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Greetings Spice Seekers!

It took us a hot while but here we are! This post will be long but please bear with us as we explain what's going on! 

(Alternatively, we included a TL;DR at the end! Next ones will be shorter, pinky promise! 🙈🙈🙈)

Today is the day we share our first game build with you! - Please bear in mind it's still very much a work in progress, but you did such a great job with feedback for Captain's Treat, that it only makes sense that we ask you for feedback once more!

In this very early version, you will find a lot of placeholder art, and some things looking rough around the edges, but we made the decision to cut the fancy, and prepare a playable build so that you can let us know if we are moving in the right direction when it comes to writing and game flow. ❗

Writing goes before anything else and we wanted to hear from you before our Wordsmith moves forward with the story! Play the teaser and let us know: 

1. Is the game enjoyable so far? Do you like the characters and the story pacing?

2. Did you encounter any things that broke the experience? Maybe an event that made it impossible to progress with the story?

4. How does the tutorial flow and difficulty feel?

5. Shall we continue as we started, or are there things that should be improved/changed?

6. Are the minigames easy to understand (Tarot, Gears, hidden objects library)? Are they too easy/too hard?

How to give us feedback:

1.Directly from within the game - just press F12 while playing - this one sends us the screenshot from the game, too! 💌

If for some reason that doesn’t work for you, you can reach us:

2. On Patreon in the comments 👇

3. On Patreon in the private message 💬

4. On our Discord - in the #feedback channel! 💻

🔽🔽🔽Link to download:🔽🔽🔽

1. DOWNLOAD FROM GoogleDrive 

2. Unpack the folder

3. Double click on Soulgasm_PA

4. Enjoy!

Now, what to expect?

This teaser should entertain you for around 1,5h (we were getting everything between 1 and 2 hours of gameplay depending on your choices and how fast you read), or around 30 minutes if turbo-quack-speedrun. We encourage to not speedrun tho! There is no installer, but saving system should work without issues.

The action is not very steamy in this batch (if you know what we mean💦), but it will get there as the demo story progresses in the next parts 🔥

What not to report (because we are already working on it) 🙈:

*issues with the camera movement, zoom and backgrounds (currently in progress)

*character dialogue animations (there will be more!)

*weird colors display, placeholder art everywhere (we deprioritized it for a while but we will get there, promise!)

*sound and clunky moves in the Tutoria scene (yes, we know 🙊)

Who can play the game?

It should work for pretty much any Windows PC user. We will be working on Mac/other builds after we have completed bits when all the assets are replaced with their final versions and its relatively bug free. If you encounter any performance issues, please report so that we can make it work better!

What comes next?

We are preparing a roadmap so that you know what is coming in the future and we can share the excitement! We are working hard to get it ready for you in the following days 😍😍😍

When is the next game update? 

We will be aiming for April! But that will also depend on the feedback we get from you - anyhow things are already in movement for the next batch 👀👀👀

NOTE: Custom key binding

If you have tested Captain's Treat, one of the feedback we've got frequently was about the keyboard usage during the scene. Now you can bind your own keys in the controls in the main menu! You should be also able to use the mouse. And if you didn't like it at all, there will be a skip button in the top right corner! 

And thats it! Play and let us know!
With love,
ThatWasHot DevTeam!


👉 First version of Soulgasm PatreonAlpha v0.0.11 is now available for testing! Download HERE
👉 It's a work in progress, with A LOT of placeholder art and some visual bugs that we are already fixing!
👉 We are gathering feedback on game flow and writing - wanna help us? Press F12 within the game and let us know!
👉 It should run on any Windows PC, other builds will come later!
👉 Next update comes next month or so!



Niles Seymour

The bell / cabinet puzzle might work better with just a slight hint after repeated clicking on the cabinet. Right now it's just a process of elimination procedure

Niles Seymour

Love the dialog, teasing, and animations so far... just want more :)