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New story! Can't say every update will be 3,700+ words, but this one is as it introduces us to Carina and Tiara, two women who will find themselves in very special positions in a very special cruise! I hope you enjoy, and I look forward to more updates!

$5+ Patrons, your collected PDF bonuses will begin with the next update.


Day One

It wasn’t publicly known when the first invitation was received, but everyone knew when the last invitation had been delivered. No one who received the mysterious invitations had been willing to share the exact wording, but the same basic information had leaked from multiple sources; a free pleasure cruise only for those who identified as female. And ONLY by invite. Many acknowledged that there was some sort of clause, something they had to agree to when RSVPing, but the most detail any would give was that it sounded like - at the worst - an interesting proposal.

Carina and Tiara were two women who never got an invite. No one knew what other qualifiers there were for some to be invited and some not, aside from identifying as female. Carina had accepted that, as petty thieves squatting in an abandoned factory, there was really no surprise as to why they hadn’t found one of the practically supernatural invites.

Tiara was much angrier as the leaked date of departure grew closer - she considered it classism. An unacceptable snub to the situation she believed life, and not Carina and Tiara’s own choices, had wholly placed the pair in. And while Carina admitted some truth to Tiara’s argument she could also reflect on all the other paths she could have taken before landing where she was.

Then, on the morning of the pleasure cruises’ expected embarkation, Tiara’s anger turned to action.

“We’re going to sneak on and rob the fuck out of that ship and everyone on it,” Tiara announced, laying out her plan for getting onto the recently docked Mestra. Carina was hesitant - there was no announced return date so there was no way of knowing how long their subterfuge would have to last - but ultimately she decided it couldn’t hurt to make one more decision like this.

Arriving at the port before the sun turned night into dawn Carina was blown away by the size of the Mestra. She counted at least twelve, if not more, decks of the ship rising out of the water. It had to be well over three hundred yards from end to end. Carina’s confidence about being able to hide on such a massive vessel started to rise.

The pair stripped down to the bathing suits they’d put on under their black shirts and pants. The plan was to swim to one of the massive anchor points, scale the chain, and then pretend to be on the way to one of the ship’s pools, hoping that would be enough of an excuse to not have on them whatever ID was expected.

As her partner in crime stripped down Carina could not keep herself from admiring Tiara’s lithe form. Tiara’s body was well toned, but her arms and legs retained their slim profile. Tiara was only a few inches over five feet tall, but no one had ever told her breasts to keep to that scale. Under the red bikini top Tiara’s hefty boobs jiggled and swung, their weight fighting the knots that kept her finger-thick nipples covered. Carina had often imagined how easily her own hands would have been overwhelmed by the flesh of Tiara’s chest. Tiara pushed aside a shoulder-length brunette lock from her face and prepared to jump in the water, casting a glance at Carina indicating that the gawking woman should hurry up.

Carina was wearing a one-piece blue bathing suit under her burgling outfit, which hugged her taught stomach and chest. Breasts merely half of what Tiara sported were squashed under the material, which looked smaller to scale to Carina’s nearly six-foot height. She had no issue with her short blonde bob cut hair, and kicked her sneakers off her surprisingly petite feet.

Together the pair leapt into the ocean and began their plan. Much to Carina’s shock it appeared to be successful, as the duo reached the first open deck of the ship, swung their legs over, and immediately passed out as their feet touched the deck of the ship.

Carina had no idea how much time had passed as she slowly regained consciousness. Her muscles were turgid and ached as she slowly pushed herself up from the chaise lounge she’d awoken on.  Blinking and trying to clear her foggy mind she heard a groan to her right, and looked over to see Tiara waking up upon a similar lounge. Looking down at herself Carina confirmed they were both still dressed in their bathing suits.

As her vision sharpened Carina took in more and more of where she was. It was some sort of office with a stark white decor. A large desk sat before them with an even larger leather chair behind it. The broad chair was facing away from them, looking out through enormous windows that revealed nothing but miles upon miles of open ocean.

They were on the ship, and it was underway!

“What the fuck happened? Where are we?” Tiara finally muttered. Carina looked over to see Tiara trying to get up from the lounge, but it was clear that the same heaviness that Carina could feel laying over her muscles was also keeping Tiara in place.

“You are on the Mestra. Our security system detected your unregistered DNA when you boarded,” came a female voice from the other side of the chair. Slowly it rotated to reveal a woman dressed in a captain’s uniform. She was beautiful, her features perfectly shaped upon her lightly tanned face. Strawberry hair ran out from under her captain’s hat in waves down to her chest. As Carina followed those lovely red locks she noticed something about the woman’s jacket - it had four arms! They lead to four hands in white gloves, two with fingers interlocked under her chin, two others folded on the desk.

“You could have left us there! We haven’t done anything! You can’t kidnap us! Take us back!” Tiara hissed. Carina tried to give Tiara a look to shut up, but she was still moving too slowly to do so.

“You prefer incarceration on land to what I have to offer here? Your obstinance is amusing, but I’m afraid you’ll find that the technology which allows us to make this trip so very unique also means we are well aware of why you boarded,” the woman smiled. She rose from her chair and Carina realized that only now Tiara was noticing the four arms.

“Who are you?” Carina asked with as much respect as she could.

“Oh, well, thank you for asking. I’m Captain Daphne. I’m not the one who chartered the ship, but I am the one making most of the decisions. And what to do about stowaways is completely my domain. Tell me, what do you really know about the voyage you’ve illegally cast yourselves upon?” Captain Daphne strutted around to the front of her desk, white heeled leather boots clicking on the floor, and then leaned back, all four arms crossing her captain’s jacket.

“I know we should have been invited! We need a free cruise more than all the people invited who can afford one!” Tiara hissed.

“Hmm, maybe. Sadly I’m not the one who was in charge of the invitations. Let me cut to the chase. The Mestra was chartered for a very special pleasure cruise, a literal pleasure cruise. Anyone who RSVPed had to be willing to be, well, willing to be open to wanton sex and pleasure. Certainly all consensual, no means No here no matter what waters we’re in, but we encourage all our guests to be open to options and indulge in sexual pleasures wherever, whenever, and however the mood finds them.”

“Why do you have four arms?” Carina could not help herself to ask.

“Well, the answer to that is not unrelated to what next I have to explain. You see, the trip isn’t entirely free. Anyone who wanted to join this voyage had to sign a special waiver saying that they consented to having bodily alterations happen to them any time or place on the ship, so long as it was guaranteed they’d enjoy those changes. I can’t explain the technology - if it is technology - but I can speak from experience that it can look into your deepest desires and grant you something amazing you may not have even been able to fully comprehend your desire for having before experiencing it.”

As she spoke Captain Daphne flexed her four arms to illustrate that she was especially pleased to have them.

“It’s this wonderful process that not only alerted us to your presence, but also the intentions you had for being here,” the Captain smiled. She broke from her recline against the desk and began walking back around it, her lower left hand tracing the edge of the wood, her upper right hand scratching under her hat, and the other two hands waving at Tiara and Carina. “And so now it is up to me to decide what to do with you. Traditionally we’d throw stowaways in the brig, but the access I have to the alteration process means I can craft some personalized brigs for the pair of you…”

As Captain Daphne spoke Carina could feel a tingle in her toes. She looked down to see that her toenails had taken on a silvery tone. She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow, knowing that no such polish had been applied before Carina left for the Mestra. But as she looked Carina saw the coloration spread - it was moving into her toes and along her feet towards her ankles! Instinctively Carina tried to flex her feet but found them completely stiff and unresponsive.

A cursing gasp from her right pulled Carina’s attention, and she could see a similar thing happening to Tiara’s feet, although they were turning to gold! Slowly the metal alterations continued around their ankles and up into their calves, each woman’s legs feeling heavier and heavier.

“What the fuck, you can’t do this to us!” Tiara exclaimed.

“I really can, but I don’t want to,” Captain Daphne mused, returning to her seat, “You see, I’d rather make a deal with you. As the Mestra’s captain it is my job to make sure my guests are having the best possible time. And we have a long journey ahead of us and I’m in need of amusement. So I’d like to arrange a little competition between the pair of you, one that would also give me some insight into how the women who are supposed to be here are enjoying the unique amenities.”

The metal alterations were already midway up Carina’s thighs, and she was certainly trapped by her own weight and immobility atop the lounger.

“Yes, yes, sure!” Carina exclaimed.

“What do you want, you bitch?!” Tiara shouted.

“Well, my proposal is this. I’m going to grant each of you nice thick rubber dildos to replace your pussies. I assure you they’ll be quite pleasurable, but it isn’t your pleasure I’m interested in. Every twelve hours you’ll have to find a passenger willing to experience your new appendages. Whoever’s partner experiences the most pleasure will earn one of you a point for that period, as well as tell me how their experience is going. At the end of the journey the winner will be allowed to leave the Mestra, while the loser will find herself a gold or silver addition to our gallery. Do we have a deal?”

“Yes, yes!” Carina exclaimed. The wave of cold dull silver had claimed her pussy and ass and was moving up her stomach. Tiara cast her partner a dirty look.

“Don’t agree to anything! We’re being coerced!”

“Just suck up your ego and agree,” Carina pleaded as she watched the gold travelling closer and closer to Tiara’s enormous breasts.

“Fuck, you’re weak. I could have gotten so much further with out you holding me back,” Tiara hissed, “Fine, I agree to your fucking game.”

“Excellent,” Captain Daphne laughed, clapping all four hands together. Instantly Carina felt her lower body begin to lighten, the silver flowing back down her body and relaxing her muscles and flesh. It ended on her toenails which then faded back to their light pink.

Carina now felt something else growing heavier and tighter. She could feel her clit pulsing. Her breathing began to increase as she felt her little nub stretching and growing with each beat of her heart. Underneath her swimsuit Carina’s lower lips were being parted as the bundle of nerves which was once barely half-a-centimeter in size ballooned past twice its original size.

After only a few seconds Carina gasped as she felt her expanding clit grow beyond the recesses of her pussy and push its tip into the fabric of her bathing suit. Her eyes widened more and more as the circumference of the lump under the blue material did the same, first as wide as a dime, then a nickel, next a quarter. As it spread out to the width of a golf ball it had also grown over an inch beyond the crest of her labia.

And the whole time her expanding clitty was only getting more and more sensitive. As the pressure against the bathing suit’s lower liner increased Carina’s belly began to warm from the erotic contact. The stiffening nub - no, shaft at this point - was being shoved backwards against Carina’s pelvis. She couldn’t take it any longer and threw down her hand to pull aside the restrictive material.

Out popped what was unmistakably the head of a rubber dildo. It had a generic phallic shape, but was in now way anatomically correct. Free from the restriction the shaft’s growth appeared to increased, pushing out to five inches long and two inches in width.

A moan from Tiara captured Carina’s attention once more, and she looked over to see that her partner had pushed her bikini bottoms down to her midthigh, freeing a rubber dong identical to Carina’s in every way except for the color - Tiara’s was red.

Carina’s attention was captured by Tiara’s altering anatomy. She wanted to find what was happening to them disgusting. Appalling. Unforgivable. But instead she only found herself incredibly horny. And Carina knew this wasn’t some fresh addition to her mind. For ages she’d wanted to fuck Tiara. To slip inside of her and find an unknowable intimacy. And finally Carina had the equipment to do so.

Turning back to said equipment Carina let out a little “Oh!” as she saw how much it had grown as she watched Tiara. Her attached dildo was now nearly ten inches long and probably three inches thick. Carina doubted she would have been able to fit such a thing in her pussy - her pussy! Looking down Carina could see that her labia remained beyond her mons, completely encircling the rubber shaft that had grown in. In fact, it looked and felt as if the enhanced clit had grown over and plugged up any access to Carina’s pleasure hole.

“There, that should about do it…” Captain Daphne announced, and Carina did indeed feel the sensation of growth slowing to a stop. Her long blue dildo relaxed slightly, but remained long and stiff and erect in the air, bobbing gently above her thighs. Tiara’s red shaft did the same. Carina could feel some of the heaviness lift from her muscles, regaining much of her mobility.

As the same happened to Tiara the brunette leapt up from the lounge as quickly as she could, clearly with the intent to attack the captain. But as she did so Carina saw Tiara’s body suddenly lock up. Her mouth opened and her eyes rolled back and Tiara fell to her knees, a long guttural moan oozing out of her. A spray of red cum erupted from the tip of Tiara’s dong.

“What...what is happening to her?” Carina whispered.

“One of the many fail safes on the Mestra,” Captain Daphne said with a grin as she stood up. She had in her hands two plastic cards with RFID chips embedded in them. The cards were on lanyards, and she handed one to Carina as the captain came around her desk once more. ‘Anyone who intends to cause real unwanted pain to another person on this ship is incapacitated by massive orgasm until the impulse leaves them.”

Tiara was swaying back and forth on her knees as she continued to cum, a puddle of thick red fluid beginning to pool around her. The captain placed the second lanyard around Tiara’s head with a little smug flourish.

“There, she’ll have it when she comes out of it. Maybe we should leave so she calms down. I have rounds to do anyway, and you should go find your stateroom and introduce yourself to your new roomie,” Captain Dahne continued, ushering Carina out of the office.

“You mean Tiara and I aren’t rooming together?” Carina objected as she found herself out in the ship’s hallway. Wood paneled walls ran as far as the eye could see in either direction, and a red carpet with stiff short bristles made itself known under Carina’s feet.

“Should you later decide to make those arrangements certainly feel free, but since you are now competitors I thought it best to give you each some space with people who were interested in having company. I recommend you go introduce yourself and settle in. I won’t start your first scored sessions until after noon today,” Captain Daphne elaborated on as she turned and began to walk away from Carina. Over her shoulder she pointed with her upper left hand back at Carina and added, “You’re in 4130, the elevators are back that way!”

And with that the captain turned a corner and was out of sight.

Carina just stood for a moment in the hallway, the first time she’d been alone to really process everything that had happened. She took a deep breath and looked down over the swimsuit-packed hills of her chest. Beyond them she could see the long rubber cock extending out beyond her thighs. There was a mild ache to it, a light sense of need that Carina recognized as low level horniness.

A deep warm blush passed over Carina’s skin as she realized she was, essentially, standing in a public hallway with her crotch exposed. Briefly Carina thought she could slip the shaft back into the bottom of her bathing suit. But it wasn’t the pure restrictions of space and physics that stopped her. As Carina laid her hand on the length of her expanded clit a warm shiver ran through her. Carina popped up onto the balls of her feet and her stomach spasmed.

It had felt like someone had pinched her clit, which essentially she had. What had been a low level of arousal had suddenly spiked now. Carina could feel all the internal aspects of her pussy, the parts well plugged up behind her knew false phallus, wip aflame. Some of her juices began to leak around her labia and dribble down the blue length.

“Ahhhhh...not doing that again,” Carina shuddered. She could feel the little rivulettes of  liquid trickling across the surface of her cock, a little line of tickle that then cooled as they dried. It was clear that if she wanted to hide herself away she needed to get to room 4130. Carina took a few steps like she normally would have but had to stop again. Her unbound gait was now causing her dick to wobble around. Not only was it knocking against her thighs - causing more arousing shivers - but the base of it was swing in and out of the canal of her pussy.

Every step was causing Carina to slightly fuck herself.

Leaning against the wall and letting another blush wash over her and abate Carina resume her walk to the elevators with slower, more intentional steps. The self-penetration was lighter and more bearable, and with a little bowing of her legs she could avoid the slapping to her thighs.

A few paces later Carina arrived at a lobby with four golden-adorned elevators which connected the hallway she’d come down with another on the opposite side of the ship. A staircase also met its landing at this lobby. Carina learned that she was on the 12th floor. Stabbing the down button she nervously waited, hoping no one was coming up the elevator she had summoned.

A ding! from behind alerted Carina that the elevator she had planted herself in front of was not the one which had arrived. Turning around she could hear giggling emanating from the opening doors. As they slid apart and revealed the passengers Carina saw a pair of young women in light flowery sundresses laughing and holding onto each other. With their free hands they each carried some sort of tropical beverage. Based on their staggering Carina guessed the drinks were alcoholic.

Carina watched silently as the pair exited the elevator. For a moment she thought neither would notice her, as their attention was squarely on each other. But just as they were about to exit the lobby both cast their eyes on Carina.

Specifically on her crotch.

Both women smiled, winked, and licked their lips...and then turned back to each other and walked off into the far hallway. But just as they disappeared behind the wall Carina saw that one of them had a monkey tail slipping out from the bottom of their dress. It waved to her before being pulled out of sight.

So taken aback by what she had just witnessed was Carina that she hadn’t yet moved towards the elevator. Only as she heard the doors start to slide shut again did she realize she was about to miss her ride. Without thinking she bound across the lobby for the elevator and leapt through the closing doors - the whole way her plastic penis swinging around inside and out of her. As the doors closed Carina collapsed against the wall, her body sweaty and her heart beating rapidly. She took deep breaths as she tried to get control over the horny haywire she’d just thrown herself into.

And it was another moment before she realized the elevator wasn’t moving. Carina weakly reached out and hit the button for the 4th floor.

A few seconds later another ding! welcomed the flushed woman to her floor. Meekly stepping out Carina didn’t see anyone around, and looking to the signs on the wall found which way to go to reach her stateroom. A few careful steps later she’d found 4130, swiped her card, and opened the door.

“Oh, hi roomie!”

to be continued...



Fantastic - I love your long form writings!