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Welcome Seekers!

Welcome to all our trusty ol'seadogs and newcomers! In this occasion, let us you on what unfolded through March and we are planning for the future-- Are you ready? Let's go! 😍

Our first alpha build is ON!

And because of that, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! We are getting LOTS of feedback from all of you, and we are already fixing many of the issues raised by you, and planning the work to come!

If in any case you missed that, you will find all the details on the post link above!!

Now let's get started with the update, shall we?

🔧 Technical Update

Corrections we are currently working on based on your feedback so far:

  • Reviewing the dialogue system: we've got some comments that clicking on the continue button all the time wasn't the most comfortable for you so we are looking into options to improve your experience!

  • Working on a better animation system: we are finally working on a more complex yet much better approach to animations. We are putting it to test to improve the quality of both sex scenes and dialog rigs.

  • Revamping Tutoria scene: we are replacing animations to better represent Tutoria's mood throughout her scene. We are working with a new and fresh voice actress who we consider fits Tutoria's character much-much better! We are also fixing the visual effects and bugs, and on top of all that we will rebalance this scene to make it a bit easier to pass, making it a more enjoyable first experience into the game. (It's a tutorial after all! 🙈🙈🙈)

  • Fixing the typos and grammar issues.

  • Updating the Library puzzle so that it's more understandable and improving the Hidden-Objects experience overall.

In the meantime we are also looking into improving the interface during sex scene so that it includes the companion (the lady) progression meter as well, and checking various options for self-playing/one hand mode for a more relaxed experience ❤️.

Yet we aren't stopping, not even close!: we are continuing the development to prepare the second delivery batch for you, where you can get deeper into the story, if you know what I mean 👀

📝 Writing

We are polishing the dialogues for the second batch delivery, and once this is done we will continue working on extending the plotlines (I AM LOOKING AT YOU FARAH!) 🙊

🎵 Music

We keep adding tracks to make your experience more immersive! In some places we noticed that the sound effects are missing so we are quickly patching that up! We are also reworking the Tutoria scene since we weren't happy with it's current state, so giving some extra love for you to enjoy ❤️

We've got some questions about if the game is going to be voiced, so let's address that! - Eventually that's the goal, but voicing such amount of writing would require a significant budget (which we don't currently have), so we have to see how to approach it in a smart way! We hear ideas!


During the playthrough, you might have noticed that the camera wasn't working properly; some black spaces around the backgrounds' frames could be spotted and weird camera angles were in place. We've decided to prioritize this task and start working on expanding all the backgrounds so that they fit even the tallest characters! And you can believe us when we say that we are planning a lot of size difference between them 🙈

Map Art
One of the biggest and most complex elements of our game so happens to be the map itself. And we got fantastic news to share with you, Seekers: The 12000x7000px. map base-art is now finished! And though we have big things planned for it in the future to improve the experience in game, we feel this has been a HUGE milestone to achieve!
But the map itself needs a post of its own!! 🗺️📌

Visual Novel Slides
Even though we are putting max priority on improving things based on your feedback, we are doing our best not to neglect the visual novel slides and move forward with them, because we feel these are the bread and butter of Soulgasm 🍞🧈✨

Oh, Moruga, my precious--👀👀👀

🧠 Final Thoughts

We feel so grateful when it comes to the response we've got from you about the first Soulgasm alpha batch. Though we feel we can breath again, we are working hard on improving your game experience and to bring you another batch, expanding the story and your experience in our little world of Eromancy!

We are very very VERY thankful for all the thoughtful feedback we've received, and we are still collecting it so don't hesitate to write to us if you feel something is missing or can be improved!

Hugs and kisses 💌


  • 🎉First alpha version of the game can be played here!

  • 🔧Bugfixing and Batch2 implementation ongoing,

  • 🔧Processing feedback from ver.0.0.11 in progress,

  • 🔧New Animation system to improve animation flow,

  • 🎵Music and SFX production doesn't stop,

  • 🎵ScarletVA🎤 joined the team as Tutoria voice,

  • 📝Batch2 testing and proofreading in progress,

  • 🎨Tutoria animations and SFX fix in progress 💃

  • 🎨Eris dialogue rig in progress 🍈🍈




Nice! Looking forward to more updates on this. It's true in every game genre - you want to err on the side of overexplaining in your tutorial, haha

John Folmer

Hell yeah! So out of curiosity do you plan on having more VA's for the project? Or is the project going to be more text based? If you need any help lmk, I have a friend who does VA work and also I can do le free amateur voice acting lol. Idk, I'm really excited for this and wanna help out however I can


That's so true, my Seeker! We have the belief that given the Tutorial is the first look into our little Eromancy universe, it should reflect the quality you will encounter throughout the game, and as such a little bit of extra love, for starters, would go a long way!! ❤️❤️❤️


Our dream is to make the whole game fully voiced and motion-captured, however our current budget makes that impossible. We are thinking of ways to make this happen, but for the time being, it will indeed be text-based except for the spicy scenes and cinematics, which we already have our cast of voice actresses and voice actors in place! Thank you so much, my lovely Seeker! 🥰🥰🥰