exotic fantasy world come to life.

What a time to be alive!! 😍😍😍
