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Dialogue “sample”

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Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 222: Vergo's might

The two of them traded a few more blows before the old Captain jumped back.

"Uff…" His breathing was becoming erratic.

"Getting tired already?, I guess the old age is catching up.to you." Taunted Vergo.

"Let me assist you, Captain Sebastian. Even if I'm in this body, I can still fight." Franky(Tashigi) stood up.

"No… I'm afraid this is not an opponent we can defeat, Captain Tashigi. Go inform Lady Gion of what we have learned, if we both die here, it will be all for naught. " the old man said between breaths.

"You think I will just let her leave?." Vergo charged straight at Franky but Sebastian arrived at the same time.

"Go!" Yelled the old man.

Frankly(Tashigi) nodded.

"I'll go get Gion and then we'll come back here to help you!"

"Take care of her for me, would you...?" 

She was barely able to hear his words as she moved away.

Franky(Tashigi) was almost at the door when she heard a loud noise followed by a painful grunt.

When she turned around, she saw what had happened.


Vergo had both fists embedded in the chest of the old Captain.

When Vergo let him go, his eyes were completely white and blood was pouring out of his mouth.

The old Captain collapsed on the floor with a 'thud' noise.

"Captain Sebastian!" She cried.

Vergo's gaze moved to focus on Franky(Tashigi) and she shuddered under his cold eyes.

Before she had time to turn around and attempt to escape, Vergo was already there.

She was barely able to raise her arms as protection before his iron fist impacted her, pushing her backward and making her fall.

Vergo walked to her this time.

"For what is worth, Captain Tashigi, I will tell you that I take no joy from killing honest Marines like you or that old Captain over there but will do what I have to do to protect 'him'."

Law made an effort to stand up but was unable to move much.

Vergo held Franky(Tashigi) by her neck, ignoring her attempts to get free.

"This will be.quick."

All of a sudden, a metallic object came out of nowhere and was about to hit Vergo in the head. He had to quickly let off the marine and use both hands to stop the attack.

"Can you stop that? That body belongs to a friend of mine." 

Franky(Tashigi) started at the 'object' that was just thrown and she recognized it immediately.

"Shigure!, That's my sword" She cried.

"Why are so many people ending up here?" Wondered Vergo.

"I just heard a lot of commotion and came to see what the fuss was about." Tashigi(Vivi) scanned the room and got an idea of the situation.

"Oh, look who is here." Her eyes landed on Law.

"Do you have any idea of the mess you have caused with your damn ability, Mister?"

"I needed to keep my cover…" Defended Law.

"So, which one of the Strawhats are you?" Asked Vergo.

"I can tell you that I'm not the clown," she answered.

Vergo frowned.

"The Strawhats don't have a clown."

"They do!, I saw it earlier!" Exclaimed Franky(Tashigi).

"Maybe I should have paid more attention during the meeting...well, it doesn't really matter who you are. You are going to die soon" Vergo approached.

"Strawhat!, You have to get my heart from his jacket!. Then I will be able to help you." Shouted Law.

"Hmph, with those injuries, I doubt she will be doing much." Vergo adopted a fighting posture.

Franky(Tashigi) looked back at her own body and saw all the bandaged limbs.

"What did you do to my body?!"

"I kept it alive,  now shut up, I need to focus." 

She moved her head to one side and just a fraction of a second later, a reinforced fist passed through the place where it had been.

Tashigi(Vivi) ducked right before the lightning-fast kick destroyed a few of strands of her hair.

The same happened several more times.

"So fast! How is she dodging those attacks?!. I would definitely get hit by those." Exclaimed Franky(Tashigi)

"I think she is using haki to predict where Vergo is going to attack." Answered Law.

'He is freaking fast, I don't have time to counterattack.' She then read another movie.

'He is going to charge to my left side and attack with a horizontal swing to my torso'

She sidestepped to her left in order to avoid the attack but then found out that Vergo had actually moved to her left.

'Shit, I got it wrong!'

Vergo's fist impacted her left side and she could feel some of her ribs breaking.

"You think a Vice-Admiral would not know to hide his 'intent' ?, If you thought that little trick would be enough to defeat me, then I am very disappointed." 

'Change of tactic then…'

She charged at her oponent and ignored the pain in her body the best she could.


Her haki-infused punch was aimed at his torso but Vergo was able to easily stop it.

'Now is my chance!' She thought.


He was surprised when she used her other hand to grab his arm and then by twisting her body in a certain way, she was able to send him flying over her head and slam him against the ground.

"What martial art is that?" Wondered Tashigi as she had never seen that move before. 

Vergo recovered fast from his surprise and used his legs to kick her away from him, sending her flying back.

Tashigi(Vivi) landed close to where Law was.

"This is not looking good…those types of attacks are not going to beat him any time soon." Law looked at Vergo with a grave expression.

"Maybe this will put a smile on your face then." She said while placing an object in his hands.

"What?!, This is my-"

"Don't lose it again." She added.

Vergo opened his robes and looked at the place where he had it stored.

"How did you take it?!" He showed a surprised expression for the first time.

"Well, you know. After hanging with Nami for so long, one learns a few tricks." She gave Vergo a wink.

The gelatinous cube that was in Law's hands disappeared and he finally felt like they had a chance.

"Now its over, Vergo!"


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