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Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 77: Bounties

The door opened all of a sudden to reveal the two square hair girls from the Franky family.

“Pirate bros!”


Luffy looked at them.

“What is it? something happened?”

“Franky bro asked you all to come!”

“The dream ship is done!”

“Eh? it's done already?!. That was much faster than I expected.” Said Luffy.

“The best shipwrights of Water Seven have been working day and night to finish it.” Nami pointed out.

“Alright, let's go see it!” Exclaimed Sanji.

Right as they left the Galley-La building, they heard someone calling for them.


They saw several members of the Franky family running to them, and they looked out of breath.

“What is going on?”

“We already told them about the ship”

The two square hair girls said.

“Is not that! Strawhat, We need to ask a favor of you! But first, look at these posters!” He handed Luffy a bunch of papers.

“Wanted posters?” Luffy said after seeing what the papers were.

“You guys have gotten some outrageous bounties on your heads!” The Franky family claimed.

“Me too? cool!” Said Sanji.

Nami looked worried. “Me too?...”

Chopper and Usoop looked excited. “Me too?!”

“Let's see…” Luffy placed the posters on the ground for everyone to see.

“Cotton candy lover, Chopper(pet). Bounty:50 beri”

“I have a bounty!.” Said Chopper with excitement.

“Cat thief, Nami. Bounty: 16 million beri”

“What!?” Cried Nami.

“That's quite the sexy picture Nami!, not bad” Commented Vivi.

“That's not the point!... although it is a good picture at least.” Nami found some consolation.

“King of sharpshooters, Usopp. Bounty 30 million beri” 

“Ah… that's a bit higher than I wanted it…” Said Usopp, trembling a little bit.

“Blackleg, Sanji (photo unavailable). Bounty 77 million beri.” 

“What is that shitty drawing?!” Shouted Sanji.

“mmm, the artist wasn't very talented, but they got the eyebrows right.” Said Usopp.

“Devil child, Robin.” Bounty 80 million beri”

“They rounded it up to 80, not much of a change then.” Said Vivi.

“It was already high enough.” Added Robin.

“Pirate hunter, Zoro.” Bounty 120 million beri”

“Oh? not bad.” Zoro smiled.

“Water demon, Vivi. Bounty 210 million”

The Strawhats gasped.

“What the! Why is her bounty so high?” Asked Sanji.

“Higher than mine…” mumbled Zoro.

Robin looked at Vivi for a moment.

“I figure they didn't like what Vivi did to the leader of the CP9. They are trying to make an example of her. They also excluded her last name in an attempt to distance her from the Arabasta royal family.”

Vivi looked unfazed, she already expected a high bounty after the bloody mess she made at Enies Lobby.

“It's fine. I just wish they had used a better picture, that one is not very flattering.”

It was right, the picture they used showed Vivi covered in blood and giving a menacing look.

“When did they even take that?” She wondered.

“Here is my bounty!” Exclaimed Luffy.

“Strawhat Luffy. Bounty 300 million beri.”

“Wow!!, is soo high!.“ Luffy seemed very happy about it.

“Wait!, there is one more you need to see.” The Franky family member took another bounty from his pocket.

“Our request is in regard to this.”

“Cyborg, Franky. Bounty 44 million beri.”

“He got a bounty?“ Said Usopp.

“Yes…we got off the hook somehow, but our brother didn't make it….His life will be in danger if He stays here.”

He looked at Luffy.

“I beg of you, Strawhat! Use force if necessary, but take him with you into the sea, He is the son of a pirate after all.”


They all got their things ready and traveled to the port where their new ship was waiting for them.

When they got there, they found a lot of the workers from Galley-La, including Iceberg, resting on the ground, looking exhausted.

There was a giant ‘thing’ covered with a tarp behind them.

“Wow, there is something huge over there!” Said Luffy.

“Hey!, we are here, Franky! Give us the ship!”

Iceberg stood up.

“Welcome, the ship is ready. Unfortunately, Franky is not around right now. Allow me the honors”

He grabbed the tarp. “With this ship, you can go to the end of the world and back. Franky also left you a message.”

“Show me already!” Luffy was getting impatience.

He pulled the tarp down, revealing the new Strawhat ship.

“If you will be the King of the Pirates one day, you should sail with the King of the Beasts!”


“It's huge! and amazing!”

The crew exclaimed.

“Looks like a lot of stuff is going to come out of it!” Luffys eyes were shining with excitement.

“Whoa!, He is giving this to us?“ Asked Chopper.

“It's at least twice as big as the Merry.” Commented Zoro.

“It has a gaff sail!... is that a sloop?” Shouted Nami.

“Show me the kitchen!” Said Sanji.

“It is a fabulous ship.” Said Robin.

“It does look like a magnificent ship…” Said Usopp with mixed feelings.

“Hello Sunny.” Said Vivi with a soft whisper.

They then went inside to take a better look.

“What is the flower used as a figurehead?” Asked Chopper.

“nmaaa, I think is a lion, not a flower.” Answered Iceberg.

“Look!, it's a lawned deck!” Luffy was rolling around the grass on the deck.

“This ship looks like it has great mobility. Look at that huge gaff sail.” Told Nami to Iceberg.

“Is called a brigantine sail. Sloops can sail wherever you want them to. Whether you can make it or not is up to the navigator's skills” Iceberg explained.

“I'll take the challenge!” Said Nami with confidence.

“There is a fridge with a huge lock like I always wanted to. And the oven is immense! This is the best ship!“ They could hear Sanji shout from the kitchen.

“Old man! where is Franky? I want to thank him” Said Luffy.

“About that…I want to speak with you about Franky.” Said Iceberg.


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