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This has been a tough and busy week for me, but as I pull through the exhaustion one thing has been a bright light - the march towards the $740 Goal!

At this moment we are $4 short of it. And I'm not here to push anyone to give more - I'm only here to say thanks for what you have already given! I've seen new names added to the list, old/regulars return, and so many of you stick around giving what you can when that is truly a lot for you to share.

I love doing what I do here, but hearing from you in the comments and Discord and seeing this support in Patreon is a different kind of empowering fulfillment. 

So my very deepest thanks to you all!

I'm hoping I'll have some creative time this Thursday and Friday, and we'll see what I can get posted to further show my appreciation!

My very best to you all, and stay safe!



Ruyxi Sylpheyes

How about a story featuring a girl working at a strange massage parlor where she gets the power to change people and 'mold' them into her fantasies like clay. She's hired by a mysterious woman who teaches her how to do it and how to make it so no one realizes she's molded three extra pairs of breasts on their chest or added an extra fleshy tail that can be used to pleasure themselves or others.