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2500+ more words to this collaboration as Sierra returns and grants Keira's first wish! ~dS


Finally home in her apartment, Keira let herself slump against the wall for support. She dropped her purse onto the floor, and then her keys into it. She heard a strange clank and suddenly Keira remembered she’d wrapped up the vase and taken it with her.

Panicked, she dug into her purse. Why had she even taken it? Keira didn’t know why she’d wanted it - no, needed it - but she’d taken it, and now she had to deal with it. She pulled the paper towels away and let out a sigh of relief - there were no significant cracks made by dropping her keyes on it.

“Oh thank God...” Keira muttered as she more closely examined the surfacing, running her fingers over it to make sure she wasn’t overlooking anything. She rubbed around the  mouth of the vase, and as she did so the porcelain began to vibrate. A blue colored mist began to rise out of it.

“What the fuck?”

Alarmed, Keira tossed the vase away and onto her couch. It settled between the far cushion and the arm. The mist continued to pour out in more and more volume, slowly collecting on the couch. Although so of it neared the edge of the cushions, the fog held back from the edge most unnaturally.

Gradually a form solidified, and Keira recognized it as the shape of a human torso. Arm-like tendrils of smoke stretched over the length of the couch, as a round mass formed between them. An hourglass was refining its shape, the bottom half slowly tapering back to the opening of the vase and slipping inside.

As the mist’s shape became more defined, so did its substance. A head and arms and chest and stomach and hips all came into physical focus. Only where the legs should be remained a misty tail. It didn’t take Keira long to realise that this was a genie.

And not just any genie, a very female Genie. A female so attractively formed that even Keira could feel a smouldering attraction welling up. The genie’s skin was smooth, unblemished, and slightly blue tinted. It was stretched over a body that would have made even Jessie jealous. The woman rolled over atop the couch and stretched. While doing so her large breasts - Keira guessed they were E-cups? - came into view. A blue tunic had formed over them, but the material was practically ephemeral and the thick purple nipples were literally visible through the material. 

Keira found her view transfixed for a moment on the plump, hard, and gorgeous looking, nipples daintily draped under the material. The genie’s lower body consisted of really, really shapely hips that were demanding all the attention that any single woman could give her. And the genie’s eyes - boy, did they hold a sense of attraction nothing else could hold. She was truly beautiful and amazing, and Keira could feel her loins practically pulled to the being like a magnet. Silky satin like shorts made of the same gossamer hugged the genie’s waist, doing nothing to obscure the view of the glimmering pussy held within misty thighs merging together beneath it.

The genie hummed and stretched again. It was so nice to be out of the vase. Feeling the end of her tail trip along the lip of the vessel felt like performing ballet in zero gravity. Now and then she'd drift a little too far over the couch for the tastes of whatever magic kept her tethered to her chambers, and a light tug would run up her tail and through her body. At first, when the genie hadn't expected it, she'd found the sensation disconcerting. But now it was...invigoratingly erotic. It felt like her entire djinni form being given a little stretch, every muscle and bone being slightly pulled...including those sensitive bits that had once sat between amorous thighs.

After a moment of stretching the genie finally turned and acknowledged Keira’s presence.

“Why hello there my, new mistress!” Her words were soft, purring out with complete and utter devotion and naughtiness, as if her very voice was sensually massaging her insides. “I am Sierra, the Genie of the Vase!” There was a pause. Although Sierra’s appearance had certainly changed significantly since a few hours ago, Keira gave no indication that even the name was familiar. Sierra was forced to continued on, “How may I be of service today?”

“Uh, um.....” With a blushing and pure red face, Keira gulped as she openly stared at the genie, “Wh...who are you?”

“How nice of you to ask me that!” Sierra exclaimed, but found herself forced to give the same answer she’d given so many times over now, “As I said, am the Genie of the Vase!” Sierra found that she could not speak any further about her origins, and was forced to grin as she floated downwards. She curled her tail under her ass and took a seat on the sofa. “As the genie of this vase I shall make true most any three wishes you have. But keep in mind, I cannot change the world, or make you a sudden millionaire with no curious government organizations, or undo a wish granted, even with another wish!”

“I...okay...” Keira’s mind was reeling. Just a few scant minutes ago she’d been living a normal life, with a normal job, with the normal drama. What did she want to wish for? A million dollars sounded nice, but she’d just been told the IRS would be all over her. World peace sounded off the table.

Keira was exhausted and couldn’t concentrate. Maybe if she hadn’t spent all day dealing with Jessie’s bullshit - that was it! Maybe she couldn’t get world peace, but just a little peace at work…

“I don’t know about any other wishes, but right now I just wish that Jessie and I would fucking get along!”

“How fun!” Sierra clapped over her breasts, sending a little jiggle through them, “Why, that is certainly within my powers!”

Keira thought her genie looked downright lethal with a smirk that stretched one cheek, and very naughty as well. Sierra spread her arms and wiggled her fingers as if she was doing jazz hands and a pink shimmer surrounded her. “From tomorrow onward, both of you will get along really well!”

For some strange reason those words sent a deep, deep chill down Keira’s spine. At first there was fear, but it was slowly replaced by a sort of carnal curiosity about what the genie had done to Jessie to bring about the requested results.

As the thought of Jessie entered Keira’s mind she suddenly felt a little tingle between her thighs. Keira closed her eyes and let the vision of her coworker linger for a moment. She didn’t know why, but the thought of being near Jessie tomorrow wasn’t bringing on anxiety, but was making Keira feel...naughty. 

Keira’s eyes shot open and she looked to her genie. Sierra grinned, waved her fingers at her mistress, said, “See you tomorrow!” and with a shloomp! was sucked back up inside the vase.

The next morning Keira woke up and found that all of her anxiety over going to work was replaced by a wonderfully light anxious impatience. It took so long to get washed - which Keira did while lightly touching herself while thinking about Jessie - to get dressed - which Keira did while trying to pick out an outfit she thought Jessie would like - and to get to work.

Keira walked into the restaurant with more excitement inside of her heart rather than she’d ever had fear. She still hadn’t even consciously realized why, Keira knew that for the first time she was looking forward to meeting Jessie today and couldn’t wait to actually see her. In fact, thinking about how Jessie looked was, for some reason, making her hot in all the right places.

Oh God, where is she? I want to see her face, I want to touch her body, I want to look at her, I want…

Before Keira could continue on with this line of thinking she felt a body tackle against her. The strong smell of lilies impacted Keira’s nose. She could feel the strength of the perfume that her coworker was wearing, but Keira could also smell something more...primal. Keira could smell her musk. It was the strongest thing scent she’d ever taken into her nose. It made her feel warm, and extremely intimate that she somehow knew that this was what Jessie smelled like under the artificial lily odour.

“Hey, Keira!” Jessie squealed out. The ecstatic woman didn’t know why, but she’d suddenly been looking forward to seeing Keira again ever since yesterday night. Jessie didn’t know what had come over her, but she knew that Keira was the one and only thing that she needed in her life. Releasing her embrace for just a moment Jessie stepped back and looked Keira up and down. The woman was downright beautiful, and smart, and so funny, and…

Shut up and say something to her!

“I missed you!”

“I...I missed you too!” Somewhere in the back of her mind, Keira was sure that something was definitely wrong. She knew that she shouldn’t be happy to see Jessie. Or, at least, that yesterday she hadn’t been. Had there been something last night with...a genie? No, that was absurd. That had been a dream, right? Genies weren’t real.

What was real was the feeling of Jessie’s hands moving down towards Keira’s butt, tracing tightly against her hips.

“What are you doing?!” Keira spoke up quietly, looking around.

“Hugging you of course!” Jessie smirked as she squeezed Keira’s ass. Keira’s face flushed pink, partially in embarrassment from the public display, but also because of how she wanted so much more of it. “How’ve you been?”

“Well...I’ve been good.” Keira smiled, her voice getting lower as she was slowly falling into the mood. She was confused by the change in how Jessie was acting, but wasn’t going to complain. Even if how either of them were acting right now didn’t make sense, if it meant a day free of the fear and anxiety Keira had yesterday she’d welcome this with open arms - even if it meant Jessie trying to cop a feel.

Besides, Keira didn’t know why Jessie would want to feel her up. The woman embracing her was beautiful and sexy and totally out of Keira’s league! Something about the attention of such a crazy attractive woman had Keira feeling both empowered for having been chosen, but also terrified of losing Jessie’s attention. Keria forced herself to say something more about herself.

“I, uh, I found a new vase yesterday. It’s pretty cool. Looks good in my apartment.”

Keira cursed to herself about saying something so stupidly mundane, but Jessie had been hanging on every word.

“Ahh, so cool.” Jessie grinned, raising her hands and rubbing Keira’s arms. Keira felt a hot, electric feeling shoot across her skin from where Jessie was touching her and bolt right down between her legs. “Maybe I’ll have to come over and see it! But we should get to work. We can continue talking about your apartment during lunch, right?”

Keira smiled, a warm expression that still couldn’t express what was happening in her heart and loins, and nodded. Their hands and then fingers lingered together before dropping away as they went their separate ways.

Throughout the day, Keira would notice how Jessie looked at her with that smouldering look in her eyes. It wasn’t a look that Keira was proud to receive. It was a look that cried out as carnal attraction. Why though, Keria still couldn’t figure out.

Keira considered herself as she worked. She was petite, with a modest B-cup bust that barely strained against the shirt that she was wearing no matter how much padding she used. Keira knew that didn’t mean that she wasn’t beautiful in many other ways. Her hair was long and shiny, and she had nice set of hips that matched her breasts and gave her a perfect hourglass figure.

But she was nothing compared to Jessie, who had double the sexiness in just about everything Keira sported. Jessie’s bust was larger, her face was softer, and so was her butt in both regards. When they were fighting Keira hadn’t wanted to admit being jealous of Jessie’s physique, but now Keira couldn’t help but be jealous of her assets.

And Keira found herself becoming even more jealous whenever Jessie served a table with a customer who was curvier than she was. Every time Jessie passed by and gave Keira’s ass a quick pinch, or would touch her hands, her thighs or shoulders, or would even turn to move through a tight area so her massive bust would brush Keira’s back or her own breasts, each of these moments fanned the flames of Keira’s fear that she would lose these instances to someone else as suddenly as Keira had gained them.

Throughout the day Jessie’s attentions started to become more overt. She catch Kiera’s eye and rub her arm over her own breasts, or trace a hand down her chest her cleavage and even grope her butt. Keira was getting more and more flustered by the attention. She should have been bothered by it all, but only in that it was making her more and more aroused. Keira her certainly bumped into other waitresses, and even Jessie, in the past. She didn’t know why, but she was especially aroused by the contact she was getting from Jessie.

Their lunches had never overlapped before, and Keira guessed Jessie must have done something to line them up today. Keria had sat down at an empty booth in the far corner first, and Jessie had surprised her as she sat down practically atop of Keira.

Keira stifled a moan as she felt Jessie’s thigh rub up against her own. The day’s attention had turned on Keira to the point she wondered if her horniness could be smelled. She looked up at Jessie and saw the naughty and saucy grin that she had on her face. Both of them stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, and Keira couldn’t hold it any longer. Oh no, she just couldn’t. She leaned in towards Jessie’s ear, pulled the lob between her lips and give it the tiniest nibble, and then whispered with hot breath, “Bathroom. NOW!”

Jessie smirked, but didn’t say a word as they got up sneaked into the women’s room. Keira locked the door behind them, and turned around just as Jessie pushed her against the wall and kissed her. Keira’s hands clutched at breasts through her top and bra while Jessie’s tongue explored Keira’s mouth. She Keira kissed her back, swirling her tongue with Jessie’s. Keira finally moved from her lips to her neck, just below her ear lobe. Jessie sighed as her hands unbuttoned Keira’s blouse. Her warm fingers pulled at the cups of Keira’s bra, and the smaller-chested woman groaned as tips worked their way in and found her hard rubbery nips.

to be continued...