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This is part of a collab I am working on featuring multiple...parts. There is an extended sex scene that comes after this which I will post sometime this month, but for now I wanted to get this portion posted so that I've done more than just talk about my trip! Enjoy!



The last thing Jasmine had wanted to do that day was stay late at work, so of course that was exactly what happened. She waitressed at the breastaurant WOOF  and the manager’s favorite, Holli, had decided to come in late from a hangover. Holli was only the favorite because she showed the most skin, even though her breasts were mostly padding. Jasmine figured her own natural B-cup chest was larger than Holli’s on it’s own, but Jasmine preferred to get her tips based on service over skin.

That didn’t change the fact that it was now three hours later than her scheduled shift and Jasmine was finally walking home. The air outside was crisp, and Jasmine pulled her jacket tight against her slight hourglass form. She hurried down the street excited to get home to her roommates, Ariel and Rhonda. The three girls were very close, tending to both each other’s emotional and physical needs. And Jasmine needed them right now.

At the thought of her two part-time lovers Jasmine’s nips hardened up even more tightly than the cool air had already stimulated them. Her pussy also began to warm and ache for their touch. So late in the evening Jasmine figured the pair were probably already snuggled up together wondering where she was.

“I hope Holli gets fired...” Jasmine grumbled, knowing that wouldn’t happen. Holli was too popular, and and someone would need to steal her thunder for her other flaws to cause her any real inconvenience.

As her long legs took her down the street Jasmine noticed something shiny on the ground. She stopped and bent forward to pick it up. It was a brass coin, about twice the size of a quarter and inscribed with some fancy writing. Jasmine squinted at it.

Good for one wish...

“Good for one wish?” Jasmine read aloud. She then began to laugh. A wish would be amazing but that was impossible. None of her problems would be solved that easily, especially when it came to work. But worth a shot. “Okay, I wish it was raining hundred dollar bills.”

Looking up Jasmine was not surprised to find nothing unusual falling from the sky.

“Figured…” she muttered, and absently flipped the coin over. On the other side she found more writing.

...to change yourself.

“Oh, of course there are rules. You know what I wish, then?” Jasmine jokingly asked the coin. “I wish I had twice the tits, with big hard nipples. Then I’d really be able to ring in all the tips and show up Holli.”

A delightful sensation suddenly flowed through Jasmine’s core. She doubled over in ecstasy, moaning out loud and feeling as though something atop her ribs was swelling up. She grasped at her body, and felt sensitive fresh fat pushing outward from her chest. It felt like someone was gently brushing over her labia, teasing her and making her hotter and wetter.

Her body spasmed again and again as more and more erotic weight grew upon Jasmine’s upper body, and her hands flew to the masses bulging forth from her. To Jasmine’s surprise she found what felt like two new breasts directly below her normal ones. They were so tender; she felt her knees buckle as she grazed the brand new soft mounds beneath her clothing. Her palms could feel a stiff nub pushing out against them. Overtop these new breasts her upper pair was pulsing and growing as well!

This was not what she had meant by her wish! Plus, that wish had been a joke!

As Jasmine stood frozen on the road, her hands palming the new pair of breasts pushing against the lower material of her top, she had to admit that touching them like this did feel amazing...

Common sense and the awareness that she’d just grown four breasts pulled Jasmine’s mind back to the situation she was now faced with. Letting go of her tits she wrapped her coat even more firmly around her now unreasonably supple body, nubs like thumbs pressing against the material. Jasmine began to run home as fast as she could. Each step she took sent pangs of pleasure through her new chest as the bouncy balls of fat squished and rubbed against each other.

Through the thick material of the jacket Jasmine again gave one a squeeze. Orgasmic joy almost brought Jasmine to her knees, and left her shaking on unsteady legs that wobbled with each step now. She needed to get home immediately. She quickened her pace threefold, the magic coin still clutched firmly in her hand.

Jasmine was horny nearly to the breaking point from her jostling breasts as she burst in the front door of the apartment, falling backwards and slamming it shut so loudly that Ariel immediately came running to see what all the noise was about. She was dressed in track shorts and thigh high socks. The shorts hugged tightly her thick thighs and full ass. A white cropped tank top showed off her small, perky breasts and her light strawberry curls bounced around her cheeks.

“Jasmine, what’s wrong?” she asked, concern filling her big hazel eyes. 

Jasmine took a shaky breath and held out the coin.

“I found this, and thought it was just something from an arcade, but I made a wish as a joke and it…it came true!”

Ariel furrowed her brow as she took the coin and flipped it over in her fingers. “That doesn’t make any sense…are you joking now? What did you wish for?”

Uncertain of how to explain what had happened to her chest, Jasmine took off her coat and then slipped her sweater off over her head. She gasped as loudly at the sensation of the material sliding across her skin and nipples, as did Ariel did at the sight of two additional plump breasts squeezing out from below the underwire of her red bra - which was maxed out with the freshly grown tit flesh at the top of Jasmine’s ribs. Her lower nipples flicked and wobbled as the hem of the sweater pulled passed them, causing a quiver from the stripping waitress. Throwing them aside Jasmine looked to the slack-jawed Ariel.

“I just mad about Holli and wished for twice the tits, but this isn’t what I meant!”

“Rhonda! Get in here!” Ariel yelled, rushing forward and cupping Jasmine’s second pair of tits as if she could do anything about their existence.

Jasmine let out a small groan at Ariel’s cool touch. She guessed that her breasts were twice as sensitive as they had been, and they’d been pretty damn sensitive.

“Do they feel...good?” Ariel whispered.

“Yes,” Jasmine groaned back. “Don’t...don’t stop touching them.”

“What’s going on? Are you okay?”

Rhonda entered the room, bringing the smell of vanilla and amber with her. She was dressed in a matching green silk robe and slip, cut just long enough that it hid her naughty bits. The green brought out the bright notes in her waist length blonde hair, which she pushed out of her face to get a better look at Ariel and Jasmine.

“What is…?”

“Jasmine made an accidental wish on a magic coin and now she has bigger tits, and en extra pair!” blurted Ariel, still massaging them. Jasmine tried to add to the explanation, but Ariel’s massaging felt so good all Jasmine’s tongue could do was flop out of her mouth onto her full lips.

Rhonda was too shocked to speak, and didn’t know what she would have said anyway. Needing to fully see what had afflicted her roommate, Rhonda walked over and unhooked Jasmine’s over-taxed bra, letting loose her compacted tits. All four breasts now hung free, the original set twice their size and bumped upwards slightly as Ariel held the newer pair. Four sets of light brown nipples, already as thick and long as thumbs, perked up even more tightly in the chilly air of the hallway.

Jasmine had been more naked with her roommates than this in the past, but somehow having four enormous boobs on display felt like the naughtiest thing she’d ever done - probably because there was no sane reason for why this should have been possible at all. As she considered this the sound of pure carnal lust that Jasmine unconsciously made as her changed upper body laid bare made both Rhonda and Ariel moisten immediately.

“Let’s get you into the bedroom,” Rhonda muttered. She felt hungry at the sight of Jasmine’s exotic new chest, and was keen to get her to the bed where these wondrous tits could be inspected more closely. Both Ariel and Jasmine whimpered their disappointment as Rhoda pulled Ariel’s hands from Jasmine’s lower breasts, and hurried the pair up the stairs that led to where they all usually slept. 

Jasmine hummed and moaned as her breasts bounced and rubbed against each indecently with each step of the stairs, causing far more jiggling and jostling than walking flat had. Her legs were wobbling as she reached the large bed they all shared. She turned and took a seat. Both Ariel and Rhonda could not help but covet the soft curves Jasmine possessed, as her quartet of sensuous pillows slowly settled atop her ribs. It was as if these four boobs had hypnotized Ariel and Rhonda to think of nothing else.

“Fuck...!” Ariel exclaimed, laughing nervously. She could feel how wet she’d gotten between the thighs just from rubbing two of her roommates four perfect breasts. She ached to touch them again. “With four tits like that, Jasmine, I wish I had as many hands to play with them.”

“Ariel, no!” exclaimed Jasmine, who realized that Ariel was still holding the coin. The strawberry-haired woman looked to the coin with wide eyes before she felt a sensation wash over her arms.

Suddenly Ariel fell to her knees, her plump rear jiggling as she landed with a thud and her heels dug into the softness of her ass. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and she convulsed the same way her two roommates knew she did just before cumming. A wetness began to form on the red fabric of her shorts, spreading across the juicy outline of Ariel’s pussy. 

“Ariel…does it feel good?” asked Rhonda, watching in awe.

“Yes, yes yes,” Ariel chanted before sprouting two more arms from her sides. As they rose up they ripper her tank top off.

Ariel’s convulsions caused her to drop the coin onto their hardwood floor. She could not stop herself from running all four hands over her bare chest. Watching Ariel’s delicate pink nipples being touched by all those elegant fingers made Rhonda’s mouth water even more. She picked up the coin and rolled it between her fingers. The other two girls were so lucky. They had clearly experienced something incredible.

“Come here, Ariel.” Rhonda said, beckoning her over to the edge of the bed where Jasmine still sat, shocked from what she’d just seen. Wordlessly, Rhonda guided each of Ariel’s four lithe hands to one of Jasmine’s fat breasts. Her soft caramel skin oozed between Ariel’s long fingers as she grasped them firmly. Thick nipples popped through crevices before being felled by roving palms. A soft moan escaped from Jasmine with each squeeze.

Clearly they had each been blessed with incredibly pleasures.

Ariel turned to Rhonda, capturing her in a passionate kiss. The two girls’ soft tongues slid over each other in a sensual dance. Then Rhonda pulled just far enough away from Ariel’s soft lips to whisper, “I wish I had more pussies so I’d never again have to choose who pleasures me.”

A feeling more powerful and orgasmic than Rhonda had ever felt echoed from her ribs all the way down to her toes. The feeling of being stretched open and laid bare filled her core, and she cried out gibberish words, grasping at both of her lovers, who held her back, stroking her hair and breasts, hardening her nipples. They all felt heightened, and wanted to take advantage of the pleasure found in touch.

Once the tremors had finished wracking Rhonda’s body, she stood straight and lifted her silky night dress above her waist. Her pussy was uncovered by any undergarments, a sexy strip of red hair pointing directly to her pleasure center.

All three of them gasped in awe as they watched multiple changes fall over their roommate and lover.

Rhonda felt a tightness between her hips, and shuddered as she felt something push from the side against her pussy. Looking down over her own breasts she gasped as she saw the line between her right labia and inner thigh split and gape. Another pair of lower lips formed next to her original pair, and a hard and sensitive button of nerves popped out into place at their northern apex. She fidgeted as her now pair of pussies shifted slightly between her thighs, so that they were properly centered. Each shimmered with Rhonda’s juices, and were so fat with desire that they’re rubbing and squeezing of each other felt as if it’d give Rhonda no reprieve of arousal.

Next Rhonda felt a stretching sensation between her butt cheeks, and she turned to the other pair of multiplied women as Rhonda tried to see for herself what was happening. Grabbing her ass she pulled her round cheeks apart and gasped while Jasmine and Ariel watched Rhonda’s asshole reform itself into a third shimmering slit, completed with a clit positioned just short of where her ass crack met her lower back.

Rhonda felt another change gripping her belly, and she turned around again to face her roommates. They watched as Rhonda’s belly button stretched and morphed into the tightest vagina they had ever seen, complete with a quivering clitty poking outwards just an inch or so below where Rhonda’s ribcage ended. The new pussy was pink and wet and glistening in the low warm light of their bedroom.

Still massaging two of Jasmine’s breasts, Ariel reached over and slid the middle fingers of both her right hands over Rhonda’s clits, the upper going to her belly and the lower going to the pair between her thighs. Rhonda growled under her breath, an animalistic glint appearing in her eye.

“Lay down, Jasmine,” commanded Rhonda. “You’ve had a long day at work, let’s all take care of each other, shall we?”

“Yes,” whispered Jasmine, pushing herself back further onto the bed and laying down on her back. “I need you both so badly.”

Ariel climbed onto the bed next, luxuriating in the soft feeling of Jasmine’s skin beneath hers. The four large, perfect breasts seemed to glow and beckon her closer. With a careful, gentle move, Ariel straddled Jasmine’s face and dipping her pussy between the bronze goddess’ full lips. Jasmine began to slowly work Ariel’s clit in lazy circles with her tongue.

“Does it feel good?” Rhonda asked, breathlessly.

Ariel had begun to run her four separate hands all over different parts of Jasmine’s body, causing the girl to writhe beneath the juicy ass nearly suffocating her. One finger dipped into Jasmine’s pussy, one pinched and rolled her bottom left nipple, one rubbed her clit, and the other fisted in her luscious black waves of hair. 

“It would feel better if you joined,” replied Jasmine, grabbing Ariel’s hips and lifting her gently off of her mouth just far enough to speak. Ariel shuddered at the breath of the words on her pussy.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

to be continued...


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