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Farah's Horns Redesign - (Poll #1)

  • 1. Cute Curve 44
  • 2. Pointy Peaks 5
  • 3. Rough Sleep 11
  • 4. Mantis Crown 30
  • 2022-11-18
  • —2022-11-25
  • 90 votes
{'title': "Farah's Horns Redesign - (Poll #1)", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Cute Curve ', 'votes': 44}, {'text': '2. Pointy Peaks ', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '3. Rough Sleep ', 'votes': 11}, {'text': '4. Mantis Crown ', 'votes': 30}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 25, 5, 0, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 18, 18, 1, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 90}


Hello, my sweeties!

It looks like we found ourselves in a pickle, and we need your wise power of choice to get out of it!  - Welcome to the first poll!

Horns are highly appreciated in this house. We can all agree on that! I can't pinpoint what it is: is it because they're the cutest thing ever? Or 'cause can you grab them while you pounding those ch--.

--but I know one thing: they add a certain something to (our already beautiful) Farah that wouldn't be there otherwise. So it's with great pleasure that today we are opening up our first poll, one of the many more to come!! This one is about (You guessed!) the redesign of the horns of Farah!

The current design is too… rounded (🍆), don t you think, my cherry pies? 

We decided to give it a new revision before creating the final version of our purple girl for the game!

We will share the recalculated results (depending on the voting power of each of our Coffee Connoisseurs) right after the poll is finished!

🌹💋🌹 Our trust is with you, my Sweet Jellybeans! 🌹💋🌹


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