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1,800 words bring us back to Carina and Neome familiarizing themselves with each other! 

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Pleasure Cruise - Part IV


Some Alone Time Together

“Uh, hi to you, too...roomie…I’m Carina,” Carina replied, completely uncertain of what to do. As Neome was covering her many breasts with a pillow Carina sent both hands down to obscure her blue dong. But this meant she had to release the heavy metal stateroom door, and it slammed shut startling Carina and causing her to jump forward slightly. One foot came squishing down onto something cold and wet on the floor.

“Ah, fuck, what is that?” Carina exclaimed, quickly pulling the damp sole up and hopping awkwardly into the room as Neome’s panties stuck to Carina’s skin. Carina leaned on the little table finally kicked the material off. It hit the closet door with a splut! and stuck for a moment before finally sliding down.

“Oh, uh, sorry, those are mine. I’m Neome,” Neome said meekly. But Carina barely heard her. She had her bottom lip bit and was taking deep breaths as she supported herself on the table. Such quick and exaggerated actions had caused her clit-dong to do a significant amount of pumping in and out of her. “Are, uh, are you okay?”

Carina took another deep breath and finally looked back at Neome.

“I’m, uh, fine, sudden movements create a lot of, um, sensations with this…” Carina replied. She shifted so her hips were square to the bed, and let her blue banger hang free.

“Wow. I take it that is, well, new since you got on the ship?” Neome asked, her voice beginning to display some steadiness and confidence.

“Yeah, and it’s made getting to the room, you know, interesting…” Carina sighed. This was all so insane she was glad she’d found someone to vent something to.

“I’ll bet,” Neome nodded, and then she looked down at herself. If this woman could display her addition to a stranger, Neome figured there was no reason she should cover up the things she had because she wanted to display them. “These are new, too.”

Tossing the pillow aside Neome shivered as she exposed all six breasts, sitting up more in the bed in order to better display them and relieve some of their pressure and contact on each other. She moved her ankle under her groin and could feel how drippy she was.

“My, those are...those are impressive,” Carina said. She was going through the internal process of seeing something so alien, from initial revulsion of the mutated human form to acceptance to...curiosity. How on Earth did it feel to have those?

How on Earth did it feel to feel those?

Carina shook the last question from her head. She pulled her attention away to look around, and saw the closet door that Neome’s panties had struck.

“Do you mind if I…?” Carina pointed at the closet.

“Oh, no, please, go ahead. I haven’t claimed anything yet.”

Carina carefully went to the closet and opened it, finding inside what she’d hoped for, two white terry cloth robes. She took one out and closed the door.

“I think I’d like to go change into this…” Carina added, raising up the robe in one hand and motioned over her shoulder with her thumb towards the bathroom.

“Of course, please, go ahead,” Neome gently waved off Carina, who turned and went into the little lou. As she went Neome could not help but take in Carina’s soft little rear wedged slightly in the blue bikini bottoms.

Alone in the room now, Neome found herself caught between a desire to try and quickly cum and the fear of Carina coming out and catching her. She squirmed on the bed, her pussy dripping more and more through her indecision.

Carina hung the robe up the door hook and looked at herself as best she could in the cramped quarters. Over the sink could only barely see the upper ridge of the blue dildo in the mirror. She shimmied the bikini bottoms off and untied the bikini top. It felt good to be unrestricted, and as her breasts tear dropped every so slightly Carina gently ran her fingers over the lingering indents the strings and seams had left in her skin.

Looking down at the turgid shaft blooming from her snatch Carina sighed.

“It could be worse, at least I don’t have-”

Carina’s words were caught in her throat as she felt a tingle spread over her blue dong. No, not a tingle - a vibration. Her rubber addition was vibrating! And since the length phallus was actually her clit, she felt her plugged canal flush further aflame.

“Oh fuck, why...why is it doing that?” Carina mewed, biting her lip and doubling over. Her thighs squeezed and her hands at the sink in a death grip. She looked down at her offending appendage and then made a realization.

Stumbling nude out of the bathroom Carina leaned against the closet doors for support as she made her way back towards her roommate.

“Ne...Neome, do you know...what time is it?”

The six-breasted woman on the bed couldn’t react for a second as she took in the desperately horny nude woman stumbling towards her. Then she realized she’d been asked a question and looked around for an answer. Stretching around to her left Neome saw a digital alarm clock on the table beside her bed.

“It’s, uh, it just hit noon.”

“Fuuuck, the game’s started!” Carina moaned. She took a deep breath and pushed her ass against the clacking closet door, trying to pull apart her legs and stand up straight. Her rod thrust out from her thighs. Neome couldn’t pull her eyes away.


“Yeah. My dick just started vibraaaaaating,” Carina clenched, “I’m suppose to fffffuuuuuuck someone every tweeelve hours and the first rrrrrrrrrround just started.”

“Oh,” Neome said, pausing to think a moment before simply stating matter-of-factly, “Would you like me to help with that?”

“Yeeessssss please,” Carina gasped, and with that invitation she bound over to the bed Neome was perched upon. She rolled ass-first onto the comforter, and found herself spread eagle feet to pillows and head to footrest. Neome’s six tits swung and banged against each other as she rushed to get her knees within Carina’s thighs.

A half dozen hard nips dangled over Carina as Neome shifted her pussy over Carina’s shaft. Impatient, Carina lifted her legs and wrapped them around Neome’s hips. The two closed the space between them and the blue dildo pressed against Neome’s labia. The vibrations flooded into her lower lips, and as they pressed closer the judder knob squished over Neome’s clit.

“Fuck, fuck, wait…” Neome gritted her teeth, quickly sending in a hand around the unwieldy mass of her busts to push Carina’s clit-schlong down and guide it inside herself. As its girth filled her canal the vibrations emanated throughout her entire core.

All of this contact had pushed Carina’s mind into a nearly animalistic desire to rut. The tip pressed against Neome’s lips, her lover’s hand shifting the shaft, and then finally sloppily engulfed by the drooling puss. Carina moaned as centimeter be centimeter she felt her ballooned clit slickly gripped by the warm pleasure pocket.

“Shit, yes, shit…” the reclined woman gasped, and she pushed her elbows behind her so she could shove her head up into Neome’s many breasts. A sea of tits engulfed her face, and Carina was licking and sucking every surface presented to her. Her legs cinched around Neome’s waist, pulling them so close that Carina filled the other woman up to her hilt, their mons mashed together.

“Ah...God...yeah...my titties...suck my titties…” Neome begged. Carina wanted to feel more of the glorious breasts surrounding her and lifted up here arms to pinch at their nipples, but in doing so she lost the support keeping their combined weight held up. Carina fell backwards, bringing Neome with her. Neome’s rows of boobs squashed over Carina while Carina’s blue dildo pushed even deeper into Neome.

“Guhhhh…” Neome groaned. The combined sensation of being so fully fucked while having a half dozen overly sensitive breasts crushed against another woman was too much. She pushed herself up so she could begin rapidly pumping her loins along Carina’s stiff vibrating alteration.

Carina was also lost in lust. Her shivering shaft was being buried over and over into a tight wet warm slit. She was blanketed in so many tits she couldn’t attend to all of them. It was paradise.

And it was about to be bliss.

Neome’s orgasm had been building for some time, and she could not believe she was only now crossing it. It gripped her in the ribs, then extended down through her belly before joining with the ball of euphoria that had been growing between her legs. As the two met she came, her back arching and pulling her top two breasts away from Carina, the middle two resting on the reclined woman’s own tits, and the bottom pair still squashed between them. Her toes curled and Neome’s muscles locked her in a quite erotic pose.

Carina’s pleasures had been building, but not in the same way. It felt as if her orgasm had been artificially held at bay - until her lover came. Horniness and desire had been compiling, but instead of a slow build to her crest Carina experienced a sudden jump to her blissful explosion that caught her off guard. She also arched her back and plunged her clit-cock just another half-inch further into Neome than it had yet gone.

A pressure from within Carina’s pussy swiftly built and then released. She shuddered as she felt it rush through her cock, another pang of pleasure as it released inside of Neome. Carina’s legs once more hooked tighter around Neome’s ass as spurt after spurt of lady cum erupted through her blue rubber manhood. Neome could feel herself being filled with warm joy.

The pair remained locked like this for nearly a full minute before Neome finally started to come down, and Carina did so with her. Deep breaths and a sheen of sweat were shared by both. As Neome’s toys uncurled and her muscles loosened she slowly raised herself from her impalement. Staring down through the many cleavages before her Carina could see her excessive blue goo pour from Neome’s nether lips as she released the clit-cock.

Separated from their intimacy Neome rolled onto her back. Her three pairs of tits rolled and rocked before finally settling just barely flatted over her ribs. Neome let her legs splay, leaving her thighs separate and her pussy on display to Carina. She could see her thick azure gift dribbling from Neome’s cleft like freshly struck Texas tea.

Her body was exhausted and didn’t want to move, but Carina forced herself to crawl around so she was laying in the correct direction on the bedding beside Neome. The pair pushed their tired sides against each other and interlaced the fingers of their center hands, resting the shared grip on their hips. They said nothing, but just let their shared afterglows drift them into satisfied slumber.

Just as she slipped away to sleep Carina thought, I wonder how Tiara is handling this... 

to be continued...


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