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Uhg, apparently I never uploaded February's portion? That month was indeed crazy. So here's 2,000+ words wrapping up Carina's evening and catching us up with Fabiana...

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It was clear that Areola was deeply enjoying herself. She spread her thumbs and little fingers to keep control of her bust while she tangled her other digits around the starfish’s hair. Now she could push and shift her tits while pulling more sharply the suction on her teats.

“Mmm, yeah, you like that?” the mermaid prompted, kissing and licking the puckered opening of Carina’s shaft each time it pumped up to her lips.

“Yessss…” Carina moaned. Fuck, this cock…she’d never been this horny. She remembered her life on land. It was harsh, devoid of much comfort. Those times she’d been aroused were few and far between, and the moments when she could see through that arousal to any satisfying conclusion were even rarer. Even though it had only been a scant few days since boarding the Mestra it was difficult to think about any moment when she hadn’t wanted to cum ever since the captain had given Carina the giant dong that plugged her pussy.

The growing heat in her lower belly was getting hotter and hotter. With every stroke of the starfish-crested breasts Carina felt the aroused oven within her get fuller…the explosion closer. This redheaded siren laying beneath her rubber cock was so sexy, so strange, so…wonderful.

For a moment Carina envisioned Neome stretched out under her on the stateroom bed, Carina’s shaft clenched by her roommate’s numerous tits, each one’s curves rubbing her in turn-


Thick blue sauce erupted from the end of Carina’s tool. Areola attempted to throw her mouth over the slit but was quickly overwhelmed, globs of it covering her face and splashing back into her cleavage. It covered her hair and shoulders, and blue swirled into the surface of the pool.

“Yes, God, it tastes so good!” the mermaid cried out, picking up handfuls of it and massaging it into the surfaces of the starfishes, “You two need to feel this!”

Carina roughly grabbed her own breasts as she passed the crest of her orgasm, trying to hold onto the peak of pleasure for a few more moments. Her legs stretched out, her shins bumping into the ass of Ariella’s tail. Carina hooked her ankles arounds it curve and lifted her pleasure-giver an inch out of the water.

“Ooo, yes…” the mermaid cooed. She pulled her left hand away from her boobs and snaked it under the water to the split riding the front of her new anatomical layout. She plunged three fingers into her decorated labia, her thumb jamming down onto her clit. As Carina slid into the afterglow and opened her eyes she watched the blue-covered fish woman burst her own pleasure.

Carina remained seated on the side of the pool, breathing deeply as she watched Areola satisfy herself. She dropped her legs and watched the thick swirl of her spunk splash against her calves and knees. It was cooling, but Carina could feel it had brought warmth to the water.

“My, my, my…” Areola hummed, her eyes fluttering open and plump lips giving Carina a big grin, “Next time we’ll need you in a little deeper with that…”

I could already go again! The endowed woman almost shared, but she kept it to herself.

“Next time,” Carina said instead. She was now eager to get back to her bed and get some sleep.

Any time,” Areola winked, spreading her arms and pushing herself form the edge of the pool. Her boobs and starfish riders wobbled in the water before the mermaid fully submerged, Carina’s blue blast partially washing off. The filtration system was already starting to draw out much of it. Areola surfaced and waved to Carina as she stood up, “You’ll know where to find me!”

Carina gave an awkward smile, a small reserved wave with one hand while the other stretched across her bare nipples, curtseyed a little for reasons she couldn’t fathom, and headed back to her room.

Quietly opening and closing the door Carina got a quick glance of Neome’s own naked breasts, all six nipples rock hard. Carina’s cock bounced in lust but she resisted any desires, instead slipping under her own sheets, turning away from her roommate, and letting exhaustion lull her to sleep.

A few hours later Carina turned over and the daylight streaming through the thick windows stirred her. The sense of her rubber cock dragging along under the sheets was also stirring. Carina had forgotten it was there, her feelings mixed thanks to the pleasurable thrill that contact with the thin fabric had just sent through her. She peered down at the immense tent her hard shaft was holding up.

Carina tossed the sheet aside and sat cross-legged on the mattress for a few moments. Her rubber rod rested atop her ankles, the tiniest hint of blue pre-cum shining from its tip. She was shocked she hadn’t yet turned the bedding into a cerulean tie-dye.

A long, deep, sigh left her bare chest. She wanted to have her pussy back to normal - but having this elongated clit-dildo constantly at the ready to fuck…something about it held a satisfying thrill in Carina’s core. She wondered if it was a new sensation, or if a life of constant searching for “the next meal” and a “safe bed” had meant she never had the chance to rest securely and explore these desires inside of her.

The sound of the stateroom’s shower shutting off caught Carina’s attention - it had been background white noise until that moment. She only now realized that Neome wasn’t in her bed. Carina could hear cooing and gasping from the bathroom. Her roommate was undoubtedly trying to dry off her six tits, and unintentionally cumming from the contact.

The idea made Carina’s dildo cock twitch, which pumped into her slit slightly. Which sent a wonderful wave of warmth over her.

The bathroom door opened and Carina could hear Neome’s bare feet on the carpet. Around the corner the half-dozen nipples wobbled into view, followed by the rest of Neome. Carina was momentarily mesmerized by the six boobs bouncing before her - she’d seen this before, hours over hours. Would the boobulous vision ever get old?

Carina felt her dildo dick answer her thoughts with another twitch - No!

“Morning,” Neome sighed, struggling to get her hair wrapped up, “I take it your evening was successful?”

“Yeah…” Carina pulled her focus up through the primal parts of her mind, “Do you need help with that?”

“I…guess,” Neome let out another sigh, this one more defeated than the first, “I don’t know why these things still give me trouble when my arms are raised above them!”

“You got a lot of momentum packed on that slim, sexy form,” Carina noted, sliding down the bed. She saw that her roommate’s ass was tucked into a pink thong, “How the hell did you get underwear on?!”

“I basically gave that ‘toilet’ thing in there a lap dance,” Neome replied as Carina positioned herself so her shaft wasn’t also threading the multi-breasted woman’s ass cheeks. It knocked against the closet door as Carina tied up Neome’s hair.



“So…” Neome prompted as she walked to her bed and sat down. She leaned back on her hands so her six boobs splayed gently down her torso. The bottom pair bumped slightly as she crossed her legs. “What do you want to do today?”

“I don’t know,” Carina shrugged, “What did you plan on doing when you got your ticket?”

“Well,” Neome tapped her lips with a finger, “I am curious how I could get a massage with these…”


Across the ship Fabiana was lying on a massage table. Her enormous breasts rested to either side of her thighs. Her svelte tan legs stretched down it, her dainty feet curling as they hung from the end. Her pert ass clenched and unclenched. The leather cushioning was extremely comfortable.

At the other end of the table the enormous glans that her head had become rested atop the divot intended to halo a face. But all that was left of Fabiana’s was the pucker at the end of her enormous cock body. Cups of pre-cum bubbled and dripped from it as she cooed and gave orders to the automaton masseuse oiling and tending to the length of her fat shaft torso.

Fabiana was not alone in the room. Six beds were all lined up and each was taken. To her left was a redhead with freckled pale skin that was face down moaning and squirming more than the literal cock having its shaft massaged.

“Mmm, yes…” the red head smiled as the soft hands of the machine worked up her legs again, “Make sure to get deep inside my…thighs…” She cooed and sighed as the soft rubber digits did as they were told, slipping between her thighs and pushing against her taint and the lower edges of her labia. The red head gasped and shivered. “Not…yet…” she quietly gritted.

A large bubble of pre-cum sputtered from Fabiana’s slit. Typically she’d have told the talker to shut up, but hearing her get closer and closer to climax was getting Fabiana harder…and closer herself.

“I want to turn over,” the red head mewed, and the automaton removed its hands so that she could. A light shimmer could be seen on the leather where her lower lips had been pressed, as well as a glisten upon them. She bit her lip and resisted play with her breasts as the machine oiled its heated hands and started with her toes and began to work upwards.

Quiet gasps and squeaks twitched not only from the red head’s lips but her body against the leather. Her breathing was shallow and haggard. It was obvious she was doing all that she could to remain on the very edge of her orgasm.

The automaton sprayed another glob of warm oil across the woman’s lower belly, and a meep of pleasure caught in her throat. It worked its way over her stomach and ribs and finally began pushing against her breasts.

“Mmm…yeah…” the red head sighed. The attention was not explicitly sexual, but it was pleasurable. The emotionless digits kneaded and bulged the sensitive fat, shining the skin with the oil.

“Please…I…I need you to do that…between my thighs…” her breath was lighter than a feather, barely perceptible to the automaton’s audio sensors. The machine paused for a moment to process the command, the red head’s breasts caught mashed together. Then it slowly started to trail down her body. She could feel that she was absolutely on a hair trigger now. There was no question that even the slightest pressure on her mons would finally crest the red head’s fragile orgasmic bubble.

“Oh…I just want to sink into this leather so badly…stay right on this edge…”

As the artificial hands were about to reach the edge of the red head’s body the skin pulled away. Along her back and ass the young woman felt her skin merge with the surface of the massage table. As she sunk into it she was being absorbed, her muscles and bones transforming into filling foam.

“Ah…yes…on the brink-” she gasped for the last time, the tone of the dark leather spreading up her sides and over her stomach, breasts, and face. She opened her mouth as if about to cry out in primal pleasure, but it was caught as her face fell away into the table’s head support. Her mouth lost its teeth as her facial features also melted away. Her lips spread wide and open as they framed the divot in the cushion.

Much of the rest of the red head’s body smoothed out into the leather, aside from a few features here and there. Ten little ridges marked her toes. A clefted valley denoted where her pussy had been, it’s indents still glistening. Two mounds were all that remained of her breasts. A faint light outline traced the silhouette of her body, freckles still speckled but more difficult to see with the deeper leather tone.

Fabiana had sensed all of this, and when it was clear the red head’s request had been completed she ordered the automaton working on her to stop. She swung her legs off the table, her cum-laden breasts dropping heavily. She lurched her extremely stiff cock-body to the other table and laid down atop the former woman, her remaining body heat and reliefs pressing delightfully against Fabiana’s sensitive body.

“Wesume…” the dick-lady ordered, and it took only a few more minutes of massage before she was coughing up gallons of spunk.

to be continued...


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